First, thank you for clearly saying that their were legal problems with judges overruling legislatures on voting rules. This is something that is serious. But, it will probably never be addressed because the focus has turned to Trump. Which is more of a dangerous insurrection the judicial usurpation of legislative powers or a group invad…
First, thank you for clearly saying that their were legal problems with judges overruling legislatures on voting rules. This is something that is serious. But, it will probably never be addressed because the focus has turned to Trump. Which is more of a dangerous insurrection the judicial usurpation of legislative powers or a group invading congressional chambers and cleared out in less than a day? (I think the demonstrators were rightly met with force. The judges never will be.)
Third, I find it difficult to follow your reasoning that people in a group can't mistake normal words used to rouse people to commitment to a political or religious cause and thus become violent when the speaker was not intending that. At the Last Supper Jesus told his disciples to get a sword if they didn't have one. Then Peter cut off the ear of one of those in the group who came to arrest Jesus. Was Jesus an inciter of violence/insurrection because one of his followers became violent?
Fourth, you are demonizing a whole class of people who have real concerns about widespread voting and other fraud in our governmental processes. History is full of instances where what couldn't be proved at the time was later proved to be true (or false).
First, thank you for clearly saying that their were legal problems with judges overruling legislatures on voting rules. This is something that is serious. But, it will probably never be addressed because the focus has turned to Trump. Which is more of a dangerous insurrection the judicial usurpation of legislative powers or a group invading congressional chambers and cleared out in less than a day? (I think the demonstrators were rightly met with force. The judges never will be.)
Second, interesting that even the ACLU is concerned about people's social media accounts being cancelled because they don't say approved things.
Third, I find it difficult to follow your reasoning that people in a group can't mistake normal words used to rouse people to commitment to a political or religious cause and thus become violent when the speaker was not intending that. At the Last Supper Jesus told his disciples to get a sword if they didn't have one. Then Peter cut off the ear of one of those in the group who came to arrest Jesus. Was Jesus an inciter of violence/insurrection because one of his followers became violent?
Fourth, you are demonizing a whole class of people who have real concerns about widespread voting and other fraud in our governmental processes. History is full of instances where what couldn't be proved at the time was later proved to be true (or false).
And.....ask Erick why he advocated to have the capitol protestors shot.
"Fourth, you are demonizing a whole class of people who have real concerns about widespread voting and other fraud in our governmental processes."
Thank you.