The question a fair person must ask is what would have happened in the Title VII decision if Gorsuch sided with the minority the majority. The answer is nothing would be legally different, because Roberts, as he fairly often has done, sided with the Democratic judges. 5-4 decisions carry the same legal weight as 6-3 decisions, and there is zero doubt that more 5-4 decisions since 2016 have been constitutionally sound because Trump beat Hillary in 2016. There is also little doubt that if Trump wins again in 2020 rather than losing even more 5-4 decisions will likely be constitutionally sound, even if Roberts continues to swing to the side of the Democratic judges.

I am as much against the courts writing laws as anybody. But part of the problem of the last 50 years is that Congress has tended to write vague laws giving government bureaucrats the power to fill in details and the courts the ability to make these laws say anything they want them to say. One can attempt to blame that on Trump, just as one can attempt to blame the Corona virus or the seizing of the Seattle CHAZ zone on Trump. But the bottom line is that Trump isn't responsible for either of those things and arguably no current President could have changed any of those things. Nor is Trump responsible for being the savior of Evangelical Christianity, any more than President Bush (who appointed Roberts) was. Trump is more like FDR and Churchill whose firm resolve arguably helped save the world from the Nazi's, although neither of them are shining examples of Evangelical Christianity and Conservative Political Principles. But just as Trump is far better than the Democratic alternative, they were far better than the Nazi alternative.

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You and I saw different events in that Wendy’s parking lot. I saw Mr Brooks resist arrest, take a taser from one officer, turn and run, aim and discharge the taser, then turn and run. At that point he was shot. In the back. As he was fleeing.

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Your most important point is that government cannot save us. So true. Government is necessary, according to the apostle Paul, to terrify evil-doers. He never said even once that human government will save anyone.

I will vote for Donald Trump, not because he is perfect (he isn't) or because he can save us (he can't). I will vote, because in our country, voting is the way citizens have any power whatsoever; not to vote is to agree that anyone who is elected will be fine. I will vote for Donald Trump, because he has shown that despite his personality problems, his mind and heart are in the right place. He has done a great deal that is good for our country, and he has tried to do the right thing in a crisis where I don't believe anyone knows what is good. I will vote for Donald Trump, not because I am a Christian and he claims to be Christian, too, but rather, because the campaign rhetoric of the other candidate is terrifying, even when it is comprehensible.

Thank you for always reminding us that our hope is in God, not the government. Please keep doing what you do.

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100% A great sorting, indeed

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You have more "energy" after a rest! Im sure you know of "The Briefing"--Al Mohler's podcast. You guys need to talk!

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Welcome back Erick. Glad you are feeling recharged and ready for action.

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I agree with most of your points. Again, Trump is not a savior, but the only human, partial shield we have.

Next, your Brooks account. (Preface: Brooks should not have been shot-at the point in that chase at least. We don’t know what might have happened. Needed a K-9). Fact! Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a PO, disarmed a PO, ran, turned, aimed, AND FIRED the taser at the PO!!

I’ve watched all the raw body cam, Wendy’s cams, cell cams. You can see the flash of the taser’s discharge. I’ve seen or read about 20 news accounts. At least 15 of them skip the FIRED weapon point. Adding you now. Even this Tues morning, CBS46 reports FIRED, FOX5 says AIMED. BTW, The NY Times acknowledges he FIRED the weapon. Amazing!

Brooks died because of alcohol, disrespect of authority, and a tactical policing error — in that order.

We’ve long reached the point where we can’t believe an event unless see/hear the event facts in the raw, unedited video and or audio info.


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EGGS ackley. I vehemently do not love cops, in general my attitude is that there is almost no situation I would call the police because what I've observed is about a 50-50 chance they'd arrest me (and I'm White, btw), but, drunk or sober, I don't resist, I don't run, I don't point, and I don't fire ANY kind of weapon at a cop - it just gives them an excuse to shoot ME

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