Follow the money trails. Mark Milley is probably being enriched by Chinese bribes. "The Big Man" received a fair amount of money from Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings, including some with China and Ukraine. The systems on the balloon were sending intelligence in real time to China, and no there is no proof or verification that a spy plane was scrambling signals from the balloon. That Biden would continue to help China after becoming president is mind-blowing, but may be explained by the money. If Biden doesn't cooperate he's possibly going to be exposed for past China relations. China has him as their puppet and they will use him until the end. God help us!

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

I think that because we waited before shooting the balloon down, the Chinese are going to send another one. Had we shot it down immediately, they would just send another one. And if we did absolutely nothing, they would just send another one.

It's a balloon, for crying out loud. They are cheap and easy to replace. Other measures to discourage this kind of behavior may be necessary, but whether or when we choose to shoot one down would have approximately zero effect, except to prove that we are not afraid . . . of balloons.

This is an utterly silly debate.

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The permanent Bureaucracy (aka Deep State), which is populated disproportionately with Democrats, controls the Narrative and policy. President's are just figureheads.

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WOW!! They could have flown it up at 120,000ft but they flew it low enough so we could almost read the TickTock advert on the side of it. That altitude was above commercial traffic but below where that stuff normally floats. Low enough to see it from your backyard.

It wasn't gathering electronic images but testing American reaction. They did rile up Americans and continue to sow doubt about the mental strength of POTUS. The only reason we shot it down was Biden needed political cover.

No way Trump was ever told, if I can even believe the DOD these days.

No way Brandon told them on Wed to shoot it down. More likely Mrs. Brandon ordered it Friday night to help her husband.

I pray to God we survive the next 2 years with such a weak leader.


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The Book End Times by Michael Snyder predicts that China will attack the USA from the West Coast and the east coast will be hit by Russia.

I believe Biden is compromised.

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Not just the fact that it could have happened during the trump admin, which in my opinion is unlikely. Its the fact of the response. Lets say it did and here is the difference.

Once trump knew about it the balloon would have been blown from the sky the very instance it was detected. With Biden, he found out about it and for days it just floated un-challenged. That is the problem I'm having with this.

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

Understatement of the year "He looks weak." OH How does your VP Kam look? Everybody who voted for JB over DT, you are now reaping what you sowed, and the worsening will compound exponentially. Big changes coming soon. Selah

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Do you want to know how you can tell if this administration is lying ? Their mouths are moving, simple as that.

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In that famous picture of all the leaders watching the bin Laden raid. Biden was the only one that did not want to conduct the raid. Even that putty faced Stalinist, Hillary wanted to go and take the compound. Should let you know what’s leading our country.

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I find it amazingly difficult to believe that a balloon could float over the US and no one notice, but you know that hunter's laptop was fake and a republican was colluding with the Russians to be president... anything is possible according to the press.

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When one is compromised they’re compromised. You know them by their fruit…

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Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023

This is an issue where a bunch of pointy headed cloistered diplomats and bureaucrats were more worried about offending the Chinese than protecting the US. All this dithering makes the world a much more dangerous place.

I'm just waiting for the Chinese versions of Bear's and Badgers to start probing the Alaska ADIZ like they do daily around Taiwan.

These events will become decidedly more dangerous as we approach the election in 2024. Especially if it looks like a DeSantis or Haley are on the way into office. The despots will make miscalculations trying to strike before the dithering idiots are out of power.

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The idea of an EMP weapon going off over our country with no warning sounds like SciFi, but the ChiComs or Norks might think it’s just the best way to kick off a sneak attack. That balloon seems to have plenty of lifting force to carry one.

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What concerns me most is the fact that the MSM will not report this. They will do everything to protect the Dems and Binden. So the low information voters will continue to support the dems because they will never see this kind of information. We live in a very scary time. I pray that there are people in government that still believe in America and want to protect it.

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The Trump balloon piece is clearly a diversionary tactic meant to mitigate Biden’s weakness and seeming constant capitulation to the CCP. To think otherwise is foolish or intentionally treasonous.

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One more thing Erick if the military is not informing the President of these incursions or the presidents handlers are keeping this from him they should all be fired The members of the military should face a court martial. If the President knew this all along from the beginning vote him out

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Here is another aspect of Trump that so many supporters loved...the guy didn't put up with this kinda' crap. But guess who else didn't play?? Mild-mannered Ronald Reagan. In 1985 he sent F-14s to intercept the PLO terrorists who hijacked the Achille Lauro who thought they were home-free while returning onboard an Egyptian airliner. In 1986 he also sent F-111s to Libya in response to terrorist bombings at a Berlin nightclub sponsored by Muammar Gaddafi, whose family escaped with their lives only because we were kind enough to warn them. My point?? Speak softly and carry a big stick works very well, IMO.

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Seems like you have Trump Derangement Syndrome. President Biden is the current President and you are blaming Trump while Biden allowed China to gather information on all our military bases before shooting it down. Trump isn’t the issue. China isn’t your friend and neither is President Biden.

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And just to further refute this, I've been warning people about China since 2002 (Trump was the ONLY president to push back hard on them, which I also loved). And I think Biden is a dimentia-riddled crook whose entire family is filthy dirty and has profited off him being a career politician.

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Suggest you read as I am sure you have


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How did you interpret THAT out of my post?? No TDS at all. I voted for the guy twice, but I much prefer someone like Reagan who ran his mouth less and let his actions do the talking.

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