I don't look at this from a religious perspective. I look at this from a common sense and reasonable person perspective. I no more want my 81 yr old mother to die than for an young child to die from illness or from abortion. We do need to start the economy going, but to do things in a reasonable and well thought out fashion. I also look at my God given Rights and Freedoms that are enumerated in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I'm seeing too many mini despots being created in a number of states. We have a fine line to walk in terms of compliance with mask "orders" or other "orders" that take away our Rights and Freedoms in the name of a virus. There has to be a middle ground. No one can guarantee that stay at home orders, use of masks and gloves will prevent all from getting sick and/or dying. Therein lies the fallacy that is giving many Governors the opportunity to take away rights that people may never get back.

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Nicely stated Erick, as usual. On another note...I've completed Eusibeus's The Church History, and am looking for a good publication of Josephus's books, but can't seem to find anything from Origin, as referenced by Eusibeus. Do you have any suggestions?

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This is the best link I have. Some scholars think the Josephus stuff was added by Christiain scribes, but then these same scholars largely dismiss any evidence in ancient works. http://www.textexcavation.com/anaorigjos.html

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What about the small pox vaccine, on my ankle area.

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If one assumes a relatively literal view of Revelation, the beast and his mark do not appear until Rev 13, about halfway through the 7-year tribulation period and after the horrific events of the 7 seals and 7 trumpets. Jesus said the distress of the tribulation period will be "unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again. - Matthew 24:21." However, nothing in recent times comes close to the devastating events of the first half of the tribulation period and that includes Covid-19. The world may indeed be sliding further and further away from God, in preparation for the outright rebellion of a coming tribulation period. However, the mark of the beast isn't about vaccines, but rather about "All inhabitants of the earth [who are not believers] worshiping the beast that blasphemes God. - paraphrase of Rev 13:5-8."

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"If we put our trust in Jesus, we are saved."

It really is that simple. So the real question is what purpose does worrying over the number of the beast serve?

Why are we so focused on that? Maybe it's easier than a true conversion? I don't know.

Am also thinking about the far left, and how they have their version of evil, and goodness...so basically their own religion. And vaccines are the number of the beast there too. (Along with a few other behaviors.)

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