I would love a piece of the Swiss Chocolate if you get any.

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Engaging is fine...just don't start wavering on your personal stances. Hold your friends close but your enemies closer.

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Exactly...you can't stop engaging.

But engaging is not luxury. You have to have the humility to admit you may be wrong and concede when someone else is right.

And I am increasingly convinced that is why many on the far right refuse to engage, they're fragile egos can't ever acknowledge or admit when they are wrong.

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Yes! Thanks for the insight! You are awesome!!!

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I think Kemp going is great! I agree Erick, we need folks who can articulate to the other side our ideas and play devils advocate with theirs! Didn't Jesus engage those who disagreed with Him? And He told them that we all, who follow Him, are NOT to hide our light under a bushel but to let it shine!!! Kemp may be one of those lights in the darkness and we know the light always overcomes the darkness! Pray for Kemp to shine his light high in Switzerland and YES Swiss chocolate is oh so good!

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What happened to the Illuminati? I thought THEY were running the world. Have I missed out on a new set of conspiracy theories because I was too busy trolling on Twitter?

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I like Brian Kemp so much and have always thought he did a great job navigating Georgia thru Covid and all of the negative things said about him, even in my family. Younger people are very cut and dry and have know idea what it takes to run a state and be in politics. I’ve been a Republican since I married my husband in 1965. We met at Georgia Southern and married 3 weeks later!! He was a Young Republican and I’ve been one ever since. My parents were Southern Democrats when it was conservative, but I’ve pretty much always voted conservatively, especially as a Christian. I don’t know too much about Dave’s, it if Brian Kemp thinks it’s important for him to go, then I’ll be praying for him, and our state and our country. I really like Ron DeSantis also and hope he runs for President but someone told me yesterday that they think Trump will be our candidate. I’m really against that even though I was his staunch supporter in 2016 when most people I knew were not. But I think he needs to go away and stay out of Georgia.

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Put in an order for me, too.

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I have to admit that I was a bit taken aback when I heard that he was participating in the WEF, especially after all the “green” businesses that he’s bringing into the state. But hey, we have been open for business, even during the darkest days of Covid,, and we’ll see if it all works out. Now just get rid of the state income tax.

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Exactly...lead, engage, inspire, articulate the message of a free and virtuous society grounded in liberty and religious principles.

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Appreciate the column and perspective. Not sure chocolate milk travels well...unless it's that Costco vesion that somehow seems to keep indefinitely....

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I too will join in agreement with you Erick. We need to face those that want to control and not be docile!

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Governor Kemp has done some great things for our State. I think he is one of the best. But then this it seems he is already thinking about his political future after 4 years. May be a presidential run. As of this moment there is no chance of him winning the nomination also. So he wants to get popular. Listening to the other side and all is BS. He wants to bring himself to national level news. That is fine.

Erick in 2016 you went to DC to form a third party. This is best time I feel. There are donors who will not give money to Trump. Trump vs Biden is that all we got?

Talking about Swiss milk Chocolates, There is a store in Zurich airport and these are not branded chocolates but kind of made in a small place in Zug. Everyday fresh chocolates are brought from Zug Switzerland. They are the best i have ever had.

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Agreed Erick. Engaging armed with great ideas, ideas that work, wins! At the very least, conservatives should view this as a classic case of “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer”.

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We’ll done but I think you need to edit the 4th paragraph.

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Just the Governor being there, to listen and absorb what the ONE WORLD GOV. is planning for the next, so many years, is worth him being there. He is the man to lead an offence for the US against this kind of planning.

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