One need only to look at the resumes of Biden's cabinet, et al. None of them have ever held a real job in their life. Kind of shows, doesn't it?

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Great summary of the detached psyche of Liberal elites. They are immune to the consequences of their destructive policies, and, instead of dealing with crises in a common sense manner--they "nuance" (one of their favorite modes of operation) everything. So, all this migration from south of the Rio Grande is due to "Climate Change" or "disadvantage asylum seekers". The convoluted jargon pleases their peers--but it screws the rest of America.

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Biden has been known to be clueless. I think even Obama thought of him that way. This latest issue shows no difference. Nothing will change as long as he or another Democrat is in charge. Create misery to be a savior of said misery and get votes!!

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After spending time in South East Asia and seeing the poverty their first hand. The open borders call from President Biden was heard around the World and he has no intention of stopping it. He has taken the Speech of Paul Harvey’s If I were the Devil and has implemented it.

He doesn’t care about you or your children. Satan has overtaken the White House and Americans are hoping it’s not true yet their children are being destroyed in the schools by an uncaring Teachers Union backed by the perverted White House.

President Biden and Vice President Harris need to be impeached immediately. I fear their total destruction of the USA through The WEF is this year.

I wouldn’t trust the President as a baby sitter no telling what they would learn. By the way I have had emails from Bangkok from those who intend to enter the USA. Because they believe Americans are rich because everything is free a message heard by the Worlds poor.

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I heard a Congressman state that in their climate Change bill was a caveat of money to be paid to Main Street media to report only what the government wanted reported. To that end we are paying for the Media’s ineptness.

President Biden has intention of stopping open borders and could care less about your personal safety or your cost of living.

President Biden has always been a closet communist yet he reveals himself a little each day. I pray for him everyday but power is more important to him than people and he doesn’t care about the American People or their children. If he did he would lay out his plans for the country . The only plans he has is the destruction of the USA as you know it. As they say here in south you need to buy a tractor and pull your head out of your butt. The end of the destruction seems to be this year. I hope I am wrong .

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Two very telling comments from the WH. One being that we should focus on the 'root causes', which I don't think I've heard Kammie's Root Causes book report on the root causes of the flood of immigrants root cause of coming to the USA. Two being focused on "on-the-ground reporting". Uhm, the opposite of 'on-the-ground' reporting is taking the words given them from the WH and reporting them as facts instead of actually doing reporting or journalism. How else would you report the root causes from 3,000 miles away.

Clearly, this admin is not interested in telling the truth to the US citizens that this is a feature and not a problem.

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Frankly, he has done a good job. I think you and Bannon come at the party from very different perspectives, but the job Bannon’s team has done for the past 2 years has been far superior to that of Fox.

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I thought Kamala was supposed to be getting to the root cause. She is MIA. I feel like we are living in an episode of The Twilight Zone (lol, showing my age!) - imagine if you will two universes, one the Biden administration lives in and one the rest of us live in...

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A little tongue in cheek, but when are we going to talk about taking over these corrupt, drug lord countries, bringing them under US law and letting these migrants return to their homes and live in peace? These countries could be taxpaying, law-abiding states.

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The administration prefers the easy bellyaching about the reporting because there are no plans or actions for which they can be held accountable. If they do make and execute plans to curtail the problem, then it becomes measurable and accountable. They have no intention of working that hard or putting themselves in a position to defend their actions.

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Biden’s media would rather cover the plane’s landing in Martha’s Vineyard and in Delaware than go to the border so they can wag their finger at the republican governors. The elitists and their stay off my lawn attitude is finally out in the open. Why should the citizens of Texas, Arizona, and Florida pick up the tab for all these migrants coming across the border Illegally?

Just a suggestion, why not give industry incentives to build factories in Central America. It gives people there the opportunity for a better life. They will want to say home and it get us away from China’s grip. Also make the drug cartels a national terrorist group and work with the Mexican military along with ours and take them out. Just sayin.

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No need to fix problems when you would end the issue to politic/fund raise on… people be damned to “elites”

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The don't like Melugin's reporting because it is showing they're abject failure at the border.

Trying to fix the "root causes" of this massive wave of migration isn't something they American government can do short of invading the offending nations to control them.

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