File under: "Welcome to the Wake of Idol Science"…

Science Sez true Truth's old fashioned,

Out of date, and what is more,

Science Sez it...We believe it.

(Someone please show "Truth" the door.)

Science Sez there’s only Matter,

Senseless atoms swirling ‘round.

Science Sez there's no True Reason.

(I’ve been told that’s quite profound…)

Science Sez there’s no real Meaning

Hence no true “Morality”.

Science Sez the “truth”’s subjective

We pro-choose selectively.

Science Sez that Chance is Sov’reign

(You know, like, The King of kings!)

Idol Science hath commanded

That we kiss her signet ring.

Yes, The Science we now follow

Swears true truth's been redefined,

There’s no Real Point to existence…

No Intelligent Design .

Science Sez, “There’s no true Evil.”

(Then I read the news today.)

Now The Science I’ve got Faith in

Doesn’t seem so smart, I’d say.

Science Sez true Good’s illusion,

Science Sez the same for “bad”.

Science Sez there’s no true Purpose…

(Common sense sez we’ve been had.)

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Erick, can't those on the common sense right, as I consider myself, at least come together on better red flag laws? Put aside this boy's unreported mental problems and self-mutilation that would not be known to a gun dealer, why isn't the fact that he was a high school dropout sufficient to say he shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun until he was 25? The 2nd Amendment is about letting the states draw upon a well regulated militia, even Antonin Scalia said there is no Constitutional bar to drastic changes to our gun laws. There has to be something we can agree on.

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Failure on so many levels

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Erick, you're a lawyer. There must be legal recourse which will prosecute the police and the leadership directing them to have stood by and done nothing. How can a whole department ignore their jobs and responsibilities?

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generally there is no recourse as the Supreme Court has held the police are under no obligation to protect you.

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Fantastic. A purposeless police regarding protection of life.

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Democrats can just STFU. Defund the police, less police more social workers?! STFU

Police afraid to get shot? I need more information about what is being trained and why. I understand the roll of the tactical unit, but rank and file officers have guns. Yes, I also understand the difference between a high velocity rifle vs hand gun. Circumstances matter.

On the subject of doing something positive to protect children now, the only question is will this happen again before January of next year when Republicans can immediately fast track armed school resource officers and other armed citizen options.

The Democrats are convinced they can campaign on this, hold the children they claim to care so much for in contempt, pawns in their social justice war that is tearing the country apart.

The failure of society is the success of the liberal agenda.

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The most complete analysis with solutions of these types of shootings is IMO found in a post by Larry Correia at his website. It's long but well worth the read:


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Uvalde police and sheriff departments are the epitome of “protect and serve” …… NOT! What a total cluster.

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Among the 25 most-cited school shooters since Columbine, 75 percent were reared in broken homes…. from incredibly broken homes of not just divorce and separation, but also infidelity, substance abuse, criminal behavior, domestic violence, and child abuse.”- Emily Kao


Yes, this was a massive failure

There’s no doubt about that now.

Now we all must pay the Piper.

For the Truth we’ve disavowed.

Children screaming in the classroom

Millions more scream in the womb.

In the meantime, in the mean time

We’re ignoring looming doom.

Millions more scream in the nighttime

On their tiny beds alone.

Little boys without a father.

Little boys without a home.

It’s a toxic combination,

It’s a ghastly poisoned brew.

Watch the death throes of a culture.

Now the payment’s coming due.

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This is heartbreaking. Massive failure of our society to protect our greatest asset: the future of our country. CRT???? LGBTQ??? How about just keeping them safe and ensuring that they can read, write and communicate with others.

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I respect Anna’s comments while also feeling the frustration at inadequate police response. I fear media is jumping on bandwagon of demonizing police. I’ve lived in both rural & urban environments. There are indeed cultural, environmental and resource differences.

I know very, very little about guns. Were the local officers trained and equipped for the weapons the shooter had? Could they have gotten close enough with the equipment they had against what the shooter had? Did they have other technology they could use and were they trained to use it? I hope it wasn’t cowardice. I hope it was knowing they were helpless and didn’t want to make situation even worse. We should hold our law enforcement officers accountable, but be careful to not make them the evil party in this. We need strong, wise, well-trained protectors. Please - let’s not drive away the good ones by putting them all on the defensive.

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In addition to chest protectors, the videos I saw showed that many officers had automatic weapons. They or their superiors just didn’t have the desire or motivation to use them in defense of the people they were sworn to protect

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Society has to grow up and face the truth about policies and trends that are leading to these violent attacks and be willing to make the changes necessary no matter how uncomfortable they might be. Either we get serious about protecting children or we as a society continue to decay into more violence and death! Let's see who's really serious! And this isn't about guns!

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Everyone needs to remember this is a community of 16,000 people. The police force probably has no more than 10-15 officers TOTAL and the closest tactical team was at least one hour away (San Antonio). We can all sit in our metro areas and pontificate how bad the police response was, but those of us who are from/live in rural America understand the situation the local police were in. Don’t you think they’re second guessing themselves? Of course they are!! These kids and adults were friends neighbors and family.. these officers will never, ever recover from this and them getting beat up from pontificators from the outside doesn’t help the situation.

There will be lessons to be learned but for now, don’t beat these guys up.. unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes, just stay quiet. Report the facts but don’t judge.

Having said all of this, I’d like to know how the shooter for the money for the weapons. I’m familiar with that rifle and not it’s not an inexpensive rifl.

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I'm sorry but I'm compassioned out. These guys should see images of these little kids before they fall asleep every day for the rest of their lives. This is not a one-off; the Columbine police waited about 90 minutes until the shooters ran out of ammunition. Most people remember the coward of Broward County at Parkland hiding behind the dumpster outside. He was allowed to retire from his $100k+ police job, I believe at age 42, with a $100k+ pension for the rest of his life. This has to be challenged.

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They made a bad situation worse

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What makes a person want to do this kind of carnage? Most people with mental health issues do not become violent and if they do, not to this degree. They need to figure this out before going on about guns. But alas, the Dems goal of a gun free society trumps all. I have asked people that while this is very tragic, is losing a child any less tragic if they get run over and killed by a car in a Christmas parade (see Wisconsin). There was an incident in California on Tuesday where a man intentionally ran over 3 kids at school and was found to have homemade incendiary devices in his vehicle. Thankfully, the kids survived but the point is that there are some crazy people out there and you don’t always need a gun to create carnage. My niece is going to London in June and her friends there are giving her advice on places to avoid since there are so many stabbings.

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Why does NO ONE EVER dare to question how numbers of children to young adults are addicted to video games that require the player to shoot as many targets as possible? These players sit for hours with their only focus being to kill as many people as possible to advance to the next level. Is there some agreed on taboo among the reporters and commentators that this could be a reason for some of these mass shootings? Are they afraid or threatened by the lobbyists of video game manufacturers not to dare bring it up?

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The gunman would have cleared all the background checks in this case as he did not have any police record. Or is there something hidden in this too??

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This is a travesty in every direction. My heart goes out to the whole community. I pray for the victims, their families and friends. Dear Lord please……..

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