Sooo looking forward to watching more infighting among the Democrats. My recliner and popcorn are ready!

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Amen! Give them the number to the Suicide Promotion Hotline - NOW. I have had my fill with Democrats blaming every Congressional fiasco on Republicans in general, and Mitch McConnell, who remains far from my favorite Senator, in particular.

They have the majority, however slim, in both Houses of Congress (thanks, Donald Trump and Georgia!). They bought it, now let them pay for it. The radical Marxists think that they own the Congressional Democrat caucus in both Houses. Now, let them learn that you’re responsible for your property.

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Mr. Erickson I so hope that you are right. Now if you can just come up with a plan to fix what Joe Biden has done to this country'

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Yay!!!! I can't wait to see a good blood bath especially when it's blue-blooded-hypocrite-know-it-alls who thought that our fellow Americans would buy all this crap they're trying to shovel down our throats. Have at it. Crack up and turn to dust! And you know what else proves you're right....my son and his wife are having huge buyers remorse for voting for Ole Joe. They have a new baby and they're starting to worry about what this country will look like when he gets older. I'm glad they're seeing the light.

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One thing and one thing only - NO TO THE DEBT CEILING!

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Amen and amen

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For years we been hearing the GOP is dying, fighting an internal war with itself over Trump. It's hysterical that it's actually the Democrats facing an internecine battle that threatens to detail their agenda while they control both the executive and legislative branches.

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I think Trump and McConnell have a "it's just business" thing going the way Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan did. Trump gets lots of mileage bashing Mitch, and McConnell gets to play the elder statesman.

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That's a great point! You may be onto something here. Personally, I've had to admire McConnell these past several years. He has a lot more cajones than Speaker John Boehner, who was in a similar position to be the spoiler on Obamacare but instead chose to play ball. And the guy managed to successfully navigate the treacherous waters of Trump's presidency, which is no small feat. He's a politician, yes, so we're never going to get the hard-core results we want from strict conservatives, but how much do those strict conservatives actually accomplish? Typically they're relegated to just another name within the Conservative Caucus and that's that. McConnell loses some battles but seems focused on winning the war.

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