So let me explain what camp I am in.
There is the camp that says this is designed to bolster Donald Trump’s nomination so they can beat him. Some of you are probably in that camp. You think the Democrats calculate that by indicting Trump, they’ll help him in the GOP primary. They think they can beat him in the general, and this indictment might push him across the finish line as the GOP nominee.
But the camp I’m in is that Alvin Bragg represents a wing of the Democrat Party that is on the short bus of the party. He’s not very bright. I suspect the grand jurors are just rabid progressives, too, and they are all in the wing of “let’s put the SOB behind bars.” They hate him. They call him vulgarities instead of the President. They just want him in prison, and they’ll do anything to get him there.
They are not smart enough to consider the ramifications and too blinded by rage against Trump to care.
I believe this is not to help Trump win the Republican nomination but to find a way to jail him.
The reality, however, is that this will help Trump immensely. Not only has the threat of indictment skyrocketed Trump to the top of GOP polling, but the case is so, so thin that Trump is very likely to get acquitted.
In the past few days, after they all read David French in the New York Times, abject panic began setting in for the smart Democrats. They now realize that trying to get Trump on this is dubious. He could drag this out so the trial doesn’t happen for some time. Trump could time this for an acquittal before the GOP primaries.
That helps Trump secure the nomination, and Americans do not like witch hunts. The independents who don’t care for him but do not hate him could swing decisively and sympathetically in his direction just as a recession is breaking out.
Alvin Bragg could very well have gotten Trump re-elected.1
I honestly hope that is not the case. I think Trump needs to go away. I think there are better candidates who could serve eight years instead of the four Trump could serve.
But I suspect this indictment will backfire, and Trump will benefit, and Democrats will have to reap what they decided to sow.
When you take a “put the SOB behind bars” emotional approach, don’t be surprised when it blows up in your face.
Trump, like everyone, deserves a presumption of innocence, and, should the indictment get tossed because of just how dubious and frivolous it is, Trump will deserve to benefit as the ultimate F.U. to aggressive political prosecutors putting their emotions, rage, and ambition ahead of the rule of law.
That is my view, but Echelon Insights polled this issue before the indictment and found Republican primary voters shifted 13 points to Ron DeSantis on the question of “who do you support if Trump gets indicted.” Trump still wins, but there is a big shift to DeSantis.
I do believe God CAN use anyone to further His plan. That's different than He WILL use anyone. WILL implies force. CAN does not.
Actually... God used Pilate's wife to put Pilate in a frame of mind where he let the Jewish leaders and people decide Jesus' fate. That was a better option than turning Jesus loose, and risking an uprising that would incur consequences from Rome. That's why Pilate washed his hands of the situation.
Pilate, Nebuchadnezzar, Pharoh, Goliath... all of them did not know their role in God's plan. Nor did they ask to be the means by which God's plans would be furthered. But God did.
If Pharoah had let the Israelites go right off the bat, God would not have the chances He did to show the Israelites His power and might. If Goliath had said, "Okay. You win," God could not have used David the way he did.
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."