More power to you, Eric.

You might ask each what they are willing to do to ensure that it is one of them that is the nominee...for the good of the country and party.

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You have nailed it as usual. I voted for and supported Trump and I think for the most part he did a good job but he needs to ride off into the sunset now. Biden had done a horrible job and he can't go back to Delaware permanently soon enough.

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A night without Trump. How wonderful!!

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I agree with your piece in all aspects except one...need the proof that Trump provoked the J6 mob. Voted for him twice and want him gone. Haven’t seen the evidence that Trump gave them marching instructions...

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It's an open secret that there were federal agent provocateurs egging people on to storm the capitol building.

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FYI, not everyone in the legal community is as happy with the lawfare launched at Trump: https://twitter.com/i/status/1691786390223425788

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I still don't think Republicans realize how radicalizing it was for Democrats that SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade. I'm a lone conservative in a sea of progressive white women in a Charlotte NC suburb and let me assure everyone, they have not forgotten. Most of these Real Housewives of Suburbia had never voted in a non-presidential election year until 2022. Again, they have not forgotten!

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I agree with most of what you wrote Erick, however, republicans didn’t start this fight.

We’ve watched leftists for years be destructive and radical. I’m sure the same leftists who burnt down cities for a summer over Floyd were TOTALLY radicalized by J6. We certainly hadn’t experienced their terror before that right? Such as the Kavanaugh riots & attempted assassin, Trump election riots, Michael Brown riots, Floyd, burning pro life pregnancy centers, Kenosha, etc. The list goes on and on, and then you somehow expect the other side to not give in after watching for YEARS shitlibs do the exact same thing with zero consequences?

You can say they were “radicalized” by Trump’s refusing to admit he lost the election, but you’re severely downplaying all of the radicalization that has come from them before that.

Republicans did not start this fight, but instead have been on defense to the left’s radicalization for years now.

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I'd add one more item to your pardon paragraph: The current president needs to pardon all those US citizens who entered the Capital building on January 6. Many are still sitting in a DC jail awaiting prosecution and hundreds more have been sentenced to terms rivaling those reserved for serial killers. If this bullshit does not stop now on both sides we run the danger of our country perishing in Civil War II.

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I’m sorry - this is hopelessly naive. There is no comparison between Biden’s criminality and Trump’s boorishness. None, nada, zilch. The idea that we can throw them both out and go back to normal is ludicrous. And knowing how corrupt the media is, and how corrupted our government was-even before Trump came down the stairs, I don’t want to go back to normal. Trump showed me something, I can’t unsee.

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Except I was into politics and thought I knew what was going on...until I didn’t.

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PRECISELY. "I'm not into politics" people have learned that politics is into them, thanks to Trump.

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“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. ” -- Pericles

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I am coming to the Gathering and I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this. We've got to start looking to the future of the conservative movement whether it comes in 2024 or later. I can't wait to hear the discussion this weekend.

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You appear to assume Trump is not / must not / cannot be part of America's conservative movement. Were you equally absent when the Tea Party raised many of these same issues, and was stomped by the UniParty careerists?

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Unfortunately, the J6 event is too important for the Dems. Every Republican on the planet could crawl on their knees for miles in penance for the event and denounce every evil thought they may not have had and it would never sufficiently suffice the important hammer the Dems have in J6. It is like Racism. It will never go away even if there is little to no evidence. Speaking of evidence, did the J6 commission really torch all the docs and observations they documented to build their multimillion dollar multi-night J6 extravaganza video presentation?

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Spectacular! My heart rate actually went up while I was reading this.

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will this friday and saturday event be live streamed anywhere?

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Erick stop acting like Trump led the rioters into the capitol on J6 or that nearly all Republicans didn’t condemn the riot from the beginning. He didn’t and we did. On top of that all these malicious prosecutions are catching plenty of other innocent good people up in their nets and threatening them with years in prison. It’s frankly terrifying.

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A recitation of the glaring obvious. One thing that you miss...the Dems are pushing these indictments to help ensure a Trump nomination which they rightfully believe will end with another 4 years of Biden (or whoever replaces him). Fast forward to the aftermath of the 2024 election and Trump will say he was robbed again and many more will believe him due to the politicized indictments. There will most likely be retaliation by the right. If by some fluke, Trump wins again the Dems/Left will riot and terrorize everyone for the next 4 years.

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