For over a year, on my radio show, I have been talking about rich, urban, secular, liberal white women who now control so much of the Democratic Party. They demand a certain kind of racial justice, influenced by white women like Robin DiAngelo, who, as a white woman, writes about social justice and race.
It is not a surprise that the white woman is the last man standing after Black Lives Matter and Ibrim Kendi have fallen into disrepute as grifters, and Nicole Hannah Jones has fallen into fabulism. Rich, urban, secular, liberal white women get to read one of their own about race without engaging non-white authors. When they do engage non-white authors, they engage in hand-selected non-white authors approved by white people.
After all, Nicole Hannah Jones and Ibrim Kendi would never have risen without the blessings of the secular white elite. They absolve the secular white elite of their white guilt by casting their struggle in terms of allyship versus the white nationalists, who are not considered allies. They inhabit a world at home in Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers.
On an email list, a participant voiced his favorite acronym, which I think should go mainstream: AWFULs.
That would be Affluent White Female Urban Liberals.
Hello Jennifer Granhom. Hello Nancy Pelosi. Hello Randi Weingarten. Hello Karens who harassed people in grocery stores over masks. Hello so many of those chasing non-white Democrats over to the GOP.
These AWFULs are shaping so much of our public policy in ways actually detrimental to the very people they claim they want to help. They are pushing crack pipes for the addicts; electric vehicles for the poor; and defunding the police on crime-ridden streets.
The offspring of the AWFULS, surely pronounced as offals, are the trust fund kids who made it down to Atlanta to protest a police training facility and firebomb the offices of the building contractors.
The AWFULs are fine with boys in girls’ sports because they either abort their girls or don’t have to worry about their girls’ scholarships. They can afford to write the checks for the colleges without a sports scholarship.
They can afford the social change and society costs of their agenda, even as those they wish to help cannot afford the fallout and consequences of the social rot instilled. They can afford to denounce marriage, even while being married. They get to live a life that provides stability all while pushing social policies that destabilize society.
The AWFULs are, likewise, provoking a response from non-white voters causing more and more of them to move to the right. The AWFULs oppose school choice because they do not want those they perceive as undesirable in their children’s schools. They oppose crisis pregnancy centers because such centers deprive Planned Parenthood of children to sacrifice. They oppose free markets because the AWFULs believe they should make choices for everyone instead of arms-length transactions between participants in the free market. The Episcopalian Church was once referred to as the Republican Party at prayer. Now, it’s the church of the post-Christian AWFUL.
In short, the affluent white female urban liberals are driving policies on the left, including those of Joe Biden, and Joe Biden is now losing to Trump at a 39% approval rating, and because the AWFULs are so influential in the editorial bubbles of New York and DC newsrooms, they cannot even see the backlash they are provoking.
Jennifer Granholm is judging you. Americans are about to judge her and her ilk.
Such an apt “acronym.” An insular group produced by major colleges and universities who likewise, populate, academia.
Great article! I have been saying it for years though not so well “AWFULS” is perfect. I have worked/socialized with so many of them over the years. Some even very nice people but their lack of real experience, common sense, plus having so many insecurities make them so easy to manipulate their feelings of guilt, self hate to a “cause”. We have failed to instill in them during their formative years what my Grandmother called a “backbone”. They side with trans because they don’t really even know what a real woman is anymore. So much of modern life, social media has made folks just actors in their own lives, trying obtain something they can’t even describe, very sad but dangerous for our continued survival as a species.