Such an apt “acronym.” An insular group produced by major colleges and universities who likewise, populate, academia.

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Great article! I have been saying it for years though not so well “AWFULS” is perfect. I have worked/socialized with so many of them over the years. Some even very nice people but their lack of real experience, common sense, plus having so many insecurities make them so easy to manipulate their feelings of guilt, self hate to a “cause”. We have failed to instill in them during their formative years what my Grandmother called a “backbone”. They side with trans because they don’t really even know what a real woman is anymore. So much of modern life, social media has made folks just actors in their own lives, trying obtain something they can’t even describe, very sad but dangerous for our continued survival as a species.

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"Black Lives Matter"... At least 70% of that group was (is?) made up of upper-middle class White girls aged 16-35, with a good chunk of them identifying as lesbian, non-binary or transgender.

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Jennifer Granholm was my governor (Michigan) for eight long years. I didn't think anyone else could be worse. I was wrong. Now we've got Gretchen Whitmer and her FBI-orchestrated "fednapping" case... a monstrosity so embarrassing that even the judge has been scolding the feds over it...

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A suburbanite living in a county that borders Atlanta, I definitely know some suburban women who are close cousins to the AWFULS. They may not have quite the economic power of their urban counterparts, but they do many of the same things and adopt a condescending attitude towards anyone who isn’t a Democratic.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Big derechos approaching, and let the hammers fall. One will figure it out soon. Good article

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I absolutely love this AWFUL label and would extend it to AWFUL CRYBULLY in certain cases.

Now you are getting it Erick. This is a war for the future of the country and it is being played in the media Madison Avenue style. It is about branding. It is like Pepsi spending 95% of its ad spend to negative brand Coke, instead of positive branding Pepsi. Pepsi does not do that because Pepsi is a quality tasting soda to rival Coke. There is more upside to positive branding. Besides, product companies generally know not to go negative branding against their competition as it is a race to the bottom.

But let's say your product sucks, and you are losing market share. And in desperation you adopt a media strategy to destroy your competition so you can grab the lead with your crappy product.

This is the Democrats. They realized during the Obama years, after believing for a short time that the voters had finally bought the left-side product, that voters were still generally conservative and wanted conservative values. So they, the Democrats, went to work taking over the media and pushing a stream of negative branding about Republicans. Then TRUMP happened and they got really desperate because they could see that this was the beginning of the end of the Democrat party. Instead of improving their product, they colluded with private and globalist power to create chaos in society and then spin the media to blame Trump and Republicans for it. It has worked. The female rage machine over Dodd prevented a red wave in the 2022 midterms.

2020 was a unique election. Without the pandemic (plandemic) and the mass mail in ballots Trump probably would have won. But when you look at the Twitter files and other evidence that Democrats in government positions, put there during the Obama era, illegally strong-armed and colluded with Democrats in the media and big tech to perpetrate election influence and interference... all under the cover of the pandemic (plandemic)... this gets back to the negative branding strategy. It works. Because of the phycological and emotional traits of the average human, Madison Avenue figured out how to manipulate them to get consumers to love one product over another. It isn't a rational choice, it is a manipulated one.

And so in that game we find ourselves. Democrats have made it so, but Republicans have been trying to float above it all and it has not worked. The people are being fed anti-Republican propaganda in buckets.

So we need to fight back by negative branding Democrats. And for the affluent white women, radical feminists and the wokesters... there are so many ripe opportunities to brand them as destructive fools, that I cannot wait for Republicans to get this and get to work.

Not until late night TV starts poking justified funny criticism of these people will Republicans have done their job.

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I listen to you because I rarely agree with you leading me to further ponderings. This piece, however, is magnificent. Debating whether to send it my AWFUL friends. Thank you.

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As Ken Hamblin said liberals will put a collar on you and walk you around, but you dare try to stand up. This is part and parcel with doublethink and doublespeak.

The Affluent are engaging in bigotry in the name of diversity

White people are engaging in racism by acknowledging the victimology of the POC's

Women are debasing what a woman is by ceding to trans (biological men) who tell them how to be a woman

Urban dwellers are engaging in prejudice lecturing to the rubes

Liberals are the new progressives and they will prove they are more liberal by executing the liberals that are looking at this and having only two options are siding with the "right".

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Erick, I agree with Jim, one of the very best you've written. I must say that you hit the nail on the head with this one. Jennifer Grantham has always struck me as an incredibly handsome woman but when she opens her mouth I just cannot fathom her thought processes. These AWFULs are condescending and think that no one can pick up on it. I cringe every time these people appear in my media, whether it's TV, newspapers or any of the other myriad platforms. Is there anyway they can become aware of the error of their ways? Unfortunately, I doubt it.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Erick-Woods Erickson

Erick, I always love your writing and intellectual insights. BUT THIS is probably one of the best—if not the best—written satirical pieces I have read in an extremely long time! The meter of the writing, its beat and rhythm, is phenomenal! You’ve managed to maintain the theme of AWFUL (“offal” was brutally wonderful!) consistently throughout the piece. The paragraphs were short and expressed a speed of thought I deeply admire. The staccato rhythm of the longest paragraph near the end provided the wrap-around which finalized this superbly. There are times when I am writing that my passions meet the moment and I’m in the “zone.” Dude, you were definitely “zoned” for this post! Save it for a future book!

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Thanks a ton.

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Thanks again Erick for what I believe is an insightful article. May many come to understand what is going on and seek what is truly right and good.

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

I’ve run into a few of these AWFULS. Especially when the masks were so popular. One of these women called out people on the Next Door app for not wearing a mask at stores. Meanwhile, I had just seen her the weekend before at a party, with a mask on initially but once she realized most people weren’t wearing them, she moved it so that it was dangling over one ear and no longer covering her nose and mouth. I felt like calling her out but took the high road. This woman also has a sign in her yard that says “Regulate Guns, Not Women.” I think she also had one of those “in this house, we believe in science” signs.

My daughter and I were also accosted by an elderly awful in the grocery store for not wearing masks even though Keisha Lance Bottoms’ mandate didn’t go into effect for another week (this was August of 2021). When she told me she was vaccinated, I said then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about and she stormed off. Truly AWFUL.

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These Bible verses explain this World from Jesus’s mouth :

Mark 8:36-38

[36] For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? [37] For what can a man give in return for his soul? [38] For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

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Beautiful essay! AWFUL’s is Awesome!!

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