Erick, I resptctfully disagree.

Farcebook, Tweeter, You Boob, Instacrap and all the rest of the woke social media establishment have, besides preying on children and for that matter all of us, cheerfully stretched their Section 230 protections to the breaking point. They systematically abuse the protections they have been given by adopting the editorial role of publishers while hiding behind their professions of being mere platforms. That's why I'm moving to Parler and MeWe.

In a rare moment of agreement with the EU, I find that their proposed imposition of 8 digit fines on social media's wokesters for their suppression of free speech to be spot on. Let us just say to them that if they wish to act as publishers, than let them assume the responsbilities and liabilities of publishers as well.

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Erick, listening to your show today. The news about David Perdue possibly running for Gov., is the worse news of the day. What is he thinking? I have donated to his campaign over the years. I would like to contact him and let him know I will be supporting Gov. Kemp. Do you have any contact info email or phone? Can't find any info online.

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I do agree with your analysis. Facebook is not the bully everyone claims they are. I am not saying they do not bully--they are not the extreme antichrist the rest of the media are now claiming. Wouldn't one be concerned when the people we have actual proof of lying to us suddenly become concerned for our safety? When I liar cries "Wolf," why are we so ready to believe?

This highlights an unfortunate fact of the post-truth culture. Facts are meaningless. Logic is absurd. Only emotions and feelings have meaning now. And since feelings lie amidst the sea of individualism, we have no objective means to now determine what is true and what is false--especially if I say something is true!

As you have said before, rejecting truth (and from my worldview, this would be the person of Jesus Christ) does not mean you are choosing to reject merely the concept of the absolute. It means you now will believe anything. Great analysis!

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The Google 'everything' is a far bigger issue. They have become the Internet gatekeeper and I find them much more intimidating than FB.

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You can push back on Google by not using them as your search engine. I switched to DuckDuckGo when the stuff hit the fan in 2020, and I only use the Google's Chrome browser on that rare occasion when Safari won't work with a particular website. Baby steps!

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Yep, don’t even use the word ‘google’ as a verb anymore. Also, written this before but I downloaded and use the ‘Brave’ browser, started by a guy cancelled from Firefox over supporting natural marriage…gave $1000 dollars in support, then cancelled by the wokies. Got to cut off the money stream.

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Reminiscent of Tipper Gore invoking outrage at rock n roll lyrics back in the 90s. Congressional hearings, tons of media coverage, and a whole lot of gnashing of teeth and hair on the wall that resulted in what?? Explicit lyrics warnings on album covers. Man, THAT sure fixed the problem! I cannot believe how often we, the electorate, get played like this by our "representatives," yet we continue to send those same idiots back to Washington every couple of years.

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