Warren is a truly disgusting person, and has profited handsomely and presumably illegally by her profession. Someone make me understand how her constituents continue to enable her.

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CBS MORNINGS Tony D said : we are at a historical moment. the immigration to this country is at an all time high and increased more under the Biden Administration. I wonder how we will look back in history at this historical increase in population. not quote unquote but you get the gist. NOW illegal and legal immigration into the US is historical. Reminds me of a book, Animal Farm by George Orwell, “It had become usual to give Napoleon the Credit for every Successful achievement and every stroke of good fortune. You would often hear one hen remark to another, “Under the guidance of our leader, Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days” or two cows, enjoying a drink at the pool, would exclaim,

“thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this water tastes!”...”

― George Orwell, Animal Farm

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Just wait until someone on the right whacks a prominent left-winger. This has the potential to start a very nasty tit-for-tat, back-and-forth killings that once gets going, is really hard to put a stop to.

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There are several high-level former members of the Weather Underground walking around to this day, including Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. Those people should be rotting in prison.

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Government run healthcare in a country of over 300 million people would be a complete disaster just look what a half assed Obama care program looks like. So then we get the crazies advocating the death of CEOs because they screwed up by supporting this 💩. When the answer is replace it with something that works

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Dimsicles have no regard for life. These are the same people who advocate killing babies and mutilating children.

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...and are starting their push for euthanasia. From one end of life to the other, the Democrats have become the Party of Death.

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Aren't these the same people who gave us DEI?? Perhaps they should read their own material, then see Merriam-Webster for the definition of hypocrisy.

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With these people, everything is "situational ethics".

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Yet again we see the soft condoning of violence by liberal-progressives which emanates from institutions of higher education and is abetted by a compliant media.

The failure to instill and enforce civic and moral virtues throughout society is now being seen in sordid outcomes much like those Eric mentioned from the 1970s and the recent first degree murder of the United Healthcare CEO.

There can be no tolerance for these attitudes and acts which much be vigorously condemned. Office holders who dwell in the morbid atmosphere of “buts” need to be booted from office.

You’d think that this is one area where we could stand united…

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We know about the violent nature of progressives we talk about it. But nothing will be done to stop it.

The media needs to be held accountable every bit as much as I wish some of these judges who let killers back on the streets to kill again were held accountable.

The media and the left have made violence normal. And that’s not good.

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Yes, as well as social media and video games. A generation of young people have become desensitized to the horrors of violence. So tragic.

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The media AND academia. Trustees of elite universities. The deep pockets who blithely fill "ivy league" classrooms with vile ideologues.

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The Democrats have shown us who they are and what they believe in. Both are worthy of our contempt.

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Hopefully the times are about to start changing.

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To Elizabeth Warren I would say

"Hey stupid you've been pushing conservative gun owing pro 2A folks since Obama!"

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Sometime before his death in 1984, Francis Schaeffer stood in Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta and addressed a pro-life audience. I was there. I will never forget that he said, "An amoral society is worse than an immoral society." Everyone, including me, scratched their heads in perplexity until Schaeffer went on to explain that in an immoral society, there is still knowledge of absolute right and absolute wrong. The society knows the difference between the two and chooses to do that which they know is wrong. In an amoral society, absolutes have been rejected, morality is relative, and no ones knows the difference between that which is right and that which is wrong. There is no moral true north; thus, there is no sense of direction.

Schaeffer was a prophet, and what he warned us of is coming true.

I voted for Donald Trump, and I thank God that he won; however, we must not worship him as our saviour. There is but one Saviour, and His name is not Donald. The true Saviour does not need the Republican Party nor the conservative movement to work His will; but He does make bold claims. He claims that if we ask the Father anything in His name, He will do it. It is a time that we who claim Christ asked for forgiveness for our sin. There is no need to expect the wokes and progressives to join us in contrite prayer. With no moral compass, they do not even know what sin is; so, expecting them to repent is meaningless.

In 1973, the American Humanist Association (whose motto is "Good with a God") wrote Humanist Manifesto II. Included in their Manifesto II, there were these statements:

"While there is much that we do not know, humans, are responsible for what we are and what we will become." I agree with this statement; however, for the Christian, this is a statement of problem. For the humanist, it is a statement of solution.

"No deity will save us..." Again, I agree with the humanists, for salvation involves a sacrifice. Someone has to die for there to be salvation. A deity that dies is no deity. Death is stronger than this deity.

"...we must save ourselves." It is interesting to note that Humanist Manifesto III did not reaffirm the statement, "No deity will save us; we must save ourselves." Could it not be that in 2013 when the humanists rewrote their Manifesto that they realized that Humanist Manifesto II acknowledged that we need saving?

Only the God-Man, could do what no other deity could do - namely, die as a human and live as God. Only the God-Man could save us. And that is what the incarnation is all about, and that is what Christmas is all about.

I call on my fellow Christians to pray for Donald Trump's salvation so that his mind might be renewed by the healing powers of the Holy Spirit so that our beloved nation might return to its origins.

Sorry for the long comment.

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In our therapeutic, postmodern culture the emphasis is on the individual designed to defend individuas against any community or outward influence that foisted guilt- producing standards them. And then push the self-chose and self-defined identity out into the society and demand acceptance affirmation.

We are now in the new shame- and-honer culture where individuals are se n as oppressed and controlled by society's expectations , roles, and structure. Greater honor and moral virtue are assigned to people the more they have been victimized... The further down the existing social ladder one is, the greater honor is possible. [Intersectionalism]

It creates a society of good-verses-evil conflict over the smallest issues as people compete for victim status.

It sweeps away the very concept of forgiveness and reconciliation.

~Timothy Keller, "forgive".

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You seem to saying that Trump, without a religious conversion, may not be able to attain some of the broader goals of his religious supporters.

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Don't ever apologize for the truth!

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Beautifully written, Allen. Long comments like this are wonderful.

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“While there are instances of rightwing extremists in the United States engaging in violence, such as killing an abortion clinic doctor and storming the capitol, …”

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Stay with me here…..the government takes control of healthcare. Then those who have bad outcomes or oppose that healthcare and ate vocal about it are labeled terrorists or treasonous. To sue a doctor for malpractice would be akin to suing the government. A no win for the common citizen. I admit a little out there but possible in light of current events

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Democrats are the Bolsheviks of our time, but now they’re just more open about it. Gratefully they’re a minority, but each one in power who supports the murder of an innocent should be exposed for the hypocrites they are and shamed into oblivion.

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I wouldn't be in the least surprised if Democrats of Elizabeth Warren's ilk don't regard the killing of UHC CEO as just a rather late term abortion.

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OMG, GREAT comment!

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