If you read the comments to my morning piece, you’ll notice a few things. Depending on the variety of MAGA a commenter is, they have a different apologetics for what is happening with the markets, but they’re all okay with it. Some think the economy has only benefited the top 20% and now is payback time. Others think the government has actually propped up the private sector and cutting spending is causing the markets to collapse. Others think this is Donald Trump reordering society to make Americans dependent more on an American economy and less a globally integrated economy.
The explanations are often in conflict and often shallow considerations that do not survive probing. But they are explanations.
Regardless of the reality and real answers, Trump has time to fix this and/or reorder the private sector. Why? Because Democrats are far more interested in focusing on defending terrorist sympathizers, trans activists, and firebombing Tesla dealerships. Trump has a real advantage on his economic path forward because Democrats are not in the game and probably won’t be for some time. Take a listen.
R House and Senate need to codify tax cuts
democrats don’t understand the game and don’t want to.