As much as the media is in a frenzy about the Trump cat debacle, I find this lie being pushed to be far more insidious. Because they can't justify abortion on demand and the deliberate killing of the unborn, they try to find cases that are outliers from the norm to argue that any restriction on abortion will lead to women dying. As Erick and the doctor writing for the Atlanta newspaper rightly point out, the Georgia law has nothing to do with this woman's death. Instead it was an abortion pill market by pro-choice groups as being as "safe as tylenol". The Left stacks the deck on this issue so even when the abortificient they push leads to a woman's death, it's the fault of pro-lifers. All so we can continue the spectacle of modern child sacrifice that is abortion in America.

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Since when has the truth or actual facts ever gotten in the way of the Left spinning a story to be favorable to their side? Low-information voters who still believe the dinosaur-media are telling the truth after the gaslighting that Biden is fine, believe it and we cannot dissuade them from that view. Perhaps the ballot box in November will dissuade them.

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Nothing the left does surprises me anymore. They wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them on the butt.

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And right on que, Kamala will be back in Georgia this Friday to expose both "how evil our state's fetal heartbeat law is", and the extent of her own ignorance.

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The left has learned they can say what ever they want with little pushback on them if they tell a partial truth or a lie. After all who is going to fact check the media when most of the MSM has abandoned any sense of being unbiased. The media learned this during the Obama administration when they chose not to fact check Obama and let him get away with lying. Since then the left and every Democratic politician has learned they can say what ever they want with little to no pushback from the media.

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I hear you Erick, but it seems no one else cares! Over and over again Republicans just seem to bury their head in the sand! They gripe and moan about how dirty the Democrats and Media are but are not doing anything to stop it. They are scared of their own shadow!

George W. Bush was the last Presidential Election Republicans did not let the Democrats Steam Roll them. There is something else that kills the Republican Party! FLAWED Candidates….Sound Familiar?

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Advancing American Freedom claim side effects are less rare than Planned Parenthood says. Hmmm🤔 I’m thinking we need an exposé on how PP is lying about the dangers of mifepristone.

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