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Of course the progressives are fixated on progress, as they see it, and believe that their worldview is inevitably the future; they are Marxists, and Marxists are wedded to the notion of the historical inevitability of their ideology becoming dominant throughout the entire world.

As I opined the other day, there's no way I will ever feel anything vaguely resembling sympathy for a group of Marxist revolutionaries who are dedicated to the destruction of our Constitutional republic and the imposition of their immoral, Godless, utterly failed ideology in its place. As Phil Collins once sang, "If If I noticed you were drowning/I would not lend a hand". I can't even bring myself to feel even a twinge of regret for the position in which Speaker of the House (In Name Only) Pelosi finds herself. She brought it upon herself by not marshalling her forces to isolate and marginalize the progs when it first appeared that they were gaining an ascendancy in the House far out of proportion to their actual representation in that body. The actual Speakership is in the hands of a five member junta consisting of a sometimes bartender turned Marxist revolutionary from New York, two Islamofascists from Michigan and Minnesota, and a couple Black racists from Massachusetts and Missouri. I keep thinking that somehow, there's a historical parallel here, in that the Congressional progs are in the same position as the National Socialists were in the early 1030s German Reichstag; not in any way the majority of the legislature, but able to make the gears of the machine grind to a halt at a moment's notice. Eventually, the majority in Germany caved in to the minority, and the result was a catasprophe for the German people. We seem to be headed down the same path today; I can only pray that we don't suffer the same fate.

Finally, as for the belief of the progs, and Greta Thunberg, that the end is near, I can only say that whenever mankind thinks that it knows the mind of God, God has a nasty way of reminding mankind that it is He, not it, who is in charge. “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36

P.S. No, Erick, this really will NOT be in any way fun to watch. We are the recipients of that Chinese curse; we truly do live in interesting times.

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Great stuff Erick!

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Erick fun would be watching a high school football game. What concerns me is that these bills lately have been through committes and have been voted on by a near majority of congress. These bills would move us to socialism in rapid fashion. I grew up with capitalism and I fee it is still the best way to move people ahead. I can only hope that none of these spending bills reach the presidents desk.

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Changing the subject a little - the crazies believe that life on earth is threatened by the status quo. Many of them believe that getting rid of 90% or 95% of humanity would be desirable.

This Peter Daszak runs something called the "Eco health Alliance". He was instrumental in funding gain-of-function research on corona viruses at a poorly regulated lab in China. Here is their (the Eco health Alliance) mission:

"EcoHealth Alliance develops science-based solutions to prevent pandemics and promote conservation."

Does anyone believe they want "promote conservation", . . . and "prevent pandemics"??

If they want to "promote conservation", wouldn't they want to PROMOTE pandemics?

Because they sure as hell promoted pandemics - by funding gain of function research in a poorly run lab that was guaranteed to release gain-of-function viruses into the general population

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IDK about "fun". I think as they get more desperate, they're going to get more violent. A LOT more violent. Secular ideology IS their religion, and religious wars usually devolve into some type of massacre or assault that so sickens the general populace that they demand an end to it. They already have some extremely violent people in their crowd with no respect for human life...animal "rights" activists, such as PETA, for example, who have been advocating for violence against research laboratories for decades.

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The year was 2010 when, with a backdrop of a full Democrat majority shoving Obamacare up our tailpipe and a gloating Pelosi cackling "You have to pass it to see what's in it," my then 17-year-old daughter taught me an important lesson, the moral of which I must frequently remind myself: This is NOT the worst it's ever been, this is NOT the most divided the country has ever been, and this is NOT the end of life in the United States as we know it. I currently have that reminder on 472 various Post-It notes stuck around the house and in my car, on subliminal messages that play while I sleep, and in a forehead tattoo written backwards so I can read it while brushing my teeth.

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