Amen and Amen! (Let it be so.) I often read your articles and take them as a sign I shouldn't "listen" to so much talk radio as it can sully the mind. Well, I've been able to cut it down to about three hours per day. Music the rest of the day, but my wife routinely asks me, "What's the news of the day?" I can usually answer with some funny bit from your radio show, or show notes, and sometimes give a serious answer because you're covering all we need to know. I do wonder if your, "It's bad for the democrats" commentary may stop some republicans from going to the polls, but you answered that with the "poll" about voter optimism. Can we just have the mid-terms NOW before we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Keep up the good work.

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I always enjoy reading your columns but I especially look forward to them during Holy Week. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Yes, the King is coming! He is the Soon and Coming King! What a great reminder.

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Thanks Erick, I needed this encouragement. I never realized the meaning of the Father walking through the offering and the foreshadowing of the cross. Our God is amazing! He never ceases to blow my mind!

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Thank you! Struggling with this right now. How can I be a better follower of Christ and still be a good citizen? I realize most of what I focus on I can't even fix. I need to be the light and hands and feet of Christ to those around me, those I can affect.

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Prayer really does work

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Love that you aren't afraid to share your faith with us! Thanks for constantly reminding us to keep Christ first in our lives! Keep our eyes focused on Him and all will turn out as it should!

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Amen! Thanks, Erick, for your steadfast passion for this truth!

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I so appreciate you! Thank you for taking the time to remind us of what really matters.....our relationship with Christ Jesus. May the Lord bless you and your family!

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Thank you. This is such an important reminder in our busy lives.

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Thank you, Erick....beautiful truths!!!

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Thank you Erick!

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Great reminder! An interesting aside, in Abram's time and region, it was believed that "the gods" would take the form of birds, and come accept the offering in that manner. Abram, by chasing away the birds, is showing that he has turned from the gods of his fathers to the true God.

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Thanks Erick--a needed reminder of what is foundational for life and society and eternity.

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Thank you Erick for this Blessing as well as the one's to come this week. But Blessings to you and your family this week as well.

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Thank you for a splendid way to begin my day in the special week! Blessings to you and yours!

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