So much of what the left says and does is performance. If they really believed all that malarkey about a 2nd Trump term wouldn't they get off the fainting couch and put a serious Democrat up to run against him?

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I am so tired of hearing the word “PROGESSIVE” used to identify these clowns in and by the media.

Can’t someone come up with a modern-day and more descriptive term?

If this is progress, count me out.

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I actually took the time to read Jeffery Goldberg's article... it's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back. At any rate.... He blathers on about how a second Trump presidency would "shred norms, weaponize government, warp the rule of law, and degrade democracy"..... and I'm sitting here all like... Really, Jeffrey, REALLY?? Norms have already been shredded, government weaponized, the rule of law warped, and democracy degraded.

Now I'm not the biggest fan of Trump, but there's a difference between legitimate criticism and plain bat-shittery. The very same people who say that Trump will do all these things have already done it all themselves.

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A Trump re-election might provoke a CIA assassination, JFK style. But an invasion of Poland? Not very likely.

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You mean Lee Harvey Oswald style, right?

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No, I mean two shots to the front of the head, shots that oddly enough are not mentioned in the official reports. Have a look at the interviews with the Parkland E.R. physicians that were just released.

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I watched some of MSNBC this morning and Morning Joe. Much of the same. Fear tactics of the "what if" Trump wins again? He will tear up the Constitution. He will kill those military leaders that stand in disagreement with him. He will go after his political foes. Etc. While he "may" want to do some of that, we have checks and balances of power that limit these things. Fear mongering is always a tactic used by both sides. I am NO fan of Trump, will not vote for him, and will leave blank again the President spot if we repeat 2020. Lets hope the Republican party wakes up sooner than later, OR I am possibly going to vote Manchin if he runs Independent.

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I disagree with you Erick, I think a second Trump term would be a nightmare for this country and The Atlantic is not wrong to point it out. The best campaign move Trump made in 2016 was naming his list for the Supreme Court. I ask that you and all pundits/journalists/talking heads ask Trump, Haley and DeSantis to name their preferences for cabinet picks during the campaign. I think if you had to confront the reality of a possible Trump administration without guardrails even you might have second thoughts. And I agree just as fervently as you do that a second Biden Administration would hurt this country for generations.

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Years ago, Glen Beck quoted someone. “Truth has no agenda”. When I use that quote I add “but people do”.

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There are conversations on YouTube now about the fall of Disney due to the progressive left. It is estimated that Disney lost 3/4 of a Billion dollars in 2023 in theater releases due to writing issues, bad storylines ,bad movies due to the push of progressive ideas. The left is destroying Disney from the inside. A disease , and progressiveness is a disease, was thought to be contained only on college campuses. Well it's out in the world destroying or damaging whole segment's of businesses. Media is just a glaring example of how the disease has spread. I imagine there are leaders in China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, that are watching with glee as the west destroys itself.

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It's destroying these businesses BECAUSE OF those college campuses. Those graduates went to work for these businesses that are now tripping over their own political correctness.

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"The press is still useful."

Knowing what the opposition believes to be true is important when crafting effective rebuttal. Exposing hyperbole and gas-lighting for what they are often requires "bringing the receipts" as they say. Before one can posit a meaningful counterpoint, one must understand their position in light of their context of belief and quote specifics exposing the claim as one seeks to navigate and unwind the twists and turns of the opposition's thinking.

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The problem is, the Republican Party is a shell of its former self. The their side/our side stance means much less these days now that Trump has infiltrated and corrupted the Republican Party. What do they stand for? The party is set to try and re-run the 2020 election over again with the loser of that race. Everyone is so afraid of/enslaved to of this Trump base, that they are willing to back the steal! Trump for years now has beat that drum, and instead of a party that stands behind the rule of law and election integrity, they have become what they despised. Hillary complaining of a stolen election. Heck, Trump said when he won that it was rigged, because he lost the popular vote. BOTH parties are a complete mess, and pointing the finger at the other, like the ugly sisters of Cinderella. Our country needs to ask for better, or we will keep getting the dregs.

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Reminder to us all: They accuse us of what they're already doing.

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Amen, sistuh!!

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Something about specks and logs in eyes applies here...

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Bravo. Especially paragraph 4....actually, all of it...really.

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i wonder what percentage of the USA population takes the left leaning press hyperbole seriously. This morning, i watched (Foxnews) a 'black' man interviewing a North Carolina diner filled with (mostly but not all) 'white' people that look like my neighbors in Georgia (a cross-section of economic levels). Not only were they strongly conservative in their comments, but their non-verbals appeared to reflect respect and even admiration of their interviewer. Where is the racial bias so often hyped in the left's media? What percentage of our country actually believes the derisive propaganda? i wonder.

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What I believe we're witnessing is a type of "you can fool some of the people some of the time..." on a grand scale. MSM believes itself to have the truth, has an extensive audience, hence becomes the evangelist rather than the reporter. By repetition and longevity "pounding the table", they believe they can bring their message in a "speak truth to power" sort of vein into existence.

On the other hand, follow the money. They get paid for clicks now, and clicks are easy to get compared to newspaper & magazine subscriptions. To your point, this could be merely "Creative Writing for Clicks" lacking true believer influence.

I suspect it is a mixture of naivete, hubris and greed when all is said and done. Some will buy, others will not.

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“But in the Washington-NYC corridor, it fuels the circle of jerks going blind in the bathroom with anti-Trump agitprop of a high writing style.”

Hahahaha. Perfect.

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I was going to write the same. THIS is high writing style from Erick!

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