Re: "But Republicans must press their advantage"...

.....And THAT, my friends, RIGHT THERE, is the whole problem. The GOP will just squander another opportunity, like always.

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Conspiracy is more comfortable than believing and understanding it is really incompetence. This is what successful progressive liberal policies look like, the collapse of our underpinning institutions; it's by design not conspiracy.

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I do believe that you are correct.

Recently, Erick talked about how we're in the 3rd generation of American bureaucracy.... just like family-owned businesses that get run into the ground.... where the first two generations work hard to build and appreciate what they have, only to have the 3rd generation (grandkids) run it into the ground because they believe that they are simply entitled to everything.

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The Left is the same the world over and throughout history. It is both the success of the Left and the failure of the Right to standup and lead that we are here. The Russian's Demoralization campaign was wildly successful, we are now in Destabilization. The Left has believe since Obama we are in Normalization. Kamala picking Waltz is as much the antisemite hecklers' vote as it is believing she has won the election and has the approval and mandate to normalize America as a Marxist state. We're not quite there yet.

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So if the jobs report leads to the Feds lowering the rate, that will help people with loans - isn't that "a positive" for this administration?

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It would be a positive...at the very least spun that way. It appears the market has already priced a rate cut in, so the stock market may not make a move, but lower rates mean people pay less interest on all those loans they have...so....

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The Fed has not cut rates to date and this revision comes before their decision, regardless of "signaling readiness" to do so.

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I’d like to know where these statistics and figures are coming from because most items that I’ve purchased for years ago are over 100% increased. I used to pay for items that were 459 are now over eight dollars so that’s more than 25%. And you even look at fast food restaurants or things that used to be five dollars or eight dollars are now $10 minimum. So I don’t know how they average all this but it’s all lies and I work at a grocery store and people complain to me every single day And it doesn’t increase by $.50, its $2,$3 even $5per item

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So was the jobs revision report due to incompetence, laziness, politics or being nefarious? Regardless of the reason, people need to be fired...but no one will be. No one trusts government reports anymore and it's their (the government's) own fault.

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What else are they lying about?

What worries me is that they keep doing this (spouting all of this BS) because it is effective.

Now you know why we call them "non-player characters"

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"The message matters. The “vibe” may favor the Democrats. The data favors Republicans. But Republicans must press their advantage."

Erick, could not agree with you more. The problem is the guy at the top of our ticket appears to be the only one who doesn't get it. Listening to him on Fox and Friends this morning was as painful as his convention speech (which I turned off after about 20 minutes). You could see the hosts working hard to keep him on message but they couldn't.

And when is the Republican party going to learn how to talk about abortion (including you). A couple of days ago you made reference to Dem's "Need to kill kids" in your About Last Night article. As a strong Evangelical I agree with you fully, however this message not only doesn't sell anymore, it pushes a critical part of the swing electorate toward the Dem's. It's time we recognize that abortion is a polarizing issue that put's a women's right to determine what is in the best interest of her body, vs. preserving the life of an innocent child. We need to acknowledge that the last thing we want to do is tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body, but when it comes to that vs. saving the life of a child, I will choose the child every time.

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I tried to listen to Trump this morning on Fox to see if he was going to say something new, but I eventually gave up and turned off the TV. If only Trump were as wonderful as he claims, Republicans would have no trouble convincing independent voters to vote for him.

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Democrats think it is ok for them print FALSE NUMBERS.

if during Republican in office would be impeachment hearings.

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Let's check the scoreboard after this correction.

Trump Administration: LOST 2.7 million jobs. Biden Harris Admin: Gained 15 million jobs

I think I see a winner.

BUT COVID you say - Our lockdowns and over reactions during COVID are owned by Trump since that was his response. BUT Biden would have been worse you say - I could say the same about Trump and inflation. The stimulus package that Kamala was the tie breaking vote that "sparked inflation" would have been higher if Trump had won. He wanted to more than triple the size of the stimulus checks / free money that everyone got and repubs would have gone along with whatever bafoonery he wanted.

You can't blame Covid for Trump's horrible record on jobs and then ignore Covid regarding inflation.

The numbers are what they are and on jobs Trump loses BIGLY.

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Hey look, more believable gov't stats!

What was one of the first things Biden did upon entering office? Cancel the Keystone pipeline. That sent oil futures up. That sent fuel prices up. That makes the entire supply chain from food to stuff go up. That was the spark to inflation. Had the pipeline not been cancelled, there still would have been inflation based on the eFd up supply chain, but not nearly to the same degree. But hey, at least it was transitory inflation.

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cancelling a tiny fraction of the keystone pipeline system the keystone XL pipeline when it was only 8% built having been in process for over a decade a negligible impact on inflation if any. What did impact inflation significantly were the $2k stimulus checks that Trump demanded.

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Well, that's how oil futures markets work whether you want to believe it or not.

I was never a fan of the stimulus checks.

I was not a fan of how Trump essentially stepped aside and let bureaucrats run the covid response.

I suppose you believe inflationary actions of Trump didn't kick in until Biden was in office...similar to the idea that all the good of the Trump economy was a product of Obama?

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I am simply saying let the numbers speak for themselves. There are always a bunch of exogenous factors that complicate the attribution of any metric so focus only on the actual numbers. And on those numbers -

Biden/Harris look like sh_t on inflation and Trump takes that point, BUT on Jobs

Trump looks like sh_t and Biden Harris take that point.

You guys seem to be the ones that want to selectively blame an exogenous variable like Covid, but only when if suits your narrative.

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"exogenous factors" like...erroneous numbers?

Trust the data?

The jobs numbers:

the gov't shut down the country = jobs lost

the gov't lets the country start up again = jobs gained...not just regained?

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from your own words:

"the gov't shut down the country = jobs lost" - who was president during this time? so which presidential administration should be blamed for the jobs performance of this action? Again the numbers are the numbers, you seem to be upset that they don't fit your narrative.

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Domestic energy is a future's market. We're riding on Trump's production wave and yet, still dipped way into our strategic energy reserves to almost half of what they were in the middle of the Trump administration. Harris wants to end fracking and off-shore drilling as well as LPG exports to Europe via pipelines to southern states near the gulf of Mexico. Not to mention all of the green new regulations that raised prices. In my industry it is cheaper to truck goods from Albuquerque NM to GA instead of two states over to Newsome's CA. However, once we build our wind/solar tractor trailers that'll all change.

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Trump must focus on the "truth" that this article provided....that will win the election....negative comments about Harris will not create support from the undecided voters !

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Democrats are in front of the class giving a book report on a book they haven't read.

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Didn't read it because you guys banned it.

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For some reason I love people who keep pornography from children. Adults can find it on their own.

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I surprise book bans haven't come up at the DNC.

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That's fantastic!

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Last night I was forced to watch David Muir/ABC Evening News. He breathlessly told us in his opening g comments that there was “breaking news” - Bill Clinton and Tim Walz were speaking at the DNC that night! Great job,ABC, breaking that story! Then the next 5-7 minutes was devoted to the Obamas’ comedy routine deriding Trump. I noticed no mention of their praises of Kamala or why she is so profoundly fit for the job. The only sound bites are those which bash Trump. Heaven help me get thru the next few months!

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Hmmm, ...overstated jobs? What's next? ...overstated votes? Deja vu all over again? As a friend once said while staring blankly at the horizon..."Sometimes I often wonder!"

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What was yelled at us during the pandemic...and still?



We are not in a recession (even though the technical definition had been reached)

Men can become women and visa versa

His (Biden's) health is just fine.

We are going to fix all the problems (even though we have been in office and haven't fixed them)

Unemployment is super low (oops, the second largest revision in history)

Trust the data?

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I forgot...

this inflation is transitory.

I know there are more

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Also, it is the disease of the unvaccinated.

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All important data is wrong.

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Interesting how the news guys want people to parrot their lines. They want people to be like the DNC at their convention. It does not matter who the leaders of the Democrats pick for the members. They get behind that person and march along like the Minions. Scary isn’t it!

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