Erick Erick you continue to amaze me. You still the think the media is fair. Lol. Wake up please. You defend these evil people all the time. You act incredulous that they won’t do the right thing. Their father is the devil so tell me why would they do the right thing?

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Sadly, they have become fiction writers. A far cry from what I depended on growing up in the D.C. area decades ago with The Washington Post and The Evening Star. These were both delivered to our home daily.

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I watched McCarthy talking outside the White House to the WH Press Gaggle. The first 4/5 questions were all about Trump's visit with Nick Fuentes. Never mind the upcoming rail strike, open borders, Fetanyl poisoning, etc, etc.

Just get Trump at all costs.

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I just take it all with a grain of salt and a smile on my face. It is all very humorous to me.

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E-man, love your Substack but it ruins my podcast listen, which is a day behind. ;D Thanks for all you do, bro.

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There is only 1 explanation of why the double standard and hypocrisy--evil has many allies. And accomplices in the sphere of decadent modernity protect their own. Instead of seeing depravity and immorality--they see it as personal choice. BUT--they see Conservative ideology--which seeks to keep decadence at bay--as the real evil. Upside-down culture we are experiencing. And it will not end well.

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The “Liberal” Major Media News tries to make Major News Headlines on Republican Toe Stubers for sure. Now when it comes to the Democrats they try to make Hero's out Major Law Busters .

So what are our options? I do my best to stay away from those stations and personalities or i locate the Off Button of my TV, which actually makes for a more pleasant day. I find better content in my Bible and put on a smile and walk out the door and enjoy the day. 🙏

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Bankman-Fried did not come up with the idea, he simply applied silicon valley's model to crypto.

And to which political party do all these companies donate? That is part of the model.

Big Tech was running a ponzi scheme, get more investor money to cover the losses.

Active users and revenue were the currency, never mind they loosing real dollars by the billions.

"...Casper mattress, Peloton, Uber, WeWork, DoorDasj, Lyft, Postmates, Blue Apron meal,... in one day, [you could] interacted with eight unprofitable companies that collectively lost about $15 billion in one year."


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Won’t happen u til the media gets taken down and rebuilt. They no longer serve the American people. They serve the Democrats. Expecting more at this point is a total waste of time.

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But, but we're not liberal, we're just doing good journalism.

~ Don Lemon

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Total lack of self-awareness. Stunning.

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Yeah--that was a real ROFL experience when I heard that one. :-)

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There is no equal justice under the law any more. Maybe there never was equal justice. But the Maxwell case is outrageous. There should be a LOT of people in jail but because they are connected in the right ways, they will never be brought to justice. Hell, we will never even know their names. I can only hope a brave person will one day publish ALL the names.

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With Maxwell everyone is afraid of just where the trail might lead.

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The Maxwell thing is just odd. It has crossed my mind that she doesn't name the other parties for fear of being murdered.

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Well just knowing the Clintons is hazardous to your health...

James McDougal, 57

Mary Mahoney, 25

Vince Foster, 48

Ron Brown, 55

C. Victor Raiser, II, 52

Paul Tulley, 48

Jerry Parks, 47

The chance of dying in your 20's .1%, 40's .3%, 50's .5%

Just saying.

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I think that Bankman -Freid is a bag man to pay nefarious people out side of the pervue of any govermental agency

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One can hope. But don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen.

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That is never going to happen, and I haven't noticed any republicans calling for it either.

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GREAT point!!

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