She (Sotomayor) wrote, “When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.”

Sotomayor spoke according to her belief system: what I see and feel is true. What she says about ducks not only illustrates her view on "machine guns," but also sex/gender. She is consistent in her view, however misguided it may be.

"When I see a person that walks like a woman, acts like a woman, and speaks like a woman, I call that person a woman." Never mind that biologically the person carries XY chromosomes and produces small gametes (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10005/).

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Re: Cargill Decision

It's not about bump-stocks. It's about proper procedure and how much power the ATF has.

I find it amusing how folks on the Left will praise SCOTUS when they issue a 9-0 decision that's pro-abortion, then lose their minds when it's a decision they don't like and suddenly it's a "MAGA" court.

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First, let's agree that "the left" and the Democrat Party are the same today. It used to be different, but the Democrats adopted the fringe of the radical left and today the party is controlled by the radical left. I have these frustrating conversations with old liberal Democrats that deny it while also refusing to communicate their opposition to the radical gender ideology, etc. And climate crisis is another example of how the so called rational Democrat has adopted the absurdity of radical luxury cult beliefs.

What I see is a Democrat train wreck coming as long as the nation does not experience significant election cheating like it has. The train wreck will be because the Democrat strategy pivot, after a minute of self-reflection after the 2016 pummeling, to 100% opposition denigration and character assassination. Democrats had been doing that already, but not at the level and intensity of the post Trump era. But it has grown into a sickness. And you can experience the sickness by posting any comment that challenges the current Democrat political position on almost any topic. The comments will not be any rational or civil attempt to counter your arguments... it will be


Today the Democrat machine is outraged that Mitch McConnel after jumping on the "I am fine changing the real definition of words to help my political goals... so let's call Jan-6 an insurrection" bandwagon with Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and a few other GOP Benedict Arnolds that he puts that all behind him and supports Trump.

That is evidence of the pathetic desperation of the Democrats trying to get more mileage out of the Jan-6 negative branding character assassination. They are sick in that they have forgotten how to debate political ideas and only come to the table with their negative ad campaigns to trash everyone that stands in their way of absolute power.

My analysis of the left is that it is comprised of people that are less in control of their primitive impulses. They fail at the most simple logic problems but they are fantastic at figuring out who's in, who's out, who's up and who's down... and who should be heaped with praise and who must be punished without mercy. They lack ability to execute simple acts of reason, but accel at skill herding each other into qualified groups. These tendencies are early evolutionary legacy behaviors and biases that follow their own subconscious, but should be obsolete, rules. What seems like erratic and irrational choices they make... they are actually strategies created long ago for solving other kinds of problems. These are people that are sly, social-climbing opportunists shaped to survive the outback by policing each other.

Democrats are in fact the least evolved of us. They acquire more years of school because they grow some self awareness that they lack sophisticated control of their behavior and it frightens them. But instead of getting enough psychotherapy to work out these hidden demons, they acquire the placebo of advance degrees and then rage in assumed power to force the rest of us rational people to have to bow down to their greatness.

And they pursue positions of power and influence as a defense of an ego-shattering alternative of having to be reminded that they are the less-evolved, more primitive animals among us, and that they need to be herded and not be the herder.

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Although life experiences (including higher education) can have a significant effect in determining one's perspective on social and political questions, people are people, not all that dissimilar from one another. Democrats and Republicans are not different species. We just disagree, that's all.

Politics in this country used to largely consist of trying to bring other people around to one's way of thinking. Now we denigrate those with whom we disagree to the point where they are simply evil. One does not reason with evil. And one most certainly does not entertain the possibility that on any given point, those who are evil might actually be right. There's your (good) side and their (bad) side, and that's it.

First, let me say that I detect not a hint of antisemitism in what you wrote. I say this only to illustrate my point: Were you to substitute "Jew" for "Democrat," Joseph Goebbels could not have written this any better.

People are people, Frank. We just disagree.

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"Democrats and Republicans are not different species. We just disagree, that's all."

My mother, God rest her soul, used to mediate the conflict with her three sons by making all three equally guilty for conflict. What that did was empower the true guilty party to behave badly again, and knocked the motivation away from the good-behaving children as there are no benefits to doing so.

I live in liberal land and over a decade ago I was scolded by my wife and friends with the exact same sentiments you deliver. Today, my wife and friends tell me I was correct... that the Democrats are a different species of human. They have always existed, but they have filtered, collected and achieved control and power over our institutions. We can no longer avoid the definition and mediate with "Democrats and Republicans are the same" narrative. This is emboldening the bad behavior and killing the motivation of those that seek civil dialog over differences of opinion.

This isn't a race thing, it is an ideological thing. A tribal politics thing. It is a set of behavior rules. The Democrat party is a collection of people that are wired differently, in general, than are the rest. It did not used to be like that... people were more distributed. Personality types were secondary to politics. Media changes have caused the filtering along with changes to the economy and migration patterns of people.

It is nothing like racism or antisemitism because the Democrat party and the Republican party are plenty diverse. The primary difference is female and college educated... with the Democrats being more of both.

But the terrible behavior of the Democrats with respect to politics is helped by this moral sentiment of describing Republicans as the same. They are not the same.

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This second part explains more clearly and, on the whole, I agree even though there are plenty of exceptions to it as nothing dealing with humans is absolute. I have observed a lot of the same behaviors and thought processes such as more emotion, less logic, internalizing everything, and the inability to understand actual cause and effect of their policies on real people. When they do think of the future it is usually a utopia or a disaster. Of course a lot is deliberate, power politics, and now also seeing some men on the right starting to behave in the same ways with emotions controlling all logic and sense. What is really in our food?

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Some may disagree with you. I do not. Because few wish to see this, we are in trouble.

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Sotomayer is shockingly ignorant in many things and doesn’t seem to actually listen to facts. I remember during the COVID mandate case she made that states that thousands and thousands of children had died from

COVID and that was so factually inaccurate, yet she believed that and was basing her decisions off those inaccuracies

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Sotomayer is an IDIOT.

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BRAVO!!! I think this is one of the best articles you have written in awhile!! Witten so clearly and plainly, this one gets right to the point. For YEARS-since my children were in middle school, when they asked me the difference between Democrats and Republicans I explained that the Dems were about nothing BUT POWER! I clearly pointed out to them that their cover was always pretending to be for the" little people", the "underdogs", etc. but that was always a lie and what they only wanted was power and control. Your article NAILS it! Thank you.

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"To claim that a bird can be a duck because it swims, quacks, and walks like a duck is not a legal definition..."

But they think men can become women just by walking, talking, and looking like one.

So it's not a surprise they think a non-duck is a duck. Remember CNN's 'banana/orange' ad?

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It may walk and talk like a Supreme Court Justice, but it can't read the US Constitution.

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We have an elitist class that are mad that common men and women have a say in government and by this they do not listen to nor follow the lead of the elites. We saw this in Europe with Brexit, in which the common men and women in the UK voted to leave the European Union while those in the cities voted to stay. Now we see the elitist parties in europe being voted out. The people are tired of elitist trying to force their will on them.

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While I don't think bump stocks should be allowed, I am convinced the Supreme Court made the right decision in Cargill and in the FDA v. Alliance. As usual, the press and multiple commentators got it wrong.

Executive Orders and Administrative Agencies

Under the Chevron doctrine when an administrative agency oversteps its bounds in carrying out the intent of Congress and promulgates an ambiguous or arbitrary regulation, the courts are authorized to step in and correct the error. The same applies to an Executive Order. But for Trump's order Congress might well have acted and passed a law making bump stocks illegal. Once that order was in place there was no need for them to act. They are free to do so now, and should in my opinion. It's the Court's job to interpret the law, not make it.

As to the abortion pill case, the court did not deal a blow to antiabortion activists. They followed the rule that every judge in every court in the United States follows: You must have standing to bring an action.

Think of it this way. Before you can get to the batters box you first have need a ticket to get into the stadium. That ticket is standing. I could quote the precise legal language that determines standing, but it's unnecessary. No standing equals no ticket.

The court made no determination the pill was good, bad, needed, or not, yet some commentators on this platform are quick to leap into the fray and cry we now have a "rouge Supreme Court." It's especially disingenuous since several are awyers pushing an adgenda to attract readers and have little regard for the truth.

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While I don't necessarily agree with you about whether the bump stock should be banned, I do agree with your assessment of the situation with the court on all points. While I personally have no interest in a bump stock, I do know that the action they perform can be duplicated with a belt loop and a rubber band, so banning them is rather pointless.

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Don’t give them any ideas. They will ban belt loops and rubber bands to keep the streets safe.

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Good points.

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To paraphrase that great political philosopher, Inigo Montoya: “Democracy? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”

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The left believes that judges and justices are just politicians.

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I particularly liked the part where Sotomayor said that the bump stock allows the firing of 600 to 800 rounds per minute. Which means she listened to not a word of the legal arguments. And knows not a single thing about guns.

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Someone said that if you are a fool, keep your mouth shut. Otherwise you will prove that you are.

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They talk Democratic Democracy but their intent is Marxism which brings Power.

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Exactly. Be careful you might send Blair over the edge. The left was all for the Supreme Court when it was doing their bidding. When Roe V Wade was implemented they were ecstatic. Now that the Court is following the constitution they are declaring that our democracy is in jeopardy. Hypocrites every last one of them. My way or the highway.

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Truth! But they'll cry about the 'End of Democracy" every chance they get. They want a democracy they have a firm, unquestioned control over.

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With the Left, just about every day we see "The End of Democracy" (TM) 🤣🤣🤣

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Relentless dissolution of America. That’s what the left is doing. Polluting the purpose and power of the Constitution has been and still is their longest running, greatest frontal assault in their battle. God bless America.

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