When do we get the fast and hard criticism of those on the right who have claimed to be the ultimate in conservative values who are endorsing and voting for Harris? The Cheney's for instance. Those principled conservatives who will vote for people who are openly destroying the country because they got their panties in a wad over a person who is not as genteel as they wish republicans to be. If that doesn't prove beyond a doubt that there is a particular class of republican that is less concerned for the country than for themselves, I don't know what would.

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I appreciate your indignation about this pathetic episode and how it diminishes the Right.

You know what also diminishes the Right? Stupid statements like this.

“But if Donald Trump’s actions on January 6th were disqualifying, Joe Biden’s choice to sit on a beach while an American was assassinated in Rafah is equally disqualifying.” There is no moral equivalence here. None. What was he supposed to do, Send in Seal Team Two? Based on what?

I have a feeling that you see Donald Trumps narrow escape from assassination as a Divine event. Ok, you’re a religious guy. I get it. It also gave you a good reason to endorse Trump, a man you know to be morally bankrupt.

For Example, Donald Trump is also the guy who ripped off a bunch of people with his Trump University scam. And you know this isn’t the only time he’s stolen from “hard-working” Americans.

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How can you ignore the entire life of Joe Biden scamming off his public position to enrich his entire family? Trump has actual businesses. Biden, nor anyone in his family has ever started or run a legitimate business.

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I was just reminded. Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy 6 times. He actually lost money owning a freaking casino, a license to print money.

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How can you ignore January 6?

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Because Jan was a relatively small riot, was a one time thing, and except for the unfortunate gullible folks who got caught up in it, did little harm. Meanwhile, Biden has been leading a corrupt life off the taxpayer, enriching himself by selling out to foreign countries, and compromising national security for decades. Pretty easy.

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January 6 is not about the rioters. It’s about the man who for 4 hours did NOTHING to stop it even after being beseeched by his staff, congressmen, senators and his own family.

He sat there and watched it in tv and did nothing, nothing.

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That is the silliest take on the situation I have ever heard. First we have "he sat there and watched", though he wasn't there, then we also have "he tried to attack the driver of his car so he could go there". Both statements are beyond absurd and no adult should be saying such ridiculous things. A small riot occurred, instigated at the capitol, not where Trump was giving a speech. And this after assistance was refused for long enough for many people to wander through the capitol.

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He could have stopped it with a tweet. Yet for 4 hours he did nothing to stop the violence. Why? Because he wanted to succeed and stop the vote count so he could stay in power. You don’t think that reveals the core of this man’s morality.

This is a waste of time for both of us.

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I think the point can be made that many of the commentators connected to Tenet Media may not have known that Chen and others in their company were taking money from the Russians. Should they have asked where their 400k a month paycheck was coming from? Absolutely, but many on the Left are going to use this story to smear all right-wing commentators as Russian influenced and call for censorship of media. The irony is that this scheme probably has a neglible effect on the election outcome. Harris is stalled in the polls not because of Russian disinformation but because she's an incompetent candidate. Her incompetency is like Biden's senility, an unspoken truth obvious to everyone but can't be said by Democrats because they are trying to maintain political power and control of American institutions.

That being said, I agree with Erick that I wish the Right was putting forward their "A-Game". Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox and promulgation of 2020 election conspiracies should have ended his career with his conservative audience. But whether it's promoting pro-Nazi historians, spreading propaganda about Russian grocery stores, or accusing Jewish conservatives of "dual loyalty", Tucker keeps devolving lower and lower. Conservatives should not be paying Taylor Swift-esque prices to see this man spread BS and he should not be getting an audience with JD Vance or other Republican politicians. The big takeaway for the rest of us, if we want to take America back from the Left we have to also defeat the grifters and spreaders of BS on our side. I'm depressed to say that right now the grifters are winning as too many on the Right are not thinking but just going with the flow. In that, they are not going to "conserve" anything. There are members of the Right who benefit from the Left in power and are perfectly fine being mired in the muck rather than doing anything to improve society.

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Can’t speak for the others, but Dave Rubin is not a grifter. I don’t like that he is being lumped in with the rest of them.

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Neither is Tim Pool who is really a disaffected liberal. He addressed this issue on his podcast last night.

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Good point, and I should have said that. Pool sometimes frustrates me on substance, but that is often why we listen to people — to be challenged. That said, I would never question his motives or integrity.

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Once again please: Name the top ten grifters on the right. And then tell us what good you think you're doing with this "grifter" bit? Have you had problems with the ADL in the past? Ah, ha! That's got to be it.

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Change History - to confuse us in thinking the Commie way is better.

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Another example of where the lack of a significant unbiased press is damaging to our Republic. Shining the light of truth on the grifters of both sides is so necessary but so hard due to the lack of honest and widely trusted voices.

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"disturbed by the number of people who are willfully being played by grifters on the right" - Its no surprise, we have voted a grifter to be our standard bearer for the past decade and he is about to once again become the Grifter and Chief.

It sends a strong signal to other grifters of all sorts (politics, media, whatever) that we are wide open for your grifting business - seriously easy targets over here. Come tell us what we want to here and profit off of us - please

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I am shocked this is happening. It seems Donald Trump would be horrified to be associated in anyway with him. He probably does not know this is happening. Has something happened to him or has he always been this way and flew under the radar?

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We need a William F. Buckley.

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Careful, WFB was close friends with Ronald Reagan.

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A good thing, no?

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Yes, but comments like that will get you expunged from MAGA. 😬

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Blissful ignorance? I suppose for many, it's easier with politics being so contentious right now. No thanks. I'll strive to be informed, even when it hurts.

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Amen! To wit, I listened to Sam Harris’s discussion with “Destiny” today on my drive to Savannah. (I had never heard of Destiny prior to this podcast). Their criticisms of the Right and Left are warranted. The conservatism of Burke, Kirk, Buckley, Nesbit, Oakeshott (maybe even Brownsen and John Courtney Murray), etc needs a resurgence. Not the faux conservatism of the grifters—which includes Trump.

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The Carlson interview...I don't get...I didn't watch it, I haven't watched him for years, so I'm going on hearsay.

The podcast dudes is odd.

I've never heard of these guys.

Is the podcaster, sorry "influencer", ego such that, when offered crazy money like that they say "yep, because I'm worth it"?


Does anyone believe these podcaster actually have influence?

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