There is still a lot of resentment that Kemp denied a bunch of Atlanta United fans their moment of virtue signaling. (not being a soccer fan what is this comment about)
There is still a lot of resentment that Kemp denied a bunch of Atlanta United fans their moment of virtue signaling. (not being a soccer fan what is this comment about)
Inside joke -- lots of upper income white people in Atlanta who suddenly became soccer fans when they decided the NFL was too brutal. They lean left, but claim to be conservative. They've just never actually voted that way.
There is still a lot of resentment that Kemp denied a bunch of Atlanta United fans their moment of virtue signaling. (not being a soccer fan what is this comment about)
Inside joke -- lots of upper income white people in Atlanta who suddenly became soccer fans when they decided the NFL was too brutal. They lean left, but claim to be conservative. They've just never actually voted that way.