I encourage you to listen to Leland Vittert’s opening monologue last night from “On Balance,” his news program on NewsNation. In fact, I’d prefer you listen to him than read me today. It is that important.
The Armalite 15, or AR-15, is not a military weapon that was ported to civilian use. It is a civilian rifle that later the military modified for itself. To say it is a military weapon is to repeat a talking point but reject a truth. To say the AR-15 is a “battlefield weapon” is to speak ignorantly.
For those who do not know, the AR-15 is actually not as powerful as a hunting rifle and, in a number of states, cannot be used to hunt because it lacks power. You’d never know that from media coverage.
The AR-15 came out in the 1950s and was not the first semi-automatic rifle. It was only a few years later the military used it as the basis for the M-16. In the 1970’s, the patents on the AR-15 expired and it could be mass produced by multiple manufacturers. Congress made it the absolute best selling rifle by temporarily banning its purchase in the 1990’s, then letting that ban expire.
Shortly after the ban expired, which it should be noted could be gotten around by making the usually black rifle a pink rifle with minimal other cosmetic changes, buyers began buying them as quickly as possible. The most popular rifle in America, which is not the most powerful civilian rifle in America, became popular because of Congress.
What you also would not know if you just listened to the press’s ignorant coverage of firearms and guns is that more kids died from gun violence in 2021 due to street violence, usually from gangs, than from all school shootings combined from Columbine to now.
One hundred seventy five children have died since the massacre at Columbine, Colorado, a school shooting that happened during the assault weapons ban. In 2021, four hundred sixty five children died on the streets of just nine American cities. You should really pay attention to this. In one year in just nine cities, more children died from street shootings than all school shootings in the last twenty-four years.
I understand the people calling for “assault weapons” bans. But many of them are also the same people who lecture the rest of us on white privilege. And in their own white privilege, they ignore the hundreds of non-white kids per year who die in gang violence on the streets of America and focus, instead, on the few kids who die in schools. No one cries out about the daily violence on the south side of Chicago or in St. Louis. The President does not hold press conferences about those.
If you want to begin to solve gun violence meaningfully, you could actually simply enforce existing gun laws and arrest existing violators of those laws without banning guns. Seriously.
More than 1400 people were shot in Philadelphia from January to August of 2022, but the District Attorney decided not to prosecute many gun possession crimes because that would mostly target young black men. Reason magazine quoted Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner in 2022 saying, “People of color are disproportionately stopped in Philadelphia and arrested for illegal gun possession in Philadelphia and statewide.” So he does not prosecute those crimes.
Every child should be safe. No child should go to school wondering if they will die that day. But we have to ask ourselves why Democrats use the dead bodies in school shootings to demand gun control and totally ignore all the kids who die annually in urban areas and choose not to enforce existing laws that would have kept those kids alive.
We may not be able to agree on new laws banning so-called assault weapons. But it is mind-boggling that the party demanding gun bans is also the party that supports defunding police and refusing to prosecute existing gun laws due to alleged racial discrimination.
The sad truth is that the kids who will die across America this year on its streets will disproportionately be killed by non-white young men in gangs. But too many people on the left will excuse the data as the ramifications of a systemically racist society and choose not to enforce the very laws that would save lives while demanding new laws instead.
Before responding to the substance of this post, one correction: There is no political party of any significance in this country that "supports defunding the police." Unlike the Republicans who simply supported Donald Trump in lieu of a party platform, the Democrats adopted one and defund the police ain't in there. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge, out of the many cities that are controlled by Democrats, I don't know of any that have actually decreased police funding. There is definitely merit to the charge that Democrats tend not to strenuously enforce gun laws in minority communities. As for defunding the police, however, there is none. The few pinheads who once called for defunding the police are just that: a few pinheads.
That said, my overall reaction to this post, and the featured video, is that they are a deflection. Yes, the number of kids killed in school shootings is negligible in comparison to the those who are the victims of street violence. And yes, due to the disproportionate impact on young men of color, existing gun laws tend to be inadequately enforced in predominantly minority, urban communities. However, mass shootings are on the increase and other than "thoughts and prayers," Republicans have no answer. So they deflect.
Being black and in my 60's, I can walk the streets in any part of Chicago with little fear of becoming a victim of gun violence, which is mostly related to gang activity that is the province of much younger men. I might go to a concert, though. Or a movie theatre. Or a 4th of July parade. And of course, my grandchildren have to go to school. Not only have mass shootings occurred in all of these places, the phenomenon seems to be on the increase. This is not to say that I am unconcerned with the routine levels of gun violence in many urban communities. However, that concern is not enough to make me content with "thoughts and prayers" being our only response to mass shootings.
Irrespective of whether the AR-15 was originally a "military" weapon, it still seems to me that mere civilians have no need for the same weaponry used by the military. The M-16 that I carried as a soldier being virtually identical to the AR-15, that is enough for me to conclude that it, and anything featuring similar levels of lethality, needs to be banned. The assault weapons ban that was once in place focused on certain features thought common to "assault weapons," which features were easily modified in order to get around the ban. In my view, it is a weapon's level of lethality that matters, and that has more to due with muzzle velocity and caliber size, among other things. Regardless of any manufacturer's original designation of a weapon as being for civilian or military use, I see no need for civilians to possess weaponry as lethal as that of a soldier.
I post this in the hope of drawing responses that might further educate me on this issue. For anyone who might care to do so, I am also intensely curious as to how avowed Christians manage to reconcile "turn the other cheek" with being armed to the teeth.
I stopped reading at your factual inacurracy about no party supporting defunding the police. This falls into the category of "don't believe your lying eyes" for all of us who watched the "fiery but mostly peaceful protests." If you want me to read your very long post and seriously consider it, do not open with an easily demonstrable falsehood.
This was the third result from DuckDuckGo and it's even CNN.
Some pinheads just so happen to be Democrats, but that does not make their positions that of the Democratic Party.
Mic drop
So true!
Thanks for this.
More and more people need to understand this...coupled with your message yesterday.
It took courage to publish this column, Erick, in today's shoot-the-bearer-of-truth media climate. Thank you.
well said, but the left does not want facts that do not align with their agenda.
'All in the family' Gloria, Archie's collage age daughter is wining about gun deaths. Archy comments to her" Little girl! would you rather they was pushed out of windows?" The point is those people are dead, Murdered by another human being. Anger is running rampant in our country. Love your neighbor as your self.
Can't find a link to the Leland Vittert monologue from last night. There's nothing on the NewsNation website.
Leland's twitter..
Open to correction, but I read were about 3% of violent deaths in the US are by ALL rifles and shotguns.
My state (Washington - new motto, "The California Wannabee State") declared virtually ALL semi-automatic rifles as "assault rifles". Like calling a rowboat the battleship Missouri because they both float!
My answer to any and all people "outraged" over "gun violence" is this: over 100,000 fentanyl deaths in the US last year. Let's secure our border since you're so hot on the outrage over "our children." Oh, and you don't get to give me ginned up "outrage" over "our children" and at the same time cosign on protests outside SCOTUS justices homes over Roe v Wade. You get zero moral high ground OR my time with those two stances. I reject your attempt to advance your unconstitutional grab at my clearly defined rights. Hope I wasn't unclear.
GREAT point!!
It’s the old white woke (WW) cancer that permeates American society in all its evil. The WWs put a big BLM yard sign in their front yard to show they care, but damn well won’t give a crap about the young black lives taken on the city streets - seemingly weekly in metro Atlanta. It’s been that way for years, but has gotten particularly bad since George Floyd and “the summer of love” of 2020. Same people will claim to love children, but believe a woman has every right to terminate a full-term baby. It’s odd, but frankly downright evil.
I never cared for the term "assault weapon". Aren't all weapons just that because of the nature of their function?
Will our kitchens eventually be "armed" with assault knives and our little league baseball fields with assault bats?
The US military never used the term until recently. There is no such thing as an "assault weapon" except one, and that is a WWII German rifle. Everything else is simply a rifle or a "main battle rifle" meaning the primary weapon of a rifleman. Anyone who uses that term has an agenda behind their conversation. I immediately discount their opinion, and turn my attention to other, more serious people.
Well said. Enough said.
The left often sites places like Australia and Japan as examples since they have gun bans.
But looking at the numbers which are fudged anyway, their crime rates are double the US. Murders didn’t go down, robberies didn’t go down and the country didn’t turn into some utopia violence free zone.
Quite the opposite.
The places in the us with the loosest gun restrictions have the lowest crime rates. How does that happen?
The ONE WORLD GOV. that is taking control of this nation KNOWS that they will not be able to do it if people still have arms like the AR-15 or others. They know they can NOT have the control like they did with the C-19. If they start another thing like that, they know people with arms will use them in a civil war. Getting all of the arms before they make the final move is in progress.
BUT, the ONE WORLD GOV. is needed before the END TIMES, and we are getting closer every day so please get out your Bibles and study about what we need to know for these times and get ready.
Blessings to all
I love it when good logic comes together.
The issue is more complicated than the Left portrays it but they have an overarching political goal (gun confiscation) they think will fix it and a political coalition to keep together in order to accomplish it (which is why they don't focus on prosecuting gun crime in inner cities). What they are doing with mass shootings is pure politics for power on the graves for victims and we should be disgusted.
Yesterday I was listening to a panel discussion and someone said that the last few shootings were done by people who identified “transgendered”. That is a broad term from wanting to dress up as the other sex to actually being surgically changed. Check on the mental health of them.
Another panelist said that many “transgendered” people are on the Autism Spectrum. That could mean something or not.
Please read the concluding paragraphs of this blog by Dr. Toby Rogers. You (along with me) may disagree with his opening explanation of transgenderism, as it is not supported neither by biological science nor by God's design. Nonetheless, Rogers defines a statistical connection between vaccines - public school mandated childhood vaccines as well as the Covid jabs - and autism and the explosive growty of delusional transgender dysphoria.
Admitting that there is a mental health issue behind transgender shooters is no more likely to happen than a focus on the daily violence Erick writes about here. It doesn't fit the narrative.
You are right on John. The Bible tells us that we will see more and more of this transgenderism in the last days and it is happening and moving faster all the time. Get ready for His coming.