I left Twitter 2 weeks ago after being suspended again for saying transgender is mental illness. They suspended me for a week, I took another 2 weeks off and then deleted my account.

I joined here because I want to be part of "a conversation". I want to learn from other's perspective, be challenged and challenge, all in civil discourse.

There are people I will miss on Twitter, but it was too much stupid I could not respond to or challenge.

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I don’t use my Twitter account and I have deleted so many accounts. I don’t use Instagram, tic tok, etc etc. I deleted LinkedIn last year when reverse racism invaded. I make my living from unhealthy, unhappy, mentally ill, drug and alcohol addicted people. Also people can’t get their ass out of their phones or their phones out of their ass. I have had to tell patients if you don’t get off the phone I’ll need to reschedule you. The low IQ’s are stunning. Knowledge of basic words and ideas are non existent. Let alone no knowledge of Shakespeare or the Classics. Just dumb people, I mean a level of dumb you can’t even imagine. No intellect or soul and no empathy. My pet peeve is a person who does not know basic proverbs. By the way it is a test for scoring the mini mental status exam. Ha, I laugh, Central Intelligence Agency? We have no intelligence in this country period. People are just dumb and dumber. It is frightening. I mean frightening. Brain rot is a real diagnosis and I try to treat it everyday. I am not having very much success.

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Back in the day, we had the NSA. At the time, it was said that "NSA" stood for "No Such Agency". And that was good; the agency decided to stick to its core mission of providing actionable intelligence about America's foreign enemies to American policymakers.

Now, we have a semi public NSA, which seems to have decided that its core mission is to serve as a sort of high tech Stasi, gleefully helping in the abrogation of our essential liberties. The CIA has also gone this way. Our intelligence community seems to think that the best way to prevent another 9/11 is to take liberty away from we, the people. And I have reached the conclusion that those brave souls who dissented from the post-9/11 orthodoxy and warned that things like the USA PATRIOT Act would move us closer to becoming an authoritarian state knew exactly what they were talking about, and that indeed, they may have unconsciously underestimated the dangers of our National Security State, and the illegal spying on American citizens that entails.

I think I know one piece of legislation which needs to be repealed ASAP - if it isn't already too late.

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Yep...a waste of CIA time, unless...the CIA has figured out a way when someone likes or follows them they can spy on everything they do only...I'm sure that's is.

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>"People are stupid. I don't think it helps the Central Intelligence Agency to run a campaign to show they're just like everyone else when everyone else is stupid and you want better from the CIA. 

It's the science man! The equation goes like this!

People are stupid, therefore the CIA is made from People. Therefore People make a stupid group for intelligence gathering!

Break Constitutional laws? Check!

I think the original "Men in Black" movie had it exactly right!


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We have idiots running the asylum. This is a scary time for our country.

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I don’t care enough to go look up the CIAs social media. Or most any other social media account. Social media has good points, but I think the harms outweighs the benefits.

Like it or not, based on my limited experience (as in, as little as possible) as part-time DoD employee (purposefully vague, but not because what I do is super sexy), I do know that recruitment has moved online. For reasons inexplicable to me, younger generations are attracted to that.

So without starting a debate as to the merits—or demerits—of that approach while also hamming it up as the devil’s advocate, I’ll throw out that maybe there is a reason the CIA should have some form of social media presence to recruit talent. Even if that is not what is directly happening now.

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Although I agree with the logical reasoning here, and you are probably correct, I have this silly idea that recruitment by the CIA would be more like they tap you on the shoulder and say “Hey, we know you and we think you would be a great asset to the CIA”.

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Purely anecdotal from multiple fourth-hand down line sources (ie, I have no defense if you accuse me of talking out of my rectal cavity!) but that does happen, primarily for field types. Not everyone at the CIA is Jason Bourne, though. (Even the Jason Bourne types are not Jason Bourne). They’re mostly nerds and bureaucratic government workers.

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Your parallels are striking & “relevant!” Absolutely fantastic organization in this piece! Great thoughts!

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This wonderfully apt. Thanks so much! It's a fresh breeze from regions of sanity.

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