
Bravo on your analysis, Eric. I suggest we add another word to the list of euthanisms--proportional.

I am heartily sick of hearing our commander in chief and Secretary of Defense tell the world we made a "proportional response" to the people trying to kill Americans.

Can you imagine Teddy Roosevelt, John Kennedy, or Ronald Regan responding this way? I don't want use the word cowardly in connection with Mr. Biden, because I don't want any President ro be thought of in that light. Timid to the point of paralysis is a better description.

There has never been a terrorist who cowers in fear or holds back when you tell them, "By the way, our planes will be by at 3:00 pm to bomb your buildings." They're too busy laughing to take that seriously.

The President's job is to protect Americans and American interests. Metting out "proportional responses" screams weakness.

Nobody wants a war or to see civilians harmed. I suspect the reason Mr. Biden doesn't order Iran's refineries and oil production facilities obliterated is because he believes gas prices will go up and he'll lose votes.

Where a President weighs

votes against American lives, one thing is clear; they don't need to be commander in chief.

It's better if they replace "propirtional" with "definitive."

Harm an American life or attack this country again and we'll flatten you. There won't be a second warning.

Not quite proportional, but it gets the message across.

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So…Mitch McConnell actually wants the Republicans to NOT make a deal that would make progress on securing our borders NOW, to help Trump win in November? 😳

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Isn't is grand that we live in a country where you have to renounce your citizenship in order to be treated like a citizen?

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I'm interested in why Amy Coney Barrett sided with the majority. She doesn't strike me as one to bend to woke pressure, so I'm not sure why she views Texas as being in the wrong. Another point: Regardless of how many illegals Abbott ships to NYC, Chicago, and other sanctuary cities, those people are still FOREVER in our country. So it might be a big middle finger to those mayors, but our country is still being overwhelmed with foreign nationals.

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Beginning in the post-Civil War era up until the early 1920's tens of millions of foreign nationals invaded our country - my four grandparents among them from three different countries. Many spoke no English and had signed indentures to get their passage paid for by unscrupulous traders in human beings. Most came because they were penniless but some were political and religious refugees. Most were illiterate and some carried pathogenic microbes which could cause diseases for which there were not yet vaccines. Many were single men and women looking for work they couldn't find at home. Others were families with young children who had to be fed. After they arrived they were scorned, abused, called vermin and some held in illegal bondage no different from the slavery which had been recently abolished. Now in the 21st century, many of their grandchildren and great grandchildren are treating the new wave in the same rude way but this time they have the veil of legality to hide behind. But in reality it is the same sentiment behind it. This is ours and we don't think you deserve any of it because you were born elsewhere and should stay there.

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Absolutely not true. This IS the 21st century and we know better or should how to handle immigration in a manner that will not cause irreprable damage to us but our govt & elites are just making too much money/power off it. We now have many countries with the ability & desire to harm us. We have cartels that make the Mobs of yesteryear look like saints and remember all the damage they did by buying politicians/businesses. We don't manufacture medicines anymore so the possibility of more deadly diseases like polio returning are a real concern especially since China controls most of what we would need (chips, power grids, etc. also). We did, if the govt had actually responsibly helped rather than just hand over money/supplies to corrupt leaders/groups, have the ability to assist these populations to fix their homelands. Now of course we are broke. A very large number of illegals passed countries that could have helped them as well. Do we just let in the entire country of XXX? When does it stop? You can't save everyone. You are however disproportionally hurting TX and border states plus this conversation would not be even going on now if for busing to DC, NY etc. Why should they be told to deal with this by those not being affected? Why are we unable to enforce our laws? Yes, both sides R & D but current travesty all D's. The border is not under control and we are letting in thousands that hate us, have no interest in our laws, work for cartels, and we have no way of even finding them once here even assuming they gave proper information. Cartels manufacture false ID's all the time as well so terrorist/cartel would never be found. We need to stop & take care of this country first, so we will be strong enough to help others. When tub over flowing you don't keep getting buckets you turn OFF the water 1st. We have lost common sense under the guise of humanity and some weird mass guilt complex. Look at those screaming about Palestinians deaths. If they really wanted to help them instead of just kill Jews they would support a swift demise of Hamas. Hamas/PLO etc. is who is really killing the Palestinians aided by misguided liberals over the decades. They could have been a thriving country if they had given up the hate. Do you know how much money & effort went into 350 miles of tunnels? Israel just wanted to be left alone, but the Palestinian leaders kept the hate going, the deaths coming and made themselves rich, Lebanon was a multi religous govt that was thriving but the "Palestinians" invited the Syrians, Hizballah etc. now country a disaster and will be next to fall to Iran. So yes, good intentions do not always do people good. Everyone who thinks our borders should be kept open at all right now needs to go down there and take a group home with them and support them. Personally, I think we should be spending our tax money on our vets, elderly and those in real need of assistance right here.

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I can't speak for others, but "we don't think you deserve any of it because you were born elsewhere and should stay there" doesn't apply to me. "This is ours" certainly does. We wouldn't allow strangers to come live in our house, regardless of their circumstances, because our first priority is to protect our family. This is our house, not theirs, and we're not going to introduce a number of unknown variables into our home. Why is that attitude acceptable for our home, yet unacceptable for our country? Literally everything else you write I agree with, and almost all those things are happening at our border today. But in my opinion, that validates my position because why would we introduce disease, or encourage human trafficking, criminality, drug cartels, and terrorism? We not only have the right, but the responsibility to be choosy about who we let into this country, which is why we have those border enforcement laws on the books in the first place. As for calling people names, you'll have to change human nature to change that one.

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No, but not surprised.

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"The national media is prone to obsess over Donald Trump provoking constitutional crises, but, in this case, Joe Biden is provoking one by failing the basic constitutional duty of the Commander-in-Chief to protect the borders of the several states."

This is a really profound sentence. Depending on how this plays out, the ramifications/extrapolation of above sentence could fill history books some day.

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Eagle Pass Texas sits on the border, ground zero for the invasion.

Eagle Pass has a population of only 28,130.

Eagle Pass sits in Maverick County, with a combined population of only 58,056.

EVERY WEEK Brandon RELEASES 12,000 illegals at the bus stop in Eagle Pass. Dumps them like garbage on the streets.

I have zero sympathy for a northern asylum state that pisses and moans about taking in 80,000 illegals over the past year when Eagle Pass had 624,000 criminals dumped on them, with another 1,715 arriving every day. That’s 71 per hour. That's a full bus load, every hour, rain or shine.

Texans fly 3 flags. First, the United States of America. Next comes the Lone Star Flag. Then comes the "Come and Take it" Gonzales flag. Don’t Mess With Texas

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Texas is being, and has been, messed with...

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Yep. And we just passed a law enabling DPS to arrest and detain illegals for any minor offense. And Brandon is suing us over this as well.

And we have open carry.

We are doing all we can do, but seizing our Guard will be a step too far.

Do you suppose the lib media will call it "mostly peaceful gunfire"?

Don's Mess with Texas.

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I love the new term 'unhoused'. It makes the issue sound so easy to solve. Something those old unused warehouses could come into play. Solved unhousedness! Woohoo!

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The more people in cities that have to step over illegals on the way to work, the stronger the case gets for their votes. Cities for the most part have become a liberal bastion. To flood them with the same herds that arrive at our border only makes sense. Unfortunately, with Trump unfavorable numbers high to all except his base. The message may go undelivered.

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Don’t forget when saying things like this, that Dems are giving these people the right to vote with an ID. Those working people’s votes will be countered by the undocumented, unhoused population.

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I am a Texan. A proud Texan who emigrated here from another US state.

This morning I woke up to Castro and O'Rourk calling for Brandon to nationalize our Guard, so they can keep the border open.

This is an old story.

It's been said that if Texas turned blue then the border would be forever gone.

Texans are defending the ramparts.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that this will create long lines at gun stores.

Don't Mess With Texas

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Having lived in Texas for six years in the 80s, I would suggest you're NOT a Texan, Jim. Texans are born there, at least according to Texans. Everyone else is just a wannabe. :) I once heard a rancher say he "rescued his wife from the barren wastelands of Massachusetts!" They are a unique breed, and you're right...don't mess with 'em!

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This is absolutely an invasion. I'm proud of Gov Abbot for standing his ground, literally!

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You allow in people who don’t speak your language, have no skills beyond doing manual labor, probably don’t share your social values, and you don't expect massive problems? There are enough reports on independent media sources to show how bad this is. The elites don’t care, it is not in their neighborhood.

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With surnames like yours and mine, I believe our immigrant forebears probably fit your description of those you seem to dislike today. The only difference being that they probably come from a different continent. People seem to forget that America was built on the backs of people (or their parents) who didn't speak English, were unskilled and had different values when they arrived. As the saying goes: the more things change, the more they remain the same.

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No, my grandparents came here legally around 1900. They were vetted at Elles Island.

This is not 1900. Everything is not done manually now. What do they bring to the table? How many of them are not from South America? How many tattooed gang members are there? Criminals? How many children and women are being trafficked?

They are being transported to cities and just dumped. Unfair to them or the cities.

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To validate your point, the single biggest word missing from most discussions about illegals is "assimilation." The legal process of immigrating to this country requires immigrants to learn our language, learn our culture (including American exceptionalism), learn our history, and pledge allegiance to this country. In the absence of those things, you aren't a US citizen, you are a foreign national.

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I would “like” this 100 times if I could. This is one of the biggest problems in this “melting pot.”

The fact that public norms should be required assimilation.

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I was listening to a talk show this week and one of the panel members was a man who came here legally and had jumped through all the flaming hoops. His wife applied for a green card and was issued a temporary one. She tried to get a drivers’s license but was told to come back when she had the green card. All the other people in line were “undocumented “ and had no problem.

Years ago I was listening to a talk show and a woman was saying that she came here for a better life and the “undocumented “ aren’t here to steal and kill. My first thought was why do you need a translator if you were here for sixteen years and the second was who paid for the birth and care of your nine children?

An anonymous LLC bought a number of homes in my neighborhood. Multiple families live in them and disappear the next year when the lease is up. They have cars and kids so they have some roots but why don’t they stay?

The elites don’t care. They live in their insulated communities.

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My Polish neighbor growing up was nearly deported for forgetting to bring her green card into a federal building while she was going through the citizenship process.

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I said in a previous comment that Mr. Biden is the worst President in American history and the most dangerous to our country. I stand by that. But I think the problem goes deeper. As a Georgia resident, I called both of my senators to find out what their position is on stopping illegal aliens.

Senator Warnock says he "supports the President" and "is still assessing the situation at the border."

Senator Ossoff feels, "there's room in this country for everyone."


If you're here legally, I'll defend to the death your right to be here. But sign the guest book.

Both are complicit in my opinion. When it comes time to vote, I'll remember both are unfit to hold office, as are any other elected officials who stand on the sidelines in silence for the sake of party unity over what's right.

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We in Georgia have Trump to thank for both of those Senators.

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No that’s not quite correct the people of Georgia have themselves to blame Trump can’t vote in Georgia so if you live there and didn’t vote look in the mirror either your a sheep or a sheep dog it’s your choice

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Fair enough. I voted for Loeffler and Purdue in the runoff, despite Trump's surrogates like Lin Wood saying not to vote and Trump claiming Georgia was stolen. Loeffler and Purdue were ahead in the general and lost the runoff because Trump's sheep didn't vote. Then we got Herschel Walker forced on us by Trump, despite a handful of excellent candidates in the primary.

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That’s why you never fall in love with a politician

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Agree! I would like to add to never pledge loyalty to a politician. I cannot imagine declaring loyalty to anyone in politics. They have to win my vote and work for me and the country!

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Well said!

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Obama famously said there was nothing exceptional about the United States. Biden is demonstrating that to his administration there is nothing exceptional about U.S. citizenship. It’s treated like another detested form of “privilege.”

I don’t like Trump, but there may be an argument that he would be chemotherapy to a nation beset with the terminal cancer of self hatred and decline.

Instead, I would really like to see a Independent ticket with a blue dog Democrat and a moderate Republican to save us from the madness. Preferably someone with a military background. Does anyone have a time machine?

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Self-criticism is not self-hatred. And there was decline when we had a president who insisted on a foreign policy based on that childhood game we used to call "king of the mountain."

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard

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Either one of them and one conservative and I would vote for that ticket.

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To clarify, Kathy, Tulsi Gabbard is not actually on the ticket. Yet. I'm reading the tea leaves on this one and hoping for the best.

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Yes, I know she isn't actually on a ticket. I have watched her several times when she appeared on Tucker before he was fired. I always liked her, just didn't realize her pro life position. I am very open to a whole new kind of candidate.

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Tulsi is more conservative than many Republicans. I follow her on Instagram. She has posted pro-life videos from Live Action and has become very pro-2A. Kennedy and Gabbard both support a border wall and are free speech absolutists. Tulsi even spoke at Matt Walsh's rally against transing children.

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That info could just sell me on her completely. I am sure I will get bashed for this, but I would actually love to see a third party get at least enough votes so that no one gets to 270 in the electoral college. This Biden/Trump rematch just seriously ticks me off when most people don't want that.

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Definitely check Tulsi out. All of her interviews are excellent. She's a legit anti-establishment right-winger now. :)

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One of the wisest observations Erickson has made is that when the Republicans support "A," the Democrats support "Anti-A." When the Democrats hate "A," the Republicans love "A." There is no "B."

Trump is "A." The Democrats hate him and are using lawfare to try to take him out. Much of what they're doing is unfair. Therefore, as good Republicans, we must support "A" to our death, which is coming if Republicans continue to be the Party of Trump. This primary was the perfect opportunity for a viable "B," but Republicans fell into the "A/Anti-A" trap again. I'm still hoping for a reasonable "B" in the general election.

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Nikki is just about as perfect a "B" as can be hoped for as a GOP candidate. She has experience in governing in our multi-layered disaggregated American system of governments. She's a CPA so she understands the numbers. For two years she got her foreign policy experience while starting out as a neophyte in one of the dozen or so most important foreign policy making positions in the govt. She's tough w/o being spiteful. She's believes strongly in her conservative principles but understands the art of compromise. She's female, of color, recent immigrant background, mainline Christian convert.

And she is going to drive the front runner out of his mind for the next month.

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Sorry to be a downer, but I think Haley will drop out before South Carolina, rather than being humiliated in her home state. As much as I don't want Trump to be the nominee, he won 75% of the Republican vote in New Hampshire. Many of Haley's Independent voters said they wouldn't vote for her in the general election. I don't expect that she'll do as well in any other state as she did in NH, especially since not all have open primaries.

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