Where are the conservative voices in Congress? Why aren’t they calling for an investigation? Are they waiting to get past the mid-terms??

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Well said Erick. Too bad you didn't include the DOJ in this briefing. I'm frankly concerned with all divisions of our justice system, which can no longer be trusted any more than the info expressed on CNN or MSNBC.

As a side note, we know that the Mexican cartels are responsible for pushing a lot of the drugs over our southern border. Together they are doing more damage to our country today than Bin Laden did on 9-11. Why couldn't our SEALS do a few similar jobs down in Mexico to take out some of the cartel figures responsible?

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An investigation is long overdue. The Trump raid is a disgrace!

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RE: Investigation of the FBI - YES! And can we investigate the IRS next?

RE: Misinformation - In 2017, Vladimir Putin was interviewed by Megyn Kelly and one of the topics was Russian interference in our elections. Putin's responses, which were treated as laughable cover for Trump by the MSM, turned out to be accurate. Regarding special dealings with Trump, Putin stated "Well, this is just another load of nonsense. Where would we get this information from? Why, did we have some special relationship with him? We didn't have a relationship at all!" And regarding a secret communication channel supposedly set up by Jared Kushner, Putin said "For me, this is just amazing. You have created a sensation out of nothing." The bitter irony, of course, is that Megyn's line of questioning was the DIRECT RESULT of a disinformation campaign hatched and financed by the DNC and propped up by the FBI. If memory serves, this was the same interview where Putin stated that all Russia had to do was make a few suggestions via social networking; the American public took the bait and ran with it. Tell me THAT isn't plausible!

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The only way to have meaningful reforms would be to break down the current structure of intelligence agencies and start from scratch. The hearings on Operation Phoenix in the early 70's made public some of the atrocities of the CIA during Vietnam. I have no doubt that these types of "Black Ops" are still ongoing.

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I would like conservative news talk shows to talk more about "this" topic BUT ALSO the whole Administrative (Deep) State that has grown basically unchecked until recent years and maybe the Chevron decision of the SCOTUS. Erick had an awesome monologue on this topic before the last SCOTUS term ended. I was walking on a beach listening to the potential impact of the decision on Chevron. It appears to me, and I'm not an expert on this topic, that the vicious fighting by the F.B.I. and others is taking place because they're deeply concerned about conservatives getting back into power. Erick, I hope you can fill in the blanks of my comment while keeping it entertaining. Will conservative politicians chip away at some of the partisan administrations handling the affairs of the country without being held accountable to voters?

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Thanks for elaborating on this on-air! While on the beach I was live-streaming the show on Tuned-In radio. Yeah, I finished work quite early that day on purpose.

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Glad you heard it!

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Thank you, Erick, for this article. My concern is that we don't have enough in congress with the will to form a version of the Church Committee. Corruption is everywhere, but thank you for clarifying.

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Agree 100%. With every passing year I do not recognize the country I love and served.

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When I worked in Transportation we were constantly referring to the Code of Federal Regulations. 50 books that will guide you through any aspect of your job in the government. Written by lawyers and is online. It seems the current individuals inside and outside the government have never read them or just don’t know how to read period but you can bet these regulations will be used against them should they some day have to testify. https://ww.ecfr.gov/

Erick isn’t Zoom connected to the Chinese?

Have you heard of the Black Robe Regiment ?

Love your insight and the reason we two socialists as Senators is individuals don’t seek out their credentials before voting . You can bet the Deceiving of Needy Citizens will continue.Just because they smile and use their title (Pastor)doesn’t mean they are trustworthy. He is a future CNN commentator.

Enjoy you and your show.

God Bless you,

Richard Rayburn

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Who guards the guardians?

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Well, God, but I understand your temporal "here and now" question.

We have a foe that has patiently worked in the background for decades to gradually undermine the moral foundation of our nation. The left took it to heart that winning the minds and hearts of the young provides a base for change with little or impotent resistance in just a couple of generations. The old "boiling a frog gradually" adage.

At this point, we continue to live in the free-est nation on earth, yet give ground every year. Taking back the youth is critical to swinging back to sanity in a couple of more generations. Will we take that seriously? Time will tell.

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FBI...Famous But Incompetent. We're slowly sinking back to J. Edgar's FBI...they just aren't as good at what they are supposed to do as they used to be, and they're meddling in politics way more than they should.

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Well said. Thanks for the information!

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I was in college and paid relatively close attention to the Church Committee, along with a handful of very intelligent, left-leaning fraternity brothers. Me front the right, and they from the left, were supporters of what Sen. Church was doing, as what we feared most back then was a police state. How today they can actually applaud the actions of the intelligence agencies is a level of willful blindness that I just cannot comprehend.

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The left is driven by utility - whatever works, end justifies the means, etc. IMO, once your brethren saw the swing to their political advantage in gov't, they favored locking down resistance regardless of their "thoughtful" approach in college. Keep in mind that while we were in college (I'm from a similar age), the hue and cry was against "the man" - essentially conservative politics. They may have viewed the Church Commission as their ally in the fight against the right. Now that the tide has turned, your frat brothers see the FBI/CIA/NSA/et all being THEIR guardians, not guardians of all.

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I could not agree more. It is past time to demand our representatives do their jobs and conduct some executive oversight. Congress needs to take bipartisan action.

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