I agree with most of what Hillary said, but now, I feel dirty.

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The pro-infanticide has the money because they are in a money-making enterprise which now includes transgender surgery and medications, not to mention our taxes which help subsidize it. Our side consists of nonprofit organizations. Follow the money…

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If you can make broad decisions that affect everyone in the U.S. then you can surely expect to be able to influence what your family does. It's not off limits when you are a public official. It's hypocritical to think that you don't get judged by what your family does unless your a Biden.

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Amazing words from Hillary Clinton. I just wish she had reminded folks that, after Sadat established a peaceful relationship with Israel, Islamic extremists brutally murdered him.

I wish she had also mentioned that Hamas has not held an election in the 16 years they've been in charge since they came to power in 2007. Once evil takes power, it does NOT give it up easily.

(As an aside, Sunny' Hostin is probably the most insuferably arrogant and condescending person on TV.)

The three head guys of Hamas live in Qatar, and are worth a collective $11 billion. They live in luxury hi-rises and fly in private jets that would make most corporate CEOs jealous.

I have 2 questions:

1. Can you imagine how much better the lives of people in Gaza would be if even half of the $11 billion had been spent on stuff like water/sewer or an electrical grid?

2) Why doesn't Mossad find and kill these monsters? Then that $11 billion could be used to improve the lives of the residents of Gaza.

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The GOP is wasting time and money. Vivek is right. The head of the GOP clown car - Rona Romney McDaniel - needs to go. Only thing I heard from the five last night that made any sense. The rest? Bromides from a time and place long gone.

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They all had good ideas even Vivek when he stuck to his agenda and we need to push the GOP / RNC for better candidates in all races and push for them to better use our money. We have just ignored them starting a fight with them not productive I thought he had enough money he didn’t need them? Debate showed we have good candidates this go round but unless get Senate & keep house won’t do much good.

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For anyone passionate about the pro-life movement, I'd recommend Matt Walsh's "Daily Cancellation" near the end of his program yesterday (November 8). I loved it, and I'd be curious to read others' thoughts.

Skip ahead to 53 minutes:


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I did watch it. It was good.

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The descriptor "sweet spot" for abortion: Was that a poor attempt at irony? For whom is death at 15 weeks "sweet"? Probably not the baby. And based on what I've learned from the women who work at our local crisis pregnancy counseling center, killing the baby at any number of months is not "sweet" for the mom either.

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Soooo....... the GOP losing the Virginia House is actually a sublime form of victory?

The 15-week abortion compromise being popular matters not. What matters is whether you win or lose. The GOP still lost.

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It is depressingly the truth that we have several generations of Americans who see the right to kill your unborn children as a fundamental exercise of bodily autonomy and it will clearly take more than legislation to change that. The pro-life movement has it's work cut out for them and needs to act prudently/incrementally in policy where it's called for. We have a legion of activists and non-profits on the Left willing to mobilize and undermine any prolife law and a legion of journalists who slant their coverage to benefit the pro-choice side. Even with moderate bills, they will misreport it to make it look more extreme.

On the other hand, Chamber of Commerce Republicans have struggled to articulate a clear unifying message on abortion. They've used the issue to string along evangelicals for votes. They never really cared about the issue, didn't have a plan post-Roe, and now wanted to ditch the issue because of these elections. The other side is not shying away from social issues and if the GOP thinks they can win elections without turning out their base of support from Evangelicals they're delusional. I hope they follow Erick's advice.

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Wow...and on the "View" of all places. She summed up the situation, explained the history, AND put Oblabla in his place. Never before seen 8:27 of rational coherent dialogue form Hillary.

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Beware: That was Hillary-Taqiyya. The Chappaqua Witch is angling to be the Dem nominee instead of Newson, when the Dem party pushes Biden out of the way in early 2024.

Listen closely to what Hillaroid says about Ukraine having the "right, as any country would, to defend itself against an invasion". Now look at our southern border, and consider which political party is in charge of that situation. You want that woman campaigning for the Oval Office - again?

Oh, and who authored the Abraham Accords, the framework for peace that Blinken and Nod have discarded? Was that proposal crafted by a POTUS with a D after his name? I think not.

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Hilary will not be a presidential candidate. Ukraine and Israel both have the right to defend themselves against invading forces. The Biden administration is responsible for the invasion at our boarders. President Trump brokered the Abraham Accords.

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I'll admit, I'm surprised as well.

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I just don’t know how the Republicans can get their message together between now and the election. Of course, over the last few election cycles, it’s always been look at those leftists over there, we are not them. Nothing of substance. Part of the problem is the 30 second sound bite commercials. I don’t think people can nuance issues any more (could they ever) but these ads (and a lot of recently bad candidates) turn people off (or to the other side).

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Never doubt the Republicans ability's to blow a winning issue and lose a race. Bad messaging, wrong issues, tying themselves to an egomaniac for a party leader, pick it.

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Good on you, Hillary Clinton!! And thank you Erick for sharing. I love how she dealt with Barack Hussein Obama.

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And another thing who in the heck thinks that anyone gives a rats butt what Hillary has to say. Too bad that she and Trump don’t ride off into the sunset together and never to be seen or heard from again.

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It’s nice to hear a rational thought from a leading Democrat. Hillary actually goes a long way in shutting up Barack - call me a Community Organizer - Obama.

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Ohio’s abortion amendment to its constitution was so poorly written that no one could understand it. And what the left was touting about it was a lie. Originally the law stated abortion was prohibited if the fetus was viable outside of the womb unless incest, rape or life of the mother. All the crap that the ACLU and the pro choice said was a lie. There was millions of out of state money poured into the state to scare the willies out of everyone. Now we have a constitution that says you can have an abortion right up until birth. So very sad.

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Thanks for posting the video - I probably would have missed seeing it✔️

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