These illegal aliens should rape DA’s that are Financed by Soros.

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New policy

Without 4 witnesses then it was her fault.

Will be next thing they will be saying.

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What I find funny is the lefts commentators on here don’t sound off about this. Guess they don’t need to defend Biden when it’s clearly his fault.

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It is infuriating, first of all, that the media is not holding Biden responsible for these murders and crimes. And more so, that the RNC isn't hitting on all of the failures of his administration that is affecting Americans every day.

It is time for a new party with a winning strategy.

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The problem is that the leftist media has painted these illegals as humble souls yearning to be free. They do this in several fake fiction media like “for all mankind” which is a good show but one of the main characters, and the one that usually saves the day, is a child of an illegal alien.

I can assure you however reality is much different. The smartest and brightest at NASA are not children of illegals. It’s typically children who grew up in upper class households with access to the best of the best education.

Point being. The media narrative of who these people are is false. The reality is many are the poorest of the poor or the evil criminals of those nations. In some cases Mexico has emptied their prisons and shipped the worst offenders north because they don’t want to deal with them. And Biden allows it.

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If the RNC would bend over they would find their heads. Why oh why can’t we be the party of intelligent strategy. Absolutely the Republicans should be all over this and so many more Biden failures. Biden is ruining this country and for those who can’t see it or feel it, they have to be told. Wake up Republicans time is slipping away.

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With a bare majority in the house and a minority in the senate I’m not sure what you expect them to do?

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I expect them to dominate the air waves with with all the atrocities and the country killing policies of this administration. It sure beats the heck out of sitting on your hands and doing nothing. Tell me what you are going to do to improved our daily life. Be bold and vocal. That’s what I expect.

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The GOP needs to remind AWFULs that they have daughters, too.

Of course, then they will have to make a choice between being a prog and being a mother, which is no guarantee of anything.

The cognitive dissonance! It burns!!!

Frankly, what Trump is doing with the student visas is a masterstroke. He's making it clear that if you are here to be productive, no matter your demographics, we want you to stay--just go through the process*. Plus it keeps their smarts away from troublesome countries (coughChinacough). But if you want to sneak in, we're going to throw the book at you.

*We still need to reform the process to make it easier and quicker while still conducting due diligence on each applicant.

I don't know who Trump has been talking to the past few months, but someone has been giving him a masterclass on retail politics and presidential demeanor.

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At some point if this keeps up you will see vigilante justice you can push people so far then they fight back Damn the consequences because there isn’t any for the law breakers

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You’re so right. And I absolutely wouldn’t blame a parent for taking matters into their own hands. The people allowing this should face catastrophic consequences.

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Of course, you might see selective prosecution--compare J6 with the Columbia riots.

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2 words....Laken Riley

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In response to the inevitable (?) debate question about the Southern Border, DJT should just calmly respond that "As President, Joe Biden is where the buck stops; so, he is accountable for crimes against [>list of names of people who have been killed, beaten, or raped by illegal aliens.]" ...without any other hyperbole or comment. That might help to focus the MSM?

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Say their names. Literally--just say their names.

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When we read Math:24 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for [a]all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, [b]pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.

We see the nations doing this today as well as people right here in the US becoming so against each other. So get ready for the END TIMES NOW.

Blessings to you Erick for making note of these end times. You are always so RIGHT ON.

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Agreed. Not sure why the Republicans are not hammering this issue. But, then, I don’t expect much from Republicans as they seem to always want to be on the losing end.

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We have the Evil Party and the Stupid Party.

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Only way things change if Trump wins or a big time Democrat - politician, MSM or celebrity is on the receiving end of one of these heinous crimes. It’s super pathetic and a terrible look for the people who claim to care.

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If Trump wins and both houses don't have substantial majorities, very little will be accomplished I fear.

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Whatever executive order Trump can use I assume he would.

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