Anyone here joining the recount effort? I would like to be a DeKalb watcher or counter. Saw the GOP request for watchers on Twitter (thought I bookmarked it but did not.) If anyone knows the direct contact I'd appreciate, thank you. practicalmom@bellsouth.net

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I want to cancel my Blog Subsription. I no longer listen to Erick and don't want notifications. Please cancel and recund the differnece or I will cancel via credit card.

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I voted absentee ballot in GA. Is there a way to verify the vote that was entered in the count?

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Did election fraud occur in 16 or 18? Asking for a friend.

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Which cemetery contains your friend? ;-)

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That makes good sense. You must be a good ole boy from Georgia.

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Erick, You often seem to sit in the middle of two raging mobs. For the record, I agree with most of your views about possibly flipping this election just like I agree with most of your views about the danger of Covid and the fundamentals of Biblical Christianity. A few things you might consider adding to your election viewpoint without compromising your basic views are:

1) Making a clear statement that denying Republican observers reasonable access to the vote counting was something that needs to change. I have seen the photos of observers kept 100 (or more) feet away from the vote counters. with binoculars. That is simply not right and the people in charge of voting centers that denied legal access should face some consequences, even if it doesn't alter the certification of election results.

2) States need to clean up their voter rolls and they clearly contain deceased people and other people who do not have the right to vote. My PA election supervisor says my absentee ballot was counted, but an official PA government website designed to tell me whether my absentee vote was counted returns the message "We are not able to match your information with our records." That and other issues (such as validating which ballots are legal/illegal) give those of us in PA a lot of reasons to be skeptical that this was a fair election.

3) There are three states with 37 electoral votes that are under 1% margins (WI, GA, AZ) that together have about a 48K difference (less than the 70K difference for WI, MI, PA in 2006 that you repeatedly referenced as rather trivial - which it is). If one assumes NC is Trump's (as Decision Desk has called his 75K margin safe), as is Alaska, then Trump would have 269 electoral votes, and an EC-tie, even without flipping PA. If Trump was also able to flip the 5 votes of NV's 37K margin, he would win and I think their is reasonable evidence that NV is a state potentially subject to voter fraud with lots of allegations that need investigated.

4. Your posts about the high hurdle of proor it takes to overturn an election are great. But instead of focusing on Michigan's margin of 148K votes as one of your recent posts did, you might want to focus on the states more likely to flip because of smaller margins. If you did that it might keep people from laboring you as a "surrendercrat NeverTrumper" as your tweet from yesterday suggested.

5. A good reason for investigating the fraud allegations is that this shouldn't be an issue in US elections and it shouldn't take over a week to count votes. This is true, even if Trump can't prove enough fraud to flip states (which isn't the same as proof that there isn't enough fraud to flip states, given the time limit and the Democrats/Courts ability to stall investigations). The Democrats have consistently fought against measures that would increase our election integrity. Perhaps you can support instituting measures like those used in EU countries which require voters to obtain a unique voter-id-number for a voting precinct mailed to their one and only official address. I know for a fact that this is done in Germany and even though I have a German residency permit, I am not entitled to vote and I cannot vote. The failure to do this in America opens the door to a massive amount of potential fraud that would be nearly impossible to prove the extent of even if it does exist.

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While the President May have the right to challenge stuff it doesn’t mean what he is doing is good for the country. He clearly has no evidence of fraud so what he is basically doing is lighting a match.

If Trump got his way no doubt the 75 million Americans who voted for him would consider it a coup. His Secretary of State talked about second term.

Yes the media is deranged but the President is confirming their worst fears.

Yes there was the Russia thing but Hillary conceded and told her people to stop it and accept clear results.

Obama never supported the conspiracy theories.

The Gore situation is different he initially conceded. If was one state with small amount of votes and documented irregularities.

The media is reacting to an erratic President who isn’t calmly talking about looking into things.

The person who is projecting call is the President Elect. And frankly he is illustrating why America put him in.

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The person projecting has biggest stake in the outcome. Facts will never be truly known on how much the mail-in mitigation for Covid was weaponized by the left. They had 3-6 months to come up with plans for activists to distribute to those willing "vote early, vote often". The ability to dilute the fraud into onesy-twosy double votes was required to avoid the "look what we found!" surprise ballots of past efforts.

As Erick points out, finding sufficient ineligible ballots and beating the bushes for "hidden" ballot bags from the military to overcome current numbers reported becomes untenable. While Becca wants to support the left's "no conspiracy here, move on", history shows there is a willingness by utilitarians to examine the process, find gaps and capitalize on them. Fraud is real. The challenge in this case was certain parties preventing observation from those legally entitled to examine the process. Someone knew something was going on, made sure there was enough "we tried" mitigations (being in other rooms watching fuzzy TV pictures from low-res cameras so couldn't see what was actually on the envelopes, for instance) to reduce the outrage that would happen if observers were not allowed in at all.

This year's "election process" returns us to the days of Tammany Hall - vote, shave, vote again, cut hair, vote again, give each other black eyes, vote again... That was done in history, humans remain at least as fallen as we were back then, we've gotten more clever, then given a golden opportunity with mail-in ballots, certainly lends itself to plan & execute by those willing to do anything to get rid of Trump.

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Pompeo was widely misunderstood. He has clarified that he was not speaking about a second term. You can read about it in several places

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Erick, judge Amy Totenberg predicted this very situation (unfortunately too late, only three weeks prior to election day) after seeing the evidence of how the paper ballot the voter can review may not reflect the info in the QR code we can't read. She was also concerned by Dominion's suceptibility to tampering (these people brought us crooked Ukrainian elections), thuggish behavior to hide their previous "miscounts" and "malfunctions" and the independent academic research presented to her about how they have *changed the results of entire elections.* This, before the observers were sent home so the real counting of mailed mailed ballots could begin in secret. Please stop making us sound crazy for doubting the fairness of an election that doesn't pass our own State Dept or FEC smell test. Election fraud is real, verifiable, and the point if it IS to change the results of elections! If Biden and the Dems want to move forward and unite, they should be the first to want to recount and verify this election to put everyone's mind at ease, but instead we get censored, cancelled and blacklisted. In your business, that should concern you. Lastly, marginalizing your own audience makes me further doubt your judgement.

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Agreed. MSNBC needs to stop the “panic porn.” AND, FoxNews needs to stop the stolen election porn.

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You must be watching a different Faux news than everyone else. They're trying to out-cnn cnn with election gaslighting. Bill Hemmer and Brit Hume were furious about the calls/non-calls on election night, but they got Hemmer in line. They have banned the *current presidential administration* from their air. The election has not been certified yet, not one state. There is no president elect until either the EC elects one or a candidate concedes. We are still adults who can hear both sides and form our own opinion, but Faux has changed their position on that, so their audience has evaporated.

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I totally agree that a manual recount of paper would catch any county discrepancies.

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Do you think volunteers will be needed for a hand count in Georgia. Who should we contact if we’d like to help out?

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Thanks had not seen this but have now submitted mine.

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The more I think about it the more I think the media is responsible for the state of our country. People want information and knowledge, and that's what they think they are getting. But clearly there is some serious brainwashing going on and our population seems to be controlled by media & social media hacks..

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Pravda comes to US MSM...

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What about the agreement Raffensperger made to alter which signature a ballot had to match? The one on file with their registration or the one on the absentee request form. I don’t think he realized that he was opening us up to more fraud. How is it legal for him to allow skirting of the law?

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Should the Administration initiate Transition activities (GSA funding) as a parallel path as a risk reducer for the benefit of a new administration - if it comes to that?

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I think there is time. The Bush team in 2000 operated out of a rental space in Virginia and planned out their transition, not beginning meetings with the Clinton team until mid-December in 2000.

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