His staff probably agrees that inflation is no big deal. They are all inside the beltway.

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Erick, you say that the press is not free. At the moment I believe that they are free of Truth, Justice, and American Way. And we need Superman to fly in and fix things.

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Most of us knew from the beginning he was not in charge..someone else is actually in charge. Lord help us!

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Look up Biden on YouTube from years ago. You can see the difference. He has dementia. He had a history of making stupid statements but these go beyond them. The only reason the democrats still let him make a fool of himself is that Harris would be a bigger catastrophe.

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Thanks Joe for another dynamic Reality Show. It adds so much intrigue not knowing what you are going to say and do next. It may be consequential to us all, but, hey, it keeps me tuned in. Can't wait till the next episode. Lord, help us!

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This would make a great TV show.

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Should it surprise any of us that the majority of the left continues to give Creepy Uncle Joe a pass? If a majority of Dems will support John Fetterman despite his inability to put together a coherent sentence, Biden must look like a Rhodes Scholar by comparison. All that matters is the agenda; the person is meaningless.

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I figured he'd already have claimed to be a Rhodes Scholar. I mean, he said he graduated at the top of his class, right?

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Marxists are in charge Erick. Seriously.

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One of the worst segments was Biden angrily shouting that “only 2 million vaccinations” had been given when he took office. The implication is clear. Lapdog Pelley had a clear duty to point out the vaccines had only been approved a couple of months before and were in very short supply - being rationed. He just let it slide, so the average low information watcher with the memory of a mayfly thinks “Trump screwed that up too.”

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Of course... Pelley should have pointed out that the normal vaccine process would have taken years.

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All great questions. However, it does not matter to the average American. They are too busy looking at their phones.

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I guess I need to go find my 60 minutes recording of this interview. But part of the reason I subscribe to this, and other newsletters is, so I don't have to subject myself to public prevarications from my elected officials. It's disheartening.

I do have one minor correction. Of course, the media fears Trump, why would they not? We should all fear his return to power.

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I have wondered that ever since he took office.

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It is a serious and important question: Who is really in charge. Obviously not Joe, but who and what are they trying to do?

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Why did I suddenly think about Abbot and Costello, Who’s on First?

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Don’t forget about the part where he compared his age to a fly or something like that. If the Republicans don’t use this stuff in ads it is a dereliction of duty. Their ads already leave much to be desired anyway.

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Mr. Erickson you need to interview the President. I would absolutely love the watch that.

I believe you would be respectful but at the same time ask exactly what the people want to know.

Just sayin.

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