Our country and our republic was founded on the sincere belief that God exists, and that all people, men and women alike, are bent by sin. There was a fundamental understanding that the desire for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness came from being created in the image of God, and as such each person was an entity to be protected, respected, and bound together by those same permissions and limitations. What Erick has described is what happens when those fundamental bedrocks are set aside. Yes, violence is coming unless repentance gets here first. Today is still a day of salvation, cry out for forgiveness and commit yourself first and foremost to God. You cannot control what your neighbor will do. You can control what you do. May we not be ashamed when we give our account for our choices and actions during this time. It is a much more frightening future to fall into the hands of God, than to fall into the hands of evil men. The body they may kill, God's truth abideth still. One little word will fell them.

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Oh my, not worried here. Plenty of ammo on hand. Guns readily at hand in several places at the house and one in the car, also readily available. Yes, they’re loaded. And no fear on my part of shooting first if I see a weapon of any kind being handled in a threatening way toward me or you’re coming at me with no weapon but with probable intent to do harm. “Warning shot?” Uh, no. (Where’d you get that idea?) All I’ll do in that regard is display my gun, without pointing it. Still not convinced? Then a round to your center mass. Provided I have a safe backstop for the bullet that exits you or the fragments. No, there’s no shot to “wound.” (Again, where do you get that fiction exactly?) Two, or more, if need be to stop you completely. This Country is free based on firearms being used all throughout our past. And now is no different. (And of course I’ve had firearms training and of course I’m a good shot. Don’t handle guns if you haven’t been trained and fired hundreds of rounds practicing.)

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

CNN is Warner Brothers and Warner Brothers is David Zaslav and he is an NBC Communist. This genius has taken Warner from $20 to $8. If we are lucky it will go to zero.

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And some on the right want this because they want a front-row seat to the end times.

Since the left has their own eschatology now, perhaps them too.

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Andrew Joseph Stack was a systems engineer who was a victim of Section 1706 of the Tax Act of 1986. That law states that any company engaging in systems or network engineering that doesn't have at least three paid employees is committing tax evasion - which the IRS charged him with and fined him for three times. The law basically makes being an independent contractor illegal for certain professions, including his. It was passed because IBM promised Daniel Patrick Moynihan that they would create 500 jobs. They never followed through, and Moynihan considered getting Section 1706 added to the law the greatest failure of his political career.

That doesn't excuse flying a plane into an office building. It does at least partly explain why he was crazy. When corporations can leverage violence on the part of government to ensure they only have to pay you a fraction of what you are worth going crazy might be a rational response.

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Amen to the suppression in the church of the call to repent. I haven’t heard that word from the pulpit in a long time.

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I don't want to admit Erick is right about this, but I've seen a really strange blindness in Evangelical churches and Evangelicals in general about this. We (Evangelicals) can't vote for Biden, but many of us seem trapped in this Trump worship as our savior, to the point where someone like Allie Beth Stuckey will answer a question about Trump's character flaws with "All politicians have character flaws, on both side of the aisle!" But the question was about Trump? Her husband would not want a man with Trump's character "flaws" anywhere near his wife, but she completely ignores it.

This can't be happening in my lifetime. Or so I thought. I was a blind narcissist as I commented elsewhere in this thread. May God have mercy on us.

"Matthew 24:24

[24] For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. (ESV)"

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I doubt any Christians “worship Trump as our Saviour”. Biden supports abortion up to the moment of birth while Trump put conservatives in the Supreme Court enough to overturn Roe vs. Wade. We all want a moral president, but just as much we want an effective president. The most moral president in the past was Jimmy Carter, but he was a horrible president. I would rather have Trump running the show than Jimmy Carter, or Biden for that matter.

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"It could be disarmed and defused right now. But the press corps hates Trump too much. The left hates the right too much. The right hates the left too much. The partisans have captured the churches and silenced the prophetic voices calling all to repent. Hating your neighbor is profitable. And Joe Biden needs every vote so badly that he cannot lead us through to the light."

Everything written in this article is true and accurate. Everything written in this article are the political media chattering class narratives we get fed. Everything written in this article covers THEIR working strategy. THEY are the managerial and ruling class... the monied Wall Street powered globalist corporatists. THEY are the same that blew up the financial and real estate markets in 2008 and then bailed themselves out with tax money. THEY are the same that caused and then leveraged a global pandemic to consolidate their large corporations and extract more profit and returns... while gaming the voting system to ensure their puppet POSTUS was elected.

THEIR STRATEGY is to fill the electorate with anger and conflict over twaddle topics and events like gender ideology, and to do things like foment violent rage over abortion decisions that are really not abortion decisions, and racial events that are really not racial events. They ignore those topics and events that don't provide enough distraction power or that benefit the side of politics that opposes the globalist corporatist establishment Regime.

History is rife with this play by the elites to prevent the uprising of the lower class being destroyed by the continued greed of the elites. Leverage low-brow tribalism. Lock the algorithms and media feeds to spew nonstop propaganda that builds resentment against the other tribe. Get the people at each other's throats so they don't get together to cooperate in directing their anger at the elites for all the destruction, looting and lack of progress to fix any social or economic problems.

If there is violence... a civil war... it will be one caused by the elites and benefiting the elites. Instead what we need is a bottom up revolution to dismantle the elite control of our institutions. We need to make the country again government of the people, by the people and for the people.... and no longer government of the ruling class, by the ruling class and for the ruling class. Media ownership is part of this... as it is the forth branch of government. We need to break up the corporate consolidation and Wall Street ownership of media and tech as a collective monopoly. We need to get back to independence in our media so the new narrative cannot be directed by the elites.

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This started a long time ago with the idea that criminals were a product of there environment nothing was there fault. In school it wasn’t fair to the fat kid because he couldn’t win the 100 yard dash so we give a ribbon to everyone. Sounds innocent enough but it’s where we are at now boys are girls reward mediocrity punish success no wonder you hate your neighbors

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I pray you are wrong. I fear you are right. Lord, have mercy.

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The inquisition is seemingly here, but it is the left and its ideas leading the charge. In the past 20 years - even when R’s had it all, the left still advanced to the point conservatives get publicly destroyed for stating something as simple and scientifically accurate as there are two sexes. Trump won because he wasn’t afraid to push back - can’t say the same for Romney, McCain or W. DeSantis pushes back too and locally so does Kemp. Sadly, we might be stuck with Dems four more years, but I just don’t see how Biden can physically make it. I guess Kamala can step into the role as puppet. I bet her executive skills are something…

If Trump does win he has 24 months at most - it’s going to get ugly regardless.

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Well I love my neighbors the ones closest by me and the ones farthest away. I don’t watch any left wing news

as I don’t want anger in my life.

I have been watching Merit Street News.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

People see that there are two systems of justice, two sets of rules, and two sets of standards, all of which are selectively applied (or not) for political purposes. It's been going on for a while now. It's blatant, it's in your face, and they don't even try to hide it or pretend otherwise anymore.

Sure, Hunter Biden was pronounced guilty, but don't think he's ever going to see the inside of a prison cell. Trump may very well be ordered to prison.

People have lost all faith in the electoral system and the legal system.

People see "rule of law" as being dead.

When that happens, get ready for "rule of the jungle".

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Before 1933 in Germany, the Brown Shirts would stand at corners and beat up anyone who passed and didn’t give them the Fascist salute. The only thing that has changed in a hundred years is the color of the uniform.

We are being conditioned and threatened every day if we don’t believe that 2+2= whatever Big Brother says it is today. That slowly happened in Germany.

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Sadly, I think these observations about what has happened and is happening are correct. I fear for the future in one sense, but I know the Lord will accomplish all His purposes, Jesus will come and send the wicked to everlasting punishment, but take His redeemed to be with Him forever in new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells (see Matthew 25 and 2 Peter 3, etc.).

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I'm still coming out of some shellshock about how Jesus' words and predictions in Matthew 24 really do seem to be coming true in front of our eyes, or I can see the path to them from here. As a GenX Evangelical Christian, I admit I was lulled into a sense of American Christian security by my own blind narcissism. Never again.

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This was very disturbing to read, and I can't argue with any of it. For sure, my day is ruined by the sense of dread and doom it provided me.

Difficult to be positive and encouraged by anything these days.

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I hear ya. It’s definitely a challenge to change the direction of my thoughts after reading this. I have to be careful to not let my fear and anxiety consume me. The only way I can do that is to continually remind myself that if/when it all goes sideways, God is still sovereign. There is no Savior other than Jesus. While we may see our country divided and crumbling before our eyes, His Kingdom is eternal. That’s my only hope.

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