All explanation about the economy have contradictions because there are tradeoffs for everything related to the economy. Markets are only part of the economy. Markets are only a devised mechanism for real business to generate equity capital selling off shares of ownership. The other way to acquire capital is debt financing. The markets are no more a complete bellwether of economic health than is say the profit of the banking sector.
We rely on data that is, in fact, a distraction to the actual real health of the complex dynamic economy. We leave out many of the measures because, frankly, they are inconvenient to the power... which is the top 20% of income and wealth... but the top 1% is 90% of that power.
I am a one-percenter by income and wealth measures, but I have family that are well down into the bottom 80%. Things are great for me, and not so good for them. Things have gotten much worse for them over the last 5 years beginning with the government actions related to the pandemic.
Here are a couple of honest, frank and reasonable questions...
- Do you believe that the economic situation with the bottom 80% is not good and got worse during the Biden Admin?
- If not then it explains why you might be so against Trump's agenda including tariffs.
- If so, and I hope so, what do you recommend he do to improve the economic situation with the bottom 80% if you opinion that tariffs should be off the table?
I think if you agree with the second point, and don't have any reasonable answers for this last question, then you lack credibility to opine on tariffs.
The explanations are often in conflict and often shallow considerations that do not survive probing. But they are explanations. - So, are you implying that you have the correct explanation and the rest of us are wrong? You act as though all of us are hypnotized by Trump or have MAGA mind virus like Democrats have woke mind virus. Erick, it comes down to the fact that most of us are willing to trust Trump for the time being. Heck, it's only been TWO MONTHS! I'll be honest - when Trump first ran, I was a never trumper. I did not vote for him or Hilary. I voted 3rd Party. However, Trump did what he said he'd do that first term, and although I hated the chaos, he won my trust by keeping his promises. I voted for him against Biden and I voted for him this time because he had won my trust. Unlike the vast majority of politicians, HE KEPT HIS PROMISES. It's EARNED trust, not blind trust. When we've been lied to continually by Republicans and Democrats alike, it means something to us when someone actually keeps his word. That's why I'm willing to give him some leeway with the tariffs. Plus, I am convinced God put him where he is, whether for good or bad. Sure, it makes me nervous to see the stock market bouncing, and I was pissed at him today for escalating the Canada tiff, but most of everything else he's doing, I LOVE - and it's not shallow or revengeful. I never, ever thought I'd see the day when the swamp was drained and spending buzz sawed. I assure you, I don't worship him - my worship is for Jesus Christ alone - however, I appreciate his resolve, even if I disagree with tariffs. The point is - why is it ok for other countries to have tariffs but it's bad for the US to have them? So, I'm going to wait and see. I'm going to be patient. And I don't appreciate you implying that those of us who are being patient with him are somehow not too smart or don't recognize that the sky is falling. Nevertheless, you're entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate you're willingness to be a wet blanket.
This is a very good point. Erick is lamenting that Trump's stalling on tariffs is causing market uncertainty, but Trump has been 100% transparent in his platform, agenda and intent. He follows through on what he says he will do. There are problems in the details. For example, one of my businesses relies on a federal program and the agency just got a memo from the White House that the program needs to do better making sure only citizens and LRPs are eligible. We have projects in the hopper where minority stakeholders are foreign nationals without a green card. So we are scrambling to get clarification if those projects must be scrapped or can go forward.
The regulations are Byzantine and voluminous and thus making changes to them will break things that have to be clarified. That is no excuse for not working to change them... make them more simple and better serving the American people.
Depending upon what one's basic interpretation is, Trump is part of a larger cabal, or he is the antithesis to it. That leads to speculating whether he is using Biden as a smoke screen and continuing the NWO agenda, or he is intent on disassembling the 'deep state' and reordering the government and economy.
I am NOT a blind Trump supporter, nor a MAGA cultist. That is MY self opinion.
For all of Trumps perceived faults I simply believe he may be the right force at the right time.
I have lost a fair amount in current crypto and asset worth, but remind myself that we have a long-term strategy here (or so I hope). I will either be vindicated, or proven wrong, but I have a position. It is irrational to think that the corruption in politics and industry will be relieved without some 'pain at the pump' so to speak. I do not have access to all of the information that a president has, so by default, I am inherently more universally uninformed and ignorant. I think those who write Trump supporters off in this or that fashion do a great disservice to those who see potential for a variety of reasons.
Agreed. I get tired of being lumped into the uneducated MAGA cultist who's ready to fall at Trump's feet and worship him. I have a mind and I have an opinion. I disagree with Trump on tariffs, but I'm willing to give it a chance or, in other words, I'm willing to be proven wrong. If Erick turns out to be wrong, I hope he apologizes to all of us.
His apologies would be a real pleasure, but I think he'll just pivot. I've caught occasional illogical/embellished comments over a few years, and not seen retractions!
Good point. He's learned the tricks of his trade well. I never thought I'd see the day the swamp would be drained so maybe there's hope for him yet. Apparently, pigs do fly under the right circumstances.
I think it is a shake up the world needed. So much quid pro quo and shady dealing has settled in with our ignorence, complacency and apiethitic mind set. Bust that piñata with a sledge hammer!!
I really don’t care what cockamamie reason Trump apologists come up with for the volatility in the stock market this week. That is a direct result of Trump‘s equivocating on tariffs. All I know is, I am not the one percent, I am someone squarely in the middle class who has a 401(k) and who would like to retire in a few short years. That 401(k) has taken a beating over the last couple days. I wish Trump would get his head out of his rear end about tariffs. Words mean things whether or not he actually intends to levy them.
It's definitely the tariffs causing the market to wobble like those disgusting jello desserts the church ladies fed you at potlucks, but come on, the market wobbles if you sneeze the wrong way. I've got a 401K too, and I'm intending to retire next year, and I was livid at Trump this afternoon after the Canada statement. However, Canada is now going to talk to Lutnick on Thursday who hopefully will play good cop to Trump's bad. This is the way Trump negotiates. I don't like it and you don't like it, but strangely, there's a method to his madness.
I know they took the money from Columbia but in a blue city like New York they will not arrest or stop these protest they need to arrest these students and expel them and send them back home. Then if they keep it up It may take 50 to 100 dead protesters to put a stop to this madness
All explanation about the economy have contradictions because there are tradeoffs for everything related to the economy. Markets are only part of the economy. Markets are only a devised mechanism for real business to generate equity capital selling off shares of ownership. The other way to acquire capital is debt financing. The markets are no more a complete bellwether of economic health than is say the profit of the banking sector.
We rely on data that is, in fact, a distraction to the actual real health of the complex dynamic economy. We leave out many of the measures because, frankly, they are inconvenient to the power... which is the top 20% of income and wealth... but the top 1% is 90% of that power.
I am a one-percenter by income and wealth measures, but I have family that are well down into the bottom 80%. Things are great for me, and not so good for them. Things have gotten much worse for them over the last 5 years beginning with the government actions related to the pandemic.
Here are a couple of honest, frank and reasonable questions...
- Do you believe that the economic situation with the bottom 80% is not good and got worse during the Biden Admin?
- If not then it explains why you might be so against Trump's agenda including tariffs.
- If so, and I hope so, what do you recommend he do to improve the economic situation with the bottom 80% if you opinion that tariffs should be off the table?
I think if you agree with the second point, and don't have any reasonable answers for this last question, then you lack credibility to opine on tariffs.
The explanations are often in conflict and often shallow considerations that do not survive probing. But they are explanations. - So, are you implying that you have the correct explanation and the rest of us are wrong? You act as though all of us are hypnotized by Trump or have MAGA mind virus like Democrats have woke mind virus. Erick, it comes down to the fact that most of us are willing to trust Trump for the time being. Heck, it's only been TWO MONTHS! I'll be honest - when Trump first ran, I was a never trumper. I did not vote for him or Hilary. I voted 3rd Party. However, Trump did what he said he'd do that first term, and although I hated the chaos, he won my trust by keeping his promises. I voted for him against Biden and I voted for him this time because he had won my trust. Unlike the vast majority of politicians, HE KEPT HIS PROMISES. It's EARNED trust, not blind trust. When we've been lied to continually by Republicans and Democrats alike, it means something to us when someone actually keeps his word. That's why I'm willing to give him some leeway with the tariffs. Plus, I am convinced God put him where he is, whether for good or bad. Sure, it makes me nervous to see the stock market bouncing, and I was pissed at him today for escalating the Canada tiff, but most of everything else he's doing, I LOVE - and it's not shallow or revengeful. I never, ever thought I'd see the day when the swamp was drained and spending buzz sawed. I assure you, I don't worship him - my worship is for Jesus Christ alone - however, I appreciate his resolve, even if I disagree with tariffs. The point is - why is it ok for other countries to have tariffs but it's bad for the US to have them? So, I'm going to wait and see. I'm going to be patient. And I don't appreciate you implying that those of us who are being patient with him are somehow not too smart or don't recognize that the sky is falling. Nevertheless, you're entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate you're willingness to be a wet blanket.
This is a very good point. Erick is lamenting that Trump's stalling on tariffs is causing market uncertainty, but Trump has been 100% transparent in his platform, agenda and intent. He follows through on what he says he will do. There are problems in the details. For example, one of my businesses relies on a federal program and the agency just got a memo from the White House that the program needs to do better making sure only citizens and LRPs are eligible. We have projects in the hopper where minority stakeholders are foreign nationals without a green card. So we are scrambling to get clarification if those projects must be scrapped or can go forward.
The regulations are Byzantine and voluminous and thus making changes to them will break things that have to be clarified. That is no excuse for not working to change them... make them more simple and better serving the American people.
Depending upon what one's basic interpretation is, Trump is part of a larger cabal, or he is the antithesis to it. That leads to speculating whether he is using Biden as a smoke screen and continuing the NWO agenda, or he is intent on disassembling the 'deep state' and reordering the government and economy.
I am NOT a blind Trump supporter, nor a MAGA cultist. That is MY self opinion.
For all of Trumps perceived faults I simply believe he may be the right force at the right time.
I have lost a fair amount in current crypto and asset worth, but remind myself that we have a long-term strategy here (or so I hope). I will either be vindicated, or proven wrong, but I have a position. It is irrational to think that the corruption in politics and industry will be relieved without some 'pain at the pump' so to speak. I do not have access to all of the information that a president has, so by default, I am inherently more universally uninformed and ignorant. I think those who write Trump supporters off in this or that fashion do a great disservice to those who see potential for a variety of reasons.
Agreed. I get tired of being lumped into the uneducated MAGA cultist who's ready to fall at Trump's feet and worship him. I have a mind and I have an opinion. I disagree with Trump on tariffs, but I'm willing to give it a chance or, in other words, I'm willing to be proven wrong. If Erick turns out to be wrong, I hope he apologizes to all of us.
His apologies would be a real pleasure, but I think he'll just pivot. I've caught occasional illogical/embellished comments over a few years, and not seen retractions!
Good point. He's learned the tricks of his trade well. I never thought I'd see the day the swamp would be drained so maybe there's hope for him yet. Apparently, pigs do fly under the right circumstances.
I think it is a shake up the world needed. So much quid pro quo and shady dealing has settled in with our ignorence, complacency and apiethitic mind set. Bust that piñata with a sledge hammer!!
I really don’t care what cockamamie reason Trump apologists come up with for the volatility in the stock market this week. That is a direct result of Trump‘s equivocating on tariffs. All I know is, I am not the one percent, I am someone squarely in the middle class who has a 401(k) and who would like to retire in a few short years. That 401(k) has taken a beating over the last couple days. I wish Trump would get his head out of his rear end about tariffs. Words mean things whether or not he actually intends to levy them.
It's definitely the tariffs causing the market to wobble like those disgusting jello desserts the church ladies fed you at potlucks, but come on, the market wobbles if you sneeze the wrong way. I've got a 401K too, and I'm intending to retire next year, and I was livid at Trump this afternoon after the Canada statement. However, Canada is now going to talk to Lutnick on Thursday who hopefully will play good cop to Trump's bad. This is the way Trump negotiates. I don't like it and you don't like it, but strangely, there's a method to his madness.
R House and Senate need to codify tax cuts
I know they took the money from Columbia but in a blue city like New York they will not arrest or stop these protest they need to arrest these students and expel them and send them back home. Then if they keep it up It may take 50 to 100 dead protesters to put a stop to this madness
democrats don’t understand the game and don’t want to.