
Kelly and I are looking forward to the Gathering in August. Although you said Speaker Johnson will attend, I HOPE he has to cancel on us BECAUSE HE WILL BE THE VICE PRESIDENT by then.

Just like all American's this weekend, we are playing the parlor game on the meltdown of the Democrat Party. If Brandon resigns, then Harris gets sworn in, and Speaker Johnson assumes the VP slot unless and until Congress appoints someone else.

As of today, the Biden agenda is over, and he is officially the lamest of all lame ducks.

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Donald Trump broke so many people. 80% of the despicable things about him are actually others reactions to him.

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Someone with Dementia may not remember what was said to them so they will think everything is okay.

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The cats in the bag and the bags in the river so Joey from Scranton is toast. Dems are outraged because they got caught they knew Joe was a walking cadaver but as long as the public didn’t know it was ok The press covered for JFK and Clinton both who had are hard time keeping their pants up in and out of the white house nothing new here Now the media will try and blame everyone else and act so surprised when they lied to the people and can’t figure out why nobody trusts them

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“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”

― Michael Crichton

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Washingtonians are displaying the truth behind this clown show; while they are beginning to feign surprise at Biden's condition, they are citing his inability to win as the reason that he should withdraw. If THAT is the reason, the primary voters are being ignored and democracy is being destroyed. If the real reason was concern for Biden himself, or better yet, national security issues with him serving as CIC NOW, the arguments would appear legitimate. However, since they were all silent until they decided that he wouldn't win, the Democrats are displaying hypocrisy and a disregard for democracy at he same time.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Hey, Erick, weigh in on this.

I recall that when congresscritters leave office, they are allowed to pocket unused campaign funds, sometimes very substantial amounts.

Can someone whisper in ol' Joe's ear that if he resigns, he can pocket the $210 million? The Biden crime family cannot resist that.

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Whisper that in his wife’s ear. She runs everything. One hundred years ago Edith Wilson did the same when Wilson had a stroke and no one could see him.

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A more accurate term for the American press would be state-run PR firms.

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Harvey shudda run off to France and roomed with Roman Polanski where pedophilia is worn like a badge of honor.

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What a travesty our government has become. We are no longer by the people, for the people. We are all about power and how to keep it. Our democracy is just about gone and the media is pushing it over the edge.

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I can honestly think of almost nothing as despicable as this cabal of our elected servants and the media covering up for an empty White House and each other. How DO they sleep at night?! And KJP, day after day condescending to Peter Doocy, et al,….. any decent press sec to a president like this one would have resigned long ago, and she hasn’t, clearly demonstrating she loves the power and money more than her country. I have to believe it has not just been people of the right or center, or libertarians, or Trump followers who’ve seen what’s going on.

So the cabal extends to the entire democrat party and their constituents for continuing to support this travesty calling itself our “government”. They have created an environment that has effectively stifled the free speech of those of us who’ve cried out complaining about what we have been seeing for years. Facebook’s child “factcheckers” even slap “FALSE” warnings on accurate important and historical information.

January 6 was terrible—a public protest gone terribly awry; this catastrophe is immeasurably worse. It will be a cold day in Hades before people will trust the legacy media or anyone on the Public payroll—i.e. gov’t. again.

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I'm not so sure most Americans were aware of Biden's decreptitude. My brother, an organically smart man, thinks sourcing from NPR, CNN AND MSNBC is quoting 3 sources. He posted on FB a few months ago that this is the best economy in 60 years.

No one likes to be wrong, but it seems bubble dwellers, and they exist on both sides, if not equally, have a deep seated anxiety about learning something which goes against their cult of beliefs. It's painful for them.

I trust no one who loves Trump or Biden. I respect someone who attempts to weigh the two options and chooses the least objectionable. Those are people you can talk to.

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What you say is correct. People see only what they want to see: I.e. what they agree with.

Try getting your news from sources like "1440," "AllSides," etc., that actually are about as unbiased as there are 'out there'.

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I routinely look at both Fox and CNN to see if I am missing something. I also trace links back to original sources. I don't want to be swayed by echo chambers. It's not easy but I really seek the truth. It's hard to find. I feel like an endangered species.

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You're not endangered, just out numbered, CF. ;-) Don't give up!!

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My brother too. Just last year he said I was buying the right wing propaganda that Biden had dementia. Oh, but Trump committed insurrection.

His hatred of Trump blinds him from see Biden"s issues. He can't fathom Trump winning.

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Sounds like mine... and why I want to dissuade his unthoughtful posts RK

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deletedJul 6
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A painful one Blair. My brother posts embarrassing "facts" on FB. I feel compelled to not reply for the sake of our relationship. He is NOT one to see a different way, convinced we are the bad guys and he and the Left are the saints. Truth be told, I want to write him a private note telling him he is leaving himself open to embarrassment and to think twice before posting, but my wife thinks it's a bad idea. So far, I've accepted her judgement. So far. ;-)

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Joseph D, I too have family members who are otherwise educated and rational thinkers who have bought into this MSJ fraud. Why they can't see the truth stuns me. I think the media has created a culture where support for Trump is supposed to be ridiculed, and these people have sacrificed their belief of their own eyes and ears because they want to be accepted so badly-

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deletedJul 6
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I'd only like him to think twice. That few issues are 100% one way or the other way. It's obvious he parrots what he sees and hears from his preferred media choices. A dose of skepticism is a good thing, on both sides.

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Excellent example showing why the people that call themselves "news people", finally came out with some truth. Keep it up Erick.

Blessings to you and your family.

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