You are correct. But now the are busy posting pictures of Laura Ingram evidently saluting President Trump like hei Hitler. They’re really sending that around now and saying they have to fight twice as hard. One of my friends actually posted that. I just don’t get it.

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Erick, with this broad pardon, can prosecutors require Hunter to testify against his father, since he is immune from self-incremination?

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Hunter has lost his 5th Amendment protection due to the pardon that his father issued. if Hunter refuses to show in front of a Congressional committee after being summoned or says, "not answering because of 5th Amendment protection, Congress can hold him in " contempt of Congress" and have it forward to the Department of Justice to see if they want to indict or not. People had been charged with Contempt of Congress and been found guilty of this charge before.

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Joe Biden is one of the biggest reasons we need term limits. Hopefully he can’t screw up anything else more than he already has before January. Obama, the only thing he ever did in eight years was give us an over priced healthcare system and divided the country by race.

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there are term limits for the US presidency - the 22nd Amendment signed into law by Harry S Turman. Not for Congress- that would probably require an amendment to the US Constitution- it is hard to get an amendment added to the US Constitution

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I’m glad the second George Washington the man with the country first showed his true colors to his Democrat followers by giving the smartest man he knows a blanket pardon for anything he ever did. So we now know that the Bidens are corrupt and Joey from Scranton just showed us now there will probably be one for his brother

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Joe Biden - AGAIN - confirms Trump statements. Trump says the Dems weaponized the DOJ. Joe Biden says the DOJ targeted his poor widdle son Hunter. Please tell me again who is the conspiracy theorist.

As long as ol "Loose Lips" Joe is around, the Dems will not see a significant return to political power for maybe three presidential terms. That man digs holes faster than even Adam Schiff can backfill them.

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Well put. The legacy, though should be shared by those in position to have prevented this and yet did nothing,and those who claim to be providing the public the information needed to be well informed and aided the effort with full knowledge of their impact Mr. Biden was placed in the position he occupies though the voluntary actions of voters, and even though the media might have worked hard to minimize the evidence of his decline (even before the debate), many went along for the ride anyway. So the legacy my be firmly attached to him by name, but there are others who should be in the group photo.

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