The continuing resolution will be yes, lift the ceiling, again as always is, and has been. You can wager the farm on that. No need to get thongs in a wad over that. Yet the Wall St pundits will be shouting from the stump some chicken little improper-ganda.

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As a federal employee I can tell you it doesn't always happen in a timely fashion. While I feel Congress has ONE JOB they need to do, and that is create and pass a budget, I don't think it should continually be done is the last hours before the end of the federal fiscal year. Yes, I get paid once this fiasco concludes, but the potential of waiting weeks without pay can be frustrating. It means I have to call all of my creditors to ask them to forego my bill payments for an unspecified time frame. Yes, I have funds set aside. But the last time this happened that fund was empty. Employers don't want to give you a temp job because you will be going back to your "real" job and getting unemployment benefits is iffy. And if you do finally get them, of course you pay them back (as one should.)

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I really, really hope you are correct and Republicans will not cave. The media will of course spin this as the Republican again standing in the way, if only they would be fair and compassionate. I fully expect Biden to put a fence around the Mall and shut down every open air park, just like Obama did. Oh the gnashing of teeth, oh the cold, callous Republicans.

But can Mitt-I'm so dammed principled-Romney hold back stepping into the spotlight? He will again be loved by liberals.

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The Dems deserve a spanking for all the BS they served the American people for the past 5 years.

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Thank you again . It seems to me that Pelosi could just write a check and pay for everything and still have money left over. Just sayin'.

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The best case would be nothing is passed. I hope the GOP makes the Dems own the debt ceiling.

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A great summary of information Eric. What is frustrating to me is that there are many legitimate needs for "true" infrastructure upgrades. Getting high speed internet to rural areas is one example. I live in a rural area of GA. A couple of miles from my residence, there is a "high dollar" subdivision that is significantly more upscale than the majority of homes in the area. Fiber optics cable for internet was ran through the edge of my property to serve this neighborhood. But, folks on my street cannot access it. We have to rely satellite companies like Hughes net and Hot spots. These types of upgrade would be very beneficial.

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Painfully accurate & succinct. Thanks Erick!

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