I always cringe when I hear people deliberately misconstruing some offhand remark from Trump to make it more ominous than was ever really intended, as happened for example when Trump said he wanted to be a dictator on Day One. Now you're doing it. What Walz was actually saying is that what Republicans would call socialism might well be considered mere neighborliness. And he's right: today's Republicans consider anything to the left of Richard Nixon to be socialist.

And how can you tell that the Democrats most excited by the Walz pick are those on the far left? EVERYBODY is excited.

Finally, speaking as a former Army captain, anyone who makes it to the rank of command sergeant major is one hell of a soldier. Whatever the circumstances were at the time Walz retired, he stood on that wall for 24 years, ready to go into harm's way for his country. Setting aside whatever political differences one might have with him, that merits our respect.

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An alternative to "sitting this one out", which seems a bit unpatriotic, would be to take Jonah Goldberg's cue and write in the person you wish had received the Republican nomination -- say Ben Sasse or Mitch Daniels

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These people make me sick.

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As a conservative who's not a fan of Trump, i sympathize with David French but I think his voting for the Harris/Walz underscores my main difference with him. Namely, his form of Christian Libertarianism amounts to surrendering on every cultural or political argument to the Left. I was of the view that doing a write-in candidate would be the better use of my vote but events do change things. The Trump assassination attempt and Biden's withdrawal with Harris's rise (with the covering up of Biden's senility and stonewalling of the Secret Service) shows an administrative state that cares more about power than accountability. Then, there's Harris signaling support for packing the Supreme Court and that she would not have Israel's back in the event of the war. The picking of Walz over Shapiro shows the attempts of painting her as a moderate are a facade, she's a radical. Then there's Walz's record of standing idly by in 2020 to allow Leftists to burn down the Minneapplis police department. What Trump did on Jan 6th was inexcusable but at the moment, Harris and Walz both in policies they support and their support for the violent, anti-semitic Leftists activists in my view makes them a more dangerous option. As Dan Mclaughlin has argued, our system is good at checking an incompetent thug like Trump. The Jan 6th riot stood little chance of stopping the peaceful transition of power. However, our system with a radicalized bureaucracy, radicals in key cultural institutions, and pravda like press is clearly facing a greater threat from the Left today than from the Right. If allowed, Harris and Walz would wreck the country. I'm voting Trump/Vance in 2024 and all conservatives should as well.

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Ferraro/Mondale 2024...

Trump will and his humpers will say stolen election. The Democrats and their useful idiots will misread the room and think this is a mandate to go all in anti-semitic Marxist agenda to the very long term detriment of the country.

Waltz said we need to bring back unity, which will come in the form criminalizing decent. The Right will be backed into a corner the progressive domestic progressive terrorist will be emboldened and we will enter the "Troubles".

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Here is the Democrat play. Harris, aka "Cackles" has adopted the persona of a nervous word-salad speaker who cannot stop hiding her anxiety with inappropriate giggling. She needs a daddy figure to round out the blind psychological attraction of voters to daddy and mommy actors. Walz fits that mold for many. The Democrats are confident they can again corrupt democracy and influence the electorate with their massive media advantage. They will pull Harris back to having the brand of a center-left moderate, and will do the same with Walz.

Where the Republicans are blowing it... and the reason is that the old guard Republicans that still control much of the Republican political strategy and infrastructure... is falling off point on the key kitchen table issues.

Harris is Biden, and Biden is responsible for:

- High inflation

- High interest rates

- Crashing employment

- Crashing stock market

- 12 million illegals putting massive financial stress on cities, counties and states all around the nation.

- Foreign wars that working class and young people will end up having to fight if the US is drawn into it

More importantly, Harris and Walz are part of the globalist corporatist cabal that is looting the country to an empty shell for more Wall Street returns. They are on a mission to continue to destroy working class economic opportunity and make everyone in the country dependent on the government that they control.

Republicans are for economic independence, bringing back economic opportunity to all the areas in the country that have been starved of it for too long. They are for stopping unnecessary US involvement in foreign wars. They are for focusing on all the problems in our own country and solving them permanently, not with the fake band aides of higher taxes that only benefit those in power.

The reason why Republicans don't stay on point with this message isn't Trump's fault. Hell, the Democrats don't rely on Biden and Harris to stay on point... they rely on the entire Democrat machine to get the memo and repeat the talking points. The blame of Trump is a crap excuse for a Republican party that includes many that share in the Democrats looting game. Frankly, too many Republicans in power don't want these changes as it will negatively impact their money-making sandbox.

And THAT Is why Republicans suffer against the Democrats. Basically we have too many Republicans in power that are just Democrats in a different suit that also believe in life at conception and that females should be forced to carry all pregnancy to full term.

There is a saying that in democracy people generally get the government they deserve. I think Republicans today deserve the Democrats in power.

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Trump appears to be out of step or missing a step or two this time around. When I wore a uniform Drill Sargents would tell the guy who was out of step and didn't know his left from right, it's your other left dud, now get in step. It's your left, left, left right left. So get your head out your a** and get with the program.

Come on Trump and Republican support team, GET WITH THE PROGRAM.

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I just watched Vance take questions at some event in Michigan. Trump has been almost as invisible as Harris (unless you count taunts on Truth Social). It's almost as though Vance is at the top of the ticket - which would be a welcome switcheroo: he's eloquent, informed, polite, and he doesn't let liberal reporters get away with anything

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

'Tampon Tim', 'Kacklin' Kamala,' 'Weird JD Vance' and the 'Convicted Felon.'

Oh the depths to which American politics have sunk.

As for Walz v. Shapiro, watching Shapiro speak at the rally, I'm more inclined to believe it was a fear he'd overshadow/outshine Harris than it was antisemitism. That, and possibly she picked the one candidate that could make her look moderate in comparison.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Same thought occurred to me about why Shapiro might have been passed over. The other possibility is that something came to light during the vetting process (some comment akin to "childless cat-ladies" for example) that could have the effect of taking the campaign off message.

The supposition that someone married to a Jew is antisemitic is just silly.

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She may not be antisemitic... but a large bloc in the Dem party is. Pick Shapiro and you may lose Michigan.

They're counting on Shapiro being able to deliver PA.

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The media needs to be marched on. They have abandoned their job as watchdog. They are the problem. They’ve been lying for years and will continue to lie until the country is destroyed or they are. I vote for the latter.

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What the hell has the media got to do with this? They didn't pick Walz.

Yet another fine whine.

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This is back on the Kemp subject…any tennis fans remember Medvedev in the US Open a few years ago? He came across as a total jerk at first and everyone hated him. He apologized in a hilarious way after some reflection and everyone ended up absolutely loving him by the end of the tournament. Trump should go back and watch that and do the same thing in an apology to Kemp and his wife. He could totally pull it off with his personality…(and hopefully mean it!)

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The Trump campaign should have come out swinging when Kamala subbed in and they didn’t, talk about lost opportunity.

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I am old enough to remember the Carter years. As bad as now. Reagan had the right slogan, “are you better off now than you were four years ago?”. That should be the only Republican message.

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I don’t think that not being Jewish was the selling point for Walz. He has a track record of being a Progressive and the perfect fill in for Harris if she has to resign.

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All the talk of people staying home and not voting makes me remember a Richard Pryor movie from the 80s, Brewster's Millions. His character had to spend X number million dollars w/ nothing to show for it to gain a larger inheritance.

One of the frivolous ideas was to self-fund a campaign for mayor. Problem was the two true candidates were loathed. His plan was to vote for None of the Above. I think about how that could be a saving grace. The parties give you no good choice and the voter 90% of the time has to hold their nose and choose the lesser evil. Imagine if we could say none of these choices are acceptable. Come back when you have better choices. If that leads to no quorum and idling some government function, so much the better.

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Walz stands for everything I despise about the rapidly increasing progressive movement led by the likes of Newsom, Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez. They along with emboldened antisemites and radical activists that believe they own this Country have given me clarity. The hell if I’m going to stand by and watch them bully us into accepting their perverse and socialist future. I hate Trump but Walz has moved me from the “no vote” to the “I better vote” campaign so that I can send a message to the left. Nope. Never. I hope others reconsider.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

By the way, did you notice how Democrats showed the door to one of Ocasio-Cortez's buddies last night?

The far left is on the fringe of the Democratic Party. The far right is what Republicans now call "the base."

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Others will indeed reconsider . . . and vote for Harris.

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I don't like Trump, but I liked the way he ran the country. I don't know enough about Vance, but I do like what I've seen and the way he handles the media. I loathe the cackling idiot, and her running mate scares the hell out of me! And I certainly don't want the likes of AOC as Secretary of Defense. Can you imagine? We'll be in WWIII before you know it.

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