W O W.... somebody wake me when Erick's vacation is over. It's too painful to listen to this used car salesman. WOW again but it sure makes me appreciate the sound logic and seasoned cadence of Erick's voice. Cheers

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Dems control the Executive and the Senate; Repubs only marginally control the House so nobody gets all that they want. You get what you can get, make the deal, let everyone complain, and run a better quality slate of candidates in 2024 that will win elections and then craft a debt ceiling/spending reduction bill to your liking.

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So, what’s the solution, Erick (know you’re on vacation)? No deal and see if the Dems cave after the markets crater? See how Treasury manages the finances - responsibly or disastrously? Are the howls from “progressives” just theater; and do they think the same about the Freedom Caucus howls?

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I pressed the heart because there is not "I hate this" button. Not your writing but what you are writing about. Elected GOP members in Washington DC are so bad at winning as to be laughable. I guess this is McCarthy revealing who he really is. You will know them by their fruits. This one is a lemon.

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More like a durian, on a hot summer day, in an unvented room, than a lemon.

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It is a negotiation. It does seem like we should have done better.

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Here we are AGAIN being as feckless as only the Republicans know how to be. So sad.

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So I want to take a step back in the Time Machine. For all those people who said “we need to have candidates not endorsed by trump to win…”

Except what do we get for those non endorsed by trump candidates?

No different than a dem.

Take McCormick in my district. Jake evans lost the primary to McCormick. He was a trump endorsed candidate. But what did we get instead? McCormick is a Kevin M. Supporter. And has already tweeted he praises this “deal”. He never once voted against McCarthy on the vote for house speaker.

So again what do we get in return for NOT voting for the Trump candidate? Not much better than if a dem beat the trump endorsed candidate.

So goes to show. Sure candidates matter and if we don’t nominate the trump endorsed candidate we win… kind of sort of… well no we don’t. Because the RHINO we get instead is no better.

I told you. We don’t just have a candidate problem. We have a foolish voters who believe media lies.

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I don't equate McCormick to being bad just because he's supporting McCarthy on this deal. He's a freshman and learning. I will say that I've met him on two occasions and he comes off very forced and plastic one on one. Might have been me. I don't know but to this point I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until this becomes a pattern. That doesn't apply to McCarthy because he's not a freshman. He should know better.

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Please know I respect that opinion. I however do not agree. Jake Evans ran on a platform that he would decline deals like this. But it was to my point. Everyone said “don’t vote for the trump endorsed candidate..” to which I say, why? Look what we got in return.

Guy may be a good guy. But I give no leeway. He’s going to get a letter where I will tell him under no circumstances or reprieve will I vote for him if he approves of this deal.

Erick and others can Say what they want about MTG. “She the republicans AOC, she’s a loud mouth etc…” but I don’t see her accepting this deal? She was one of the most vocal to say KM was a rhino and they shouted her down.

I will go as far as to say this has cost the republicans their 2024 election.

They will now both lose the house and senate and definitely the presidency.

You don’t cave to dems and expect to keep your seats.

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I completely encourage you to write that letter. Write it. Absolutely. MTG is the GOPs AOC (was that enough letters?) And you're right, she didn't put up with the BS. I've heard her speak. I love her when she speaks but she's somewhat crazy so I wish she'd reign in the stolen election nonsense.

I completely disagree that his loses the 2024 election. Nah. Americans have a stupid short memory when it comes to stuff like this and McCarthy knows it. That's why it's a 2 year deal. There will be another shinny object in the news cycle the GOP voter will be "outraged" about and they'll forget all about this. As proof I give you the fact that we still have Obamacare in force and absolutely zero Republicans are talking about getting rid of it. None. It is unconstitutional and one of the worst pieces of legislation to have been passed in my lifetime. They also aren't getting rid of the Green New Deal. Why? Because they're bought and paid for. They know having the money in Washington's hands allows them to get rich off our taxes. None of them are "public servants" anymore. None of them.

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Actually, the kook from NW Georgia is supporting McCarthy and his deal according to reporting.

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We get groundhog day in the form of the national debt being raised again with no plan to cut real spending and pay it down.

Instead of groundhog day in the form of whining about 2020.

Americans across the board are as done with Trump and 2020 as they are woke.

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Not debating the trump hate. I am too wishing he wasn’t running. My point was that Erick made it a point to emphasize this equation.

Trump endorsed candidates = losing. Therefore vote for primary candidates who are not endorsed by trump which = winning.

I take my own rep as an example. He’s a republican. (McCormick) not endorsed by trump. Jake evans. Endorsed by trump. McCormick won his election because, as Eric said, if you vote for an endorsed candidate they will lose. Great. But then what happened.

He voted for McCarthy and will vote to affirm this deal.

So what “win” did we get. What did we get for listening to Erick and other strategists that we need to avoid trump endorsed candidates?

A bunch of rhinos who will now

bow to the wims of KM who has just shown he’s a spineless worthless rhino.

What is the difference between that and a dem winning?

Not much in my book.

I will not vote for McCormick in the next primary and will do all in my power to get him thrown out. If he wins the nomination again I will vote 3rd party. Republicans have lost my vote at the moment.

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You are exactly where I am. There is no point in voting for a republican who is approved by the establishment and pundits when those "winning" candidates give in to the democrats.

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Now look at RDS through those same eyeglasses and tell me what you see.

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In DeSantis, I see someone who had done things the establishment is criticizing. They keep saying he should avoid the "cultural issues". I don't want anyone who avoids the cultural issues.

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Pretty much what I thought. Maybe if we could get Iran to nuke the top 10 big cities . . .

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May 28, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

I warned everybody it was worth the fight to stop Kevin. He’s only slight right of John Boehner. We need strong leadership that will not cave to the democrats. This isn’t compromise this is the dems bending the republicans over. KM needs to go.

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I don't know that they did bend McCarthy over at all. This may have been a plan all along or he might actually believe he's doing a good job. Either way it signals that McCarthy is exactly what Conservatives warned he was. Bad.

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I figured they would cave in. They always do.

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Fifty years ago, my elderly neighbor in Brooklyn, New York, gave me great political advice since she had worked at city hall. “All Politicians Are Whores”.

We need term limits to remove the self serving dead wood.

How about having their tax returns online for us to see? I would like to know how people who had no wealth before became suddenly wealthy. Especially a certain bar keeper from NYC.

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The GOP should never have pushed such a goofy fight in the first place. The base care about fiscal discipline. The elites don’t either.

This was an entirely partisan fight that was just a weak attempt to own the president.

If the house passed a bill to allow for Medicaid to negotiate drug prices or a bill to address train derailments or a million other things that would talk to the millions of people disconnected to the Washington drama, then...that would be something that woi taste good

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We need to fight. Didn’t see the dems crossing the aisle or caving when they had power. Why are we?

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You are wrong. Fight. Fight it all. Resist sliding our great nation further down the slope of mediocrity to decline. Decline is a choice, and it's the only one the democrats are pro-choice about.

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Democrats were going to complain about anything other than a clean debt ceiling increase, the only thing Biden proposed.

I am waiting for the Br'er Rabbit Democrats to "begrudgingly" vote for this.

This is a Republican loss if they vote for it. I am sure there are things in the Republican passed bill that are not must haves. But this "comprise" means Republicans have no hill to die on.

Kevin McCarthy is not a conservative, he is hemmed in because of Chip Roy. He did the work to get the bill passed, now he just wants a win for him.

If the debt is national security then act like.

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They're already supporting it "begrudgingly" as you said. That was my first clue it wasn't a good deal.

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Speaking of tasty, yesterday I made your pnut butter rice crispy treats. Super easy. But my wife was not a fan of just pnut flavor and wanted a Reeces treat. So, in the spirit of happy wife happy life, we amped it up a bit and turned them into Reeces pnut butter treats. After I made your recipe, and chilled them in the fridge, I poured chocolate over them and popped them back in the fridge for 10 minutes.

2/3 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

2/3 cup shortening

Mic for 2 minutes

Stir then pour and spread

And the awesome part is the chocolate infuses thru your recipe.

They achieve HOLY MOLY, unlike this sludge McCarthy is trying to do

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You mention McCarthy getting "work requirements for welfare benefits, but I thought I heard that the deal wouldn't include work requirements for able-bodied Medicare recipients, and I thought that was THE big item. Dems specifically said they'd vote NO if that was in there. Larry Kudlow and Steve Moore, for two, said it was an absolute priority, both for decreasing the deficit and instilling a work ethic back into the American psyche. Adding work requirements for Food Stamp recipients who are 54 years old instead of 45 years old is my definition of "a piddling accomplishment."

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Our Military is the weakest I have ever seen it and I have been watching since I joined the USMC in Jan 1954. We do need more money for them to protect this Nation. ALL the branches are really short on all the numbers of required members of new recruitments. But I do even wonder what kind of people are available today.

But ALL the other stuff is money spent on JUNK to please biden and get it agreed on before it got any closer to the day of real deadline.

But we just remember, GOD IS IN CONTROL.

Blessings Erick to you and your family and have a wonderful day tomorrow.

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God is in control and he gave us the power to vote and speak.

He gave us a country that allows someone to speak up against bad decisions. Until Jesus returns it’s still up to us to do his work.

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Get ready as He is coming soon. So that should be our priority today to get all family members and friends ready for His soon return.

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Semper Fi. The Bill Clinton military was very weak too but not as weak as we are now. When the shooting war with China starts, and it is coming unless we have a Neville Chamberlain look alike in office, a lot of our men and women will be coming home in boxes because of these inept and effeminate leaders.

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Money for the military means nothing as long as the current civilian and military leaders are allowed to turn America’s once-formidable forces into indoctrination camps for woke ideology. They have replaced merit with intersectionality, and ruined every branch — except maybe the USMC, though I don’t know how long that can last — by infantilizing new recruits and coddling them, instead of developing them into effective warfighters. All that will happen when we throw money at this bunch of pansies is they’ll have more-fabulous drag queen performances, more often than they already do. America is defenseless against any enemy unwilling to guarantee our troops a sufficient number of safe spaces in battle, where our sailors and soldiers won’t be triggered. It makes me sick, but I see no hope for lifting up from this downward spiral as long as the likes of the gutless Mark Milley are in charge. Welcome to our new, more sensitive military, ineffective at even fighting the climate change that’s their top priority these days. Xi Jinping laughs at us.

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That’s why I thank God there are no actual cuts to defense, though falling behind the inflation rate is bad. The sequestration on the Obama years were awful for our forces.

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