My city, Portland, Oregon, is a mess because those in political authority do not understand the difference between encouraging protest and punishing lawless, violent behavior. You are making the same mistake here. That people become violent doesn't mean the issue is wrong. It just means that those who use violence and lawlessness are wrong. When you tie the two together, as you have done here, you strip away one of the key First Amendment rights that allows peaceful change in our society. "Let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue" doesn't sound like a call to violence to me.

I don't agree that the election was stolen, but I do agree that there is way too much voting fraud that is handled with kid gloves in our society by both Republicans and Democrats. For you to say it's a lie is exactly what so many people said about George W. Bush and weapons of mass destruction. He was not lying. He believed it was so. It didn't turn out to be the truth, but he was not lying and neither were all the people who agreed with him.

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In management class I have watched videos on how deflection happens with employees. How the conversations are twisted and turned. All I am seeing out of Trump super supporters is deflection on social media. They simply cannot see why so many Americans are so upset. I have been a Conservative all my life and I voted, campaigned and donated for people who promised to keep those policies. That usually was in the GOP. However when the Stop the Steal chants kept going I got concerned. I knew Trump lost. I have so many friends who were moderate Conservatives who couldn’t vote for him again. I don’t understand why the super Trump supporters don’t understand that. I don’t understand why they can’t see just how sickening it was for Americans to watch their senate floor and house of representative floor being trashed Wednesday afternoon on their TVs. You were right Erick. I remember you saying how concerned you were in October that Trump was already setting up a rhetoric about election being a fraud. I feel like someone without a party and it is shocking how many of my neighbors believe it was ANTIFA and/or they are being treated unequal to the summer protests by the media.

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Reading the account of Thomas Baranyi, who witnessed the shooting of Ashli Babbitt, it doesn't sound like the election and it's aftermath is "the" reason a group of protesters pushed into the Capitol. The quote below, taken from what is clearly an emotional Baranyi, seems to indicate that this goes much, much deeper than a "stolen" election, Erick. I expect the kind of commentary like your piece above to come from the ranks of the elitists at National Review and elsewhere because, regarding Trump, They Must Always Be Right. But even though you have been moving in an odd direction of late, I am still disappointed to see it coming from you, who I know knows better.

"“Just make sure people know, because this cannot stand anymore. This is wrong. They don’t represent anyone. Not Republican, Democrat, Independent, nobody. And now they’ll just, they’ll kill people,” Baranyi answered.

When asked who is he referring to, Baranyi answered: “Police, congressmen and women, they don’t care. I mean, they think we’re a joke. $2,000 checks was a joke to them. You know, there’s people filming us, laughing at us as we marched down the street at the Department of Justice. There’s a man in the window laughing at us, filming us. And here it was a joke to them until we got inside and then all of a sudden guns came out. But I mean, we’re at a point now, it can’t be allowed to stand. We have to do something, people have to do something, because this could be you or your kids.”

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Exactly. People are sick and tired of being ignored and belittled. I "feel" as if Mr. ERICKSON is doing the same.

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It may not be his intention, but in his determination of late to be on the "right" side of history when it comes to Donald Trump, I fear he may be doing just that. I have followed Erick for a long time, it gives me no pleasure to say this.

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Exactly......I agree with you.......EE wrote on January 6, 2021 in his “I told you So” post to “Shoot the protestors”!

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I disagree. If you think Trump was good all around, then that is what makes you conclude that anyone pointing out something wrong, is actually wrong.

Isn’t that the issue at the end? That everyone thinks they are right, and would simply disqualify you, if you don’t think the same?

Regardless of my own opinion on the matter, I think Erik is giving us a strong point of view to think about and we can’t just disqualify it because it is not in line with what I want to hear.

Just food for thought.

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Look how the tide has changed over the the last 4 years. I'm sure there is a percentage that thinks Trump...that thinks "their" politician is "good all around"...those people are...fools. Politicians, like some "pundits" change, for their own needs.

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Hear, hear!!

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Antifa was in there, it's obvious from the pictures. I can't prove it, and you nor the press will even try...so it doesn't matter. Simply time for all to get in line...get in line.

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I just came across this. Everyone pontificating below needs to read and understand this:


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Hey, Erick, what if God allowed this to happen - a wake up call maybe? It would not be the first time He has done something like this. The left has been sowing the wind beginning shortly after 9-1; probably because of the impeachment of Clinton. It has not stopped since. Now our insane response to Covid has taken away a most of what the "little people" have managed to create over the past 20 years. Despite their losses they are still scorned by the elites (who got paid for staying home) because "they put profits over [my] health". What do you think a man who has lost everything will do when he gets desperate? The "invasion" of the US Capital building is going to seem like CS when the whirlwind turns into the class war hurricane, which, judging by Joe Biden's stupid, stupid comments yesterday, just got a lot closer to starting.

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Erick - You must know Loudermilk, right? Please follow up with him on the Maria Zack interview and report your findings. Could this be the evidence that has escaped the Trump legal team to present to the court?

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After the Access Hollywood video came out (revealing type of person Trump is and always has been), many of his prominent supporters renounced him and said "I'm done", and "Enough is enough!", etc.etc. But literally within days, many of them came back.

Now, after a Trump inspired mob of brain dead, mind numbed cult members invaded the capitol, attempted to hunt down and execute the Vice President of the United States and commit treason in the name of their Cult Leader; (and it was NOT Antifa, that is another bullshit lie from the cult members), a fair number of Trump's prominent supporters have, once again, said "Enough is enough!", etc.

The question is: After the shock of Wednesday's Trump-inspired mob attack starts to wear off, just like the Access Hollywood video did, how many of these prominent Trump supporters who've left him will start coming back because of pressure from the "base"? Asking for a friend...

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Ah, I see you asked a question, Satan does that to, but since you lean away from Trump, we won't associate you in that way

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If you want to hold President Trump accountable for what happened on Wednesday maybe we should hold some of others also. Kamala Harris "Protesters should not let up". Rep Pressley " There needs to be unrest in the streets". Maxine Waters " If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant , in a department store, at a gas station you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them and tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere". Nancy Pelosi " I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be". Are they responsible for all the riots, the looting and the burning of our cities all over the country? I'm just asking. Right now I can't stomach any of the media, that includes big tech and 99% of the politicians. President Trump was doomed from the beginning and the corruption marches on. It's all about power and money.

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It is all about power and money, including for Trump and his family. He was doomed because that is what he cared for the most.

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If that is the case the Biden family must really be doomed. Maybe someday the truth will come out, but I doubt it.

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Now Linda, the Biden family is not R, therefore they can't be evil, so you are wrong. Besides, I sense a question there, and you know who questions...SATAN. Now get in line.

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I would really like to think that you are being sarcastic, but in today's society you never know.

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Not sarcastic, but also not completely correct, there are some Ds deemed to be wrong, but not often. Still, I wasn't the one who said Satan asks questions...and I do believe, if you don't avert your eyes and get in line, you'll get in trouble.

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It hasn't been changed yet, but we still have the right to peacefully assemble. The violence was not excusable. The capital police showed great restraint in dealing with the problems that day.

In the days coming we will find out who was there to cause trouble, left or right.

Scott Walker's state house is invaded and trashed.

This Summer we have riots and arson with anarchist symbols painted on walls.

But everything is Trump's fault so his legacy and even existence has to be erased from history. Just like those who fell into disfavor with Hitler and Stalin. People are resigning to avoid being targeted also. Too many people have openly stated that any Trump supporters have to be punished (Gulags).

I supported Ted Cruz and his effort to have a commission to investigate the claims of fraud. If Biden won fairly then we live and suffer accordingly. But the doubt of the election and the rabid nature of the Progressives will perpetuate distrust and division. That is what the Puppet Masters want.

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Congratulations on the column.

To echo Paula, "This should not go unnoticed nor unpunished." Not everyone there made the decision to attack the Capitol, but those who did deserve punishment. And those who egged them on.

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Well that is plain enough. But what about the necessary procedures? Are we not at a point now, where, just as two days ago, the gavel is in the Vice President's hands? It's up to Mike, right?

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Not to clog up the comments line, but I want to say one more thing.

Guns kill people......people assaulted the US Capitol.

Many things led up to that moment. No excuses for the muckraking, fear mongering, lying pundits and politicians.

Ultimately, it is the individual that makes the decision; whether frothed by a crowd or an individual.

This should not go unnoticed nor unpunished. We may not be allowed to run amok.

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I am confused by your comment. First you say “Guns kill people”. Then later on you say “ Ultimately, it is the individual that makes the decision; whether frothed by a crowd or an individual.”.......... so which is it? Do guns kill people or do people kill people??

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William, thanks for pointing out what seems to be a chink in my logic. It sounded different in my mind. Possibly, that could explain a lot! Probably could’ve just left the NRA out of the whole thing.

The NRA and the anti-gun people don’t kill people. The person picking up a gun and making a decision to pull the trigger is the one responsible.

My reasoning is that presidents, politicians, pundits who spew hate-filled rhetoric in order to make headlines and curry favor with this group or that group did not make those people attack the Capitol. Each person giving into mob rule is individually responsible for that decision and should face the resulting consequences.

Is all of the aforementioned rhetoric a contributing factor? You betcha. And, the people spewing militant and divisive language should face consequences .... losing their political positions, losing ratings because we don’t, any longer, want to listen to those who would divide us.

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Thank you, Erick, for not having a small spine, but rather a large one of steel. Subscribing to your column was the best Christmas present I gave myself. Your column is the first thing I read in the morning, and your WSB show is the first thing I tune into in the afternoon. Thank you for being the voice that backs the truth even though many "Republicans" wish to have you silenced.

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Andrea, He indeed does have a spine of steel....he said to shoot the Capitol protestors. Reference the “I Told You So” article on January 6, 2021.

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