Biden has age-related cognitive decline... dementia or Alzheimer's.

Harris has Logorrhoea: Pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech. Incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.

Harris is also not that smart. She has a weak CV.

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I’m scared that Kamala can win, and Trump will come back again in 2028 to continue his destruction of the Republican Party. Of course, if she wins, we’ll have at least 4 more years of progressive politics.

All of this is frightening.

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Those that worked for Harris and quit/fired will have a field day. Whistleblowers……I love’em!

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This from CNN...

Harris will seek Democratic nomination and could be the first Black woman and Asian American to lead a major party ticket

So now she is an Asian American... News flash to the racist Democrats, Just as no one in Canada, Central or South America calls themselves "Americans", no Indian calls themselves Asian.

Frankly that description of Kamala means she physically abuses herself.

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I think she calls herself Asian because her mother is from India.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

That's my point. India is part of South Asia, Indians, however, are not Asians... and Jamaicans are not African.

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India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area; the most populous country as of June 2023; and from the time of its independence in 1947, the world's most populous democracy. Wikipedia

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Again, no Indian calls themselves Asian, they are Indians.

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And really, nobody cares what she calls herself.

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She is referring to her race. Indian is not a race.

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Forget about her being a woman. Forget about her blackness. Obama sure has. Nancy has. The Democrats are not for equity, democracy, diversity or any of those idealistic sounding objectives. Theirs is a laser focus, shared by the late Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis: "Just win, baby."

Republicans are not like that. We pick our candidate based on how the judicial system has mistreated him, on his stand-up comic ability to hurl personal insults and work a big crowd (not nearly big enough to influence an election) and his empty vows (see 2016, then 2017-20) to show fiscal sanity and to "drain the swamp." A man who portrays himself as tough but then endorses hoards of RINO candidates and cabinet choices that would, at best, maintain budget-busting business as usual, backs off from a strong pro-life position, and urges us to stop boycotting Bud-Lite because it's a good Republican donor.

The Dems, on the other hand, are always zeroed in on the best candidate available to fool the American people and win. ("Fool," because all their candidates are socialists at heart.) James Clyburn has Dem smarts. He said "whoa" to a blatant socialist candidate in 2016 and fixed things for Joe Biden. Now, he's out to steer the party away from a comically confused black woman, in favor of a smart, moderate good-looking white man from the South like Andy Beshear (just as leftwing as Kamala), pleasing in type to the the vast majority of Americans. He'll do just fine.

We, however, opt for an abrasive, sloppy-looking old egotist, not pleasing at all to the crucial demographic of middle class women, who just makes us feel like we're "tough." We never learn.

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I’m a lot more pessimistic than you are, Erick. Kamala is all those ignoble things mentioned but the “white-washing” (sorry!) that she will receive by the media and the desperate Dems will change this narrative. People like the comeback story, however farcical.

Worse, I thought Trump made two bad blunders that besmirched a brilliant Republican convention: 1) a Veep pick that won’t excite or convert anyone but those already converted, and 2) a disappointing convention speech that started strong and then revealed Trump for the undisciplined bloviator that he is. A huge missed opportunity to change his image and keep the good vibes flowing.

Now we have a knife fight and we better be ready. God help our country if the left is granted four more years.

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Good analysis, thanks for the insights

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Channeling South Park, “Oh my god, they killed Kenny!! Those Bastards.”

I feel much safer this morning with Biden “almost gone”, but today the world knows that the US government is leaderless.

I recently told one of my kids that I wished Trump was running against Newsome. I want President Trump back in the Whitehouse, and I accept that Newsome could win, but I want real discussions around real issues, with two people with functioning brains.

Now I need Biden to resign so I can get a full night’s rest. I know that will instantly make Harris President, and that could boost her creds so she could win, but I need a leader with a functioning brain at the helm until the January inauguration.

Let's start today with a proof of life photo from the Whitehouse. The world needs to know if Biden is still upright and reasonably in charge.

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Anybody in the Democrat party that wants to challenge the Kamala has a 218 million dollar hill to climb that pretty much makes it impossible at this late date. So we get to watch a DEI pick in action and I don’t think it will go well

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There is no way it’s gonna be Kamala. I bet it’s already in the works to get Michelle Obama to take the nomination. People adore the Obamas. She would be a shoe in for the Dems. Probley the only one that could beat Trump. Makes me sick to think about it! We need Trumps policies again. If we have 4 more years of the last 4 we are screwed!

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Just kidding but your comment is sooo this morning. This afternoon we see she has signed up over half the delegates and is getting in a lot of political endorsements.

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Don't underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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This is what DEI gets you. The fact is POC and women have to scream racism and sexism because she is dragging them down with her and they don't what to hold her accountable. It is soft racism. Where is Booker T. Washington?

No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life regardless of his own merits or efforts.

No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or that race he will be advanced in life regardless of his own merits or efforts.

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And I'm sure all the people like DeSantis, Haley, and Youngkin, really want Trump to win as well. While its true that not all Democrats believe Trump is a large threat to democracy the bottom line is they are behaving as though he is that threat. They nominated Biden as the compromise candidate in 2020 over the more popular far left progressives in their party and now they (including Biden) are taking the nearly unprecedented step of not seeking reelection as the incumbent who won the primary. This is the behavior of people who see Donald Trump for what he is - a true threat to our nation because he already tried to end it, controls the republican base as a deity type cult leader and therefore controls republican politicians and conservative media with a tight fist.

Now, the truth is all of these efforts are in vein as Trump is a virtual lock to win it - but I am definitely glad to see them trying.

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A “treat to democracy “ is any politician who uses the alphabet agencies of government to suppress dissent.

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Agreed - however if you're referring to the DoJ prosecutions of Trump than you are mistaken. If you have the inclination, just read through the details of this indictment straight from the source (its just one shred of the publicly known information of Trump's law breaking).


Employee 4 is Yuscil Taveras after he dropped the Trump funded lawyer and cooperated with the investigation. The lawlessness and stupidity of Trump and his staff is remarkable and warrants prosecution - but nearly everyone on here is trained to assume anything negative that gets reported about Trump is "fake news" and all of his prosecutions are "lawfare".

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No I am talking about average citizens who have been harassed because of their political views and statements. Years ago, a woman and her husband had their lives examined by federal agencies because she was a tea party leader. Everyone from the IRS to the BATF. The result was a $16 tax refund. Can you afford the legal bills when Big Brother knocks on your door?

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agree on that point Carmine

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I think it is silly to think Biden would be stronger than Harris against Trump. Biden is as untenably low as they can go. Why help them with hope in new candidate. They know their assets can be brought to bear more effectively on anyone minimally sentient (which they lacked with Biden). His dementia is progressing rapidly. We should have not antagonized them to remove him from the ticket nor should we agitate for his resignation only to give Harris the trappings of the presidency. And Trump's bravado to debate the dunce so early was not a good political chess move.

And let me also offer that the Trump is anointed thing and the hand of God thing is wearing thin and may become counterproductive as people hear Trump overdo the situation by coming off with an insincere humility, perhaps coming off as if he believes he is anointed with his most enthusiastic supporters reaching the danger zone of "from the mouth of God" when he speaks.

An at least interesting comparison is to the assassination attempt on Teddy Roosevelt. Perhaps a bit ironically it took place in Milwaukee. He was hit center mass at close range, saved by an eye glass case and a folded manuscript effectively 100 pages. The bullet penetrated but did not reach his lungs, barely. He gave his speech before going to the hospital! He carried the bullet the rest of his life as it was more dangerous to remove. I am not a TR super fan but he exhibited incredible presence and aplomb. You want bad ass that was it, not that Trump's demeanor was not.

How was God's hand at work in both cases? People carry stuff in their suit coats and snipers know a head shot at a distance is the most risky as speakers are likely animated. God is sovereign but permissive and I do not know how that works and whether it is fruitful to imply Trump's survival and candidacy is biblical any more than G W Bush's victory was against the very evil Al Gore. I Thank God for both but not Bush's post presidency. He is a man.

TR lost that election in the attempt at remake of the politics of the day, an arguable exercise of ego. There is a down side to invest in something that is so personified. MAGA predated Trump but he has so personified it, corrupted the processes of the party so as to impact the transcendence a party should hold. As short as it is the RNC 2024 platform is a repetitive set of grunts, and several inconsistencies and abandonments. That is not good. It is unbecoming a political party and unnecessary for a standard bearer. And the sympathy vote even back in the day only went so far.

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Erick, I have zero fear of Harris. She will bring very little to race for the Dem's and as soon as she is interviewed or goes off script at a rally (let the cackling begin) she will lose support. She will inspire no one.

My bigger fear is the Republicans. I have never seen a party more gifted at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Perfect example is Trump's tweet after Biden dropped out. Instead of showing any sign of civility and grace, and wishing him well, he had to get one last shot in. Not that there would have been anything sincere about, but this is politics and the optics are huge!!! I'm tired of us loosing the battle on messaging. We don't know how to talk about key issues like abortion, and the Dem's keep owning these issues when they shouldn't. Hopefully one day the RNC will actually consider the value of what we say, vs. relying on the Democratic party doing their best to push people away.

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You are so right..

Trump can't help himself....Shut Up! Learn not to kick a dog when it's done....whoops...(love dogs...by the way) The personal stories, which there are a lot, said about Trump are so touching...let those people guide the campaign....Biden will go down in history as the WORST...Trump doesn't need to mention it ever.

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Of course you are right, Eric; but unfortunately, too many in the general public have been dumbed down to the level that they don't know when they are being given convoluted or distorted reality. A high percentage of our society are oblivious of truth and are unable to assimilate facts and comparisons between what was said two weeks ago and what is being said now. They are in their own little world and, assuming they will actually expend the effort for the sake of civic duty appearances, much prefer that someone on MSNBC make it easy and tell them how they should vote.

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