Waiting for the predictable, and tiresome, demands delivered in their shrill, high-pitched voices by the usual hand-wringing, lip-quivering people (who think all plastic gets “recycled”) for “gun control.” Eventually, they’ll undoubtedly come up with a “gun law,” that no one else ever has thought of before, that’ll solve it for good, yes? Makes one wonder that if “guns kill people” how does anyone ever make it out of a gun show alive?

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I am a paid up member, but i keep getting messages to upgrade to paid. Help! dickfreeman0827@gmail.com

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I have upgraded to paid. Why does my email say “upgrade to paid”?

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Well said.

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"a white girl was shot and killed turned around in a man’s driveway"

I'm still waiting for you to hire me as your free-of-charge proofreader.

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Andre Longmore is a black man, I had hunt for that bit of information. No, not necessarily relevant.

However, as you point out, we are treated immediately to the race and manifesto of the Jacksonville shooter, mental illness aside.

Same with Robert Long.

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“ so many prefer conspiracies to truth.” I don’t prefer conspiracies, but I no longer dismiss theory’s/statements that initially sound absurd. I’d much prefer to know the truth, but I don’t.

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It’s Goebbels level propaganda masquerading as news. It is the only genuine threat to democracy. It is the only justified claim of election interference. The source of the rot comes from two primary societal problems: media ownership corporate consolidation and corruption of the education system with ideological indoctrination of the toxic parasitic mind virus of critical theory. We can fix both of those problems if we have the spine. Unfortunately half the nation is brainwashed by that very propaganda machine to attack and destroy those demonstrating the spine.

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Yep, the left keeps saying things they know are not true as they know the media will not fact check them until it's so painfully obvious they are shilling for leftists, they may put a small headline on page two. I think they believe, "Just keep saying/writing what we want the populace to think, and they will start to believe it." My big question, why does the media act like this? Do they hobnob so much with leftists they're unable to challenge them for fear of not being invited to parties? Is it more sinister? Probably both.

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And the shooter of our Hampton victims was a Veteran who had not been appropriately treated for his severe mental illness as well. This too is not widely shared but is factual.

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Who, what, where, when, and why have devolved to - first, confirm social intersectionality of victim and perpetrator. If acceptable, proceed with over-reporting. Not acceptable? Do nothing.

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I can’t help but wonder how many people would be alive today if Obama had not ignited a race war when he came into office 15 years ago. The Jacksonville shooter would have been about ten years old at that time.

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Those of us who remember the "real" news delivered by Cronkite, Huntley & Brinkley, Reasoner, Chancellor, Jennings, Russert, and several others wish fondly for those days again, when we didn't reflexively doubt every single thing that was being told to us from the get-go.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Media bias isn't always in what gets covered. It's often found in what doesn't get covered.

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I said last night, we have this manifesto ten minutes after the incident. The manifesto for the gender confused person is under lock and key. Listened to a black minister and a black former chief of police last night, both of whom stated that the media ignores the fact that there is a mass shooting every single weekend in Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta and some other cities around the country, but they get no coverage because both the victims and shooters are black. And that is a fact. Some crimes are only amplified if they fit the correct narrative.

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Sad. but very, very true!

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When I now hear people I know parroting main stream media news, including Fox, I think they’re idiots. It’s clear media is controlled by money and ideology. Lost faith in media is one reckoning, but the big one will only come when advertisers are literally crushed through lack of support. Why buy anything from people that hate your values?

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