Wonderful commentary, they do grow up.

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I can still remember holding both my children as newborns and marveling at it all. They're 42 and 38 respectively now, and between them they've given my wife and I six grandchildren, one of whom is old enough to have enlisted in the Navy this past December. I'm 71 and she is 70, and it just keeps getting better. The Lord has so blessed us all, starting with allowing us to be born in what is now still the greatest nation ever conceived by man.

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Our Pastor talked about not worrying. It's easy to say, harder to do (much harder). Be grateful that you ARE young enough to enjoy this time w/ your daughter. Good for her, I LOVE that she likes math!

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I hope Evelyn finds the exact spot she will love!!

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It was the summer of 2011 when we took our daughter, a former travel-team basketballer, to Georgia Tech for orientation into their biomedical engineering program. We were headed to lunch on the second day when she suddenly stopped and waited for us to stop a few steps later. With the same face I'd seen many times on the basketball court, she looked at us and very matter-of-factly stated "I can do this." It was SO powerful, and it synopsized every aspect of who she was up to that point and who she's become since. Then, of course, there's my other daughter.... :)

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Your priorities are in the right place, Erick. As Jonah Goldberg often remarks about parenthood, the days are long and the years are short.

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Ah yes… the significance of the passage of time ⏰

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Trisha, I needed that laugh today! Thanks.

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Wow! God has blessed you with a very talented and sounds like a an intelligent daughter! As one of those old already, you are doing right by your family! Enjoy every moment they go by so fast!

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Lordy, she IS good. And apparently in control of both sides of her brain.

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In today's world I think what you are doing is great. When I was at the age to go to college my parents made the decision, and I never even visited the school before I was starting classes. That worked out fine, but that was then and what you are doing is good in today's world. Enjoy! My sickly childhood removed me from many opportunities to even be able to make an intelligent judgement.

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Good Luck with your tour!!!

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I am just really glad that you are a parent who takes the time to do things like this with your daughter. Even with all that is going on in the world, THIS is the important stuff!

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Erick you speak often about how you never planned where you arrived in life. Who among us has had everything progress according to pre-ordained plans? Life is full of serendipity. Stuff happens, good and bad. God has a plan, and it's not always aligned with our desires. At least that we know and understand at the time. Its amazing to reflect and look back at the sometime circuitous paths we often wind up following.

That translates into kids. I try very hard to instill in my kids a level of flexibility. Roll with the punches. Life is what happens when you are out making plans. Build the solid foundation that enables you to make those course corrections you are presented with.

I love Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and do not lean on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will keep your paths straight.

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Yes, it sucks to be the same age as old people! I had 3 kids in college at the same time and I didn't saddle them with student debt. I will live out my life a lot poorer and a lot more blessed.

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I feel your pain. I'm a semester away from having two down and a break before the other two still to go.

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As a woman that graduated from GA Tech and had a daughter that graduated from GA Tech TWICE (oh and a husband, son, and son-in-law that all graduated from Tech) I applaud your daughter's great taste in universities. The Aerospace program is great, but if she wants to marry those art skills with engineering, she might also look into Industrial Design. I'll also recommend sorority life because at Tech having friends that are boys isn't hard (The Ratio is definitely stacking in women's favors) but sometimes finding a way to meet and have friendships with other women is challenging. Greek life is a great way for ladies to do that.

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Agree!! We are GT alums, fantastic education and experience!!

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These times are better than bourbon and cigars. Enjoy them!

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