If someone's vote can be exposed, doesn't it make sense to question if someone's vote can be changed?

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Hello back. Those were wonderful times.

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It sounds like this was both a proof-of-concept to show the hackability of computerized voting systems as well as an attack on a Trump-skeptical Republican by the Trumpenproletariat. Either way, it's a crime, and a big one. I'm assuming it's a felony.

Considering how weak encryption and information security has been, due to a host of reasons--the constant cat-and-mouse of system developers vs hackers as computer capabilities increase, lack of sharing and application of known infosec best practices, sloppy or nonexistent penetration testing, and poor coding practices, all often tied to limited budgets--this is not surprising. I think it's just a bug and not somebody's feature, though. Somebody was probably trying to build this system to a pricetag that was too small.

Nevertheless, someone needs to fix this--and just like with your smartphone, this isn't a "one and done" effort.

Also, this is a great example of how "strong encryption=freedom", and we do not need to be opening "back doors" for law enforcement or anyone else.

Were the old Votomatic punch cards really that bad? Or are those now banished because they "caused" Algore to lose?

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We should have assumed that those who designed computer voting expected and allowed this. Go back and see who the major shareholders have been.

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Paper ballots are safer and easier and quicker to count.

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Hello from one of your old Dunwoody state rep constituents!

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I wonder how many States are actually secret anymore?

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Erick, here is something to fill in the details.

Per the Texas Supreme Court and the law of the State, the AG has no power to prosecute election fraud.

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Both concerning and very sad, but not surprising unfortunately given the current sophistication of IT protocols combined with the ability of hackers . The question in my mind is whether the an ability to retrieve this information was intentionally inserted into the system or is just a byproduct of its programming. As someone a lot more prescient than I asserted decades ago, unless you remove yourself from practically all interactions with others and live an existence totally funded by the use of cash that just recognize that privacy is now impossible and get over your distress about the availability of data that exists about you and is accessible to others. Despite that advice that RESISTANCE IS FUTILE ( to mimic the Borg) I continue to resist the trend of ubiquitous availability of my personal data to the extent possible while continuing to be a fully functioning member of society.

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Unfortunately, very hard to do these days, some places won't even take cash anymore. I just set up a "Christmas" account in order to keep Ally/Synchrony bank out of my main accounts as they only take debit card or direct pull for repayment of my appliance loan. I have received over 5 "your information was in a breech" medical, cell phone co's, mortgage, store, etc since Dec 2023 so not very trusting!

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THANK YOU for making us Texans aware of this issue.

I have contacted the SOS, Ken Paxton and Gov Abbott to make sure they know the people know of this issue and demand action!

This weekend is the state convention and I am hoping this comes up as a discussion point!

Suzanne Staebler

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What next, a monitor to examine your vote to make sure you did it correctly? Comrade Stalin would agree.

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When Trump won in 2016, there were some progressive Democrats who were calling for an end to the secret ballot. This must be nipped in the bud... NIP IT! NIP IT! NIP IT! (with apologies to Barney Fife)...

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Voter verification and ballot secrecy are two inviolable things in our elections. That Texas plays so fast and loose is beyond troubling.

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Yikes! That needs to be fixed, yesterday. Spent a lot of my IT career explaining the practical importance of security and controls to internal customers.

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I wonder if Blockchain could solve this? Erick?

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Every voter should be up in arms about this. If they find some public official was in on this, they should be staked to one of our great Texas fire ant mounds as punishment.

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Georgia voter here. Since precincts started printing results that are then handed to the election worker, I've noticed the printed paper won't be accepted by the machine when I try to insert it face-down. I always attempt this to no avail, and then have to insert it face-up for all the workers around to see my results, albeit a quick glance, as it goes in. Anyone else have this issue?

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Face down or Face up - are you concerned that someone is going to be taking telescopic pictures of you scanning your ballot from across the street in a tree, then blowing it up and publishing the information on the Dark Web?

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Here in Union County (N E GA) I just voted in the primary. I inserted my paper ballot face up into the scanner.

A poll worker (sitting abour three feet to one side) volunteered a joke that since it was me who scanned it, she could not be charged with modifying my candidate selections. That struck me as an odd comment: Had someone made such an accusation earlier?

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Weird. They made me put mine face down and it worked.

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I was told to put face up in Cobb and that it would then scan 2nd side, I did it went in but didn't scan 2nd side nor did it come back out. She seemed surprised pushed some buttons and said she was sure vote was counted. She definitely had not had this happen to her before. She thought that maybe if there was nothing on the 2nd side it wouldn't scan it. She asked if there was something on it but I didn't know as had not turned it over. I did only vote the contested races, so while that made sense the fact she wasn't 100% sure was a bit off putting.

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I put mine in face down as well, per the instructions. Cherokee County.

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