Thank you for the reminder of the providence of God. Prayers for you and your endeavors.

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Praying favor for you in all that you undertake today !

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God is sovereign,

God is perfect,

God is love.

These 3 things I cling to.

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Amen and Amen!! Great truth here!

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There are no non-religious people. there are only false gods.

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As a sinner, I worry about how far Atheist will go in regards to the totalitarian left which Atheists can be found. History is littered with mass extermination’s against others in the name of atheists style Government.

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Thank you for your writing, as always. C.S. Lewis said that an atheist (he had been one) cannot be too careful what he reads, since the world and everything in it overflows with evidence of God's existence. But most people I know in academia just seem to think that the existence or non-existence of God is irrelevant... I cannot agree; I know that there is Truth, not just my mind its projections, and that Truth, and all reality comes from God. As with gravity, I would rather be aware of reality and live in the real world, as hard as it sometimes is.

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For me, one of the best parts of being a Christian is knowing I don't have to fret or worry. I do my part, He does His, and it all works out for my good.

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Every day starts with a blank page. As usual, you will fill yours with excellence.

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GREAT commentary, Erick, and so very true.....

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As "St. Garth of Oklahoma "sang, "Sometimes God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. An atheist doesnt have to grasp that - Christians do.

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Thank you for this beautiful perspective, Erick. It brought to mind a metaphor, which I am happy to share with you and these readers.

Trying to envision and fulfill God's plan for our life is like trying to paint one side of a two-sided painting. You can only see your side - a canvas stretched across the length of your lifetime. On the other side, God has already finished his beautiful work - His plan for your life. A masterpiece that we can never see until our life here is finished. From his side he hears us ask "What is your plan for my life? What does the painting look like? Which colors do I use where and which brush strokes to I make?" And God tells us. And though we strive to match His work we are limited to only a single brush stroke at a time, making numerous errors along the way, never seeing His finished work.

It is a feeble attempt for mortal man to strive to match the beauty of His plan. But for mortal man the beauty is not in the final work by our hand, which is sure to fall short, but in the seeking to be guided by Him, as best we can comprehend, and to live as best we can according to His plan. To make our lives as much like His masterpiece as we are able.

And I, for one, look forward to seeing his work, not only for myself but for us all!

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Whatever the project is on which you've been working, I pray it works out the way the way God knows it needs to.

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It may not seem like near enough, but thank you. I may not always agree with you politically, but I sure do spiritually.

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Working in Higher Ed, I feel every word of this every say. The self-righteousness of thr atheist, the condescending words and attitudes, and the dismissal of my intellectual because of my faith is exhausting. I question whether I need to do something different, but what does one do with a PhD in Teaching and Learning?

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Praying for you, and trusting that our God knows what is best for you. Thanks for being bold. It is not easy to speak the truth in the face of hostility. And I often see that you, Erick, particularly face hostility from both sides.

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