One, Trump himself opened the door to contesting the electoral result because he keeps lying about mail-in ballot "fraud", and it's not as if he hasn't done this before, back in 2016 when he said the election was "rigged" in favor of Hillary. Whether he actually does contest the election probably depends on how badly he loses, but I doubt he'll actually do anything more than bitch about it.

Two, one of the few things Trump has done right is taking a more confrontational approach with Xi and the Chinese Communist Party (I'm trying not to say "China" because this is about their leadership, not the Chinese people in general). Most of his prescriptions have sucked, but it's the right policy to be more adversarial with the regime.

Three, stand your ground on the federal intervention issue, Erick, because you're right. More federal officers in the cities is going to mean more protesters and more reasons to protest. It's going to backfire on Trump big time.

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You report brings to mind the old Paul Harvey line: "Now you know the rest of the story." It seems, Erick, that your well-informed, reflective perspective carries forth the legacy that was ended when Mr. Harvey passed away.

Thanks for retaining the balance that so many fervid reporters and talking heads (on both sides) are overlooking.

Keep up the good work.

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High praise indeed. Thank you.

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"You do have to give it to the man. His singular superpower is getting other people to behave exactly as they claim he behaves. "

Spot on!

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There is a prior history of sending in federal forces to stop violation of federal laws. In a recent column, Ann Coulter described how President Eisenhower did that despite the opposition of Democratic governors. Compare these quotes from the 1950’s with today’s media coverage: “These soldiers are disregarding and overriding the elementary rights of American citizens by applying tactics which must have been copied from the manual issued the officers of Hitler’s storm troopers”, “The president is substituting ‘military dictatorship for the Constitution of the United States’”, “My fellow citizens, we are now an occupied territory.” AG Barr is actively pursuing Project Guardian ( https://www.justice.gov/projectguardian ), which is using federal law enforcement officials to prosecute violent criminals breaking existing federal gun laws. There is nothing unconstitutional about that unless the courts rule that these federal gun laws are unconstitutional.

The media (which is the megaphone for the Democratic party) considers any disagreement with its progressive views an “attack on the people.” The media completely ignores that Trump is inserting federal forces to stop violent attacks on federal buildings and federal officers. Because the videos of the Antifa/BLM mob violence are available for all to see, the media has to characterize Trump’s response as racist and compare it to Nazi Stormtroopers to deflect from the truth the videos convey. An amazing thing to me that many of Trump’s critics seem to have zero problem with the media’s clearly dishonest coverage of the mob violence, living in a delusional world that insists only Trump distorts the truth.

In my opinion, Trump is obligated to protect federal property and federal officers no matter what objections the media and local Democratic officials say. Nothing Trump does will stop the riot and the media will always find an excuse to blame him. For example, Trump wasn’t involved in the death of George Floyd and he has fully supported prosecuting the MN police officers who were involved, just like he supported prosecuting the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery. But that truth doesn’t stop the rioters and media from constantly focusing the blame on Trump. Even if Trump confesses to being the national KKK leader and voluntarily submits to a national televised hearing for treason, it won’t stop the media from blaming everything on him for the next decade.

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