Interesting that the people of this country do not think about these things when selecting those who will run this country.

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The United States is currently under invasion and no one is doing anything about it....illegals, crime, drugs, murder that grows worse all the time with a military that is hard pressed to meet their quotas. But we are supposed to be world leaders?

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Thanks for your Pearl Harbor reference. I hope we republicans can buck up to remove "social service" judges, build more (humane) prisons while arresting those eligible for admission, and curtail/eliminate bail bonding and parole boards. We appreciate you, Erick.

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Nature abhors a vacuum. We, as a country, either strive against the force of the river of history or we get swept downstream. This is not, as one comment stated, in Reagan's America. Yet this doesn't change the responsibilities of this country. Sadly, the days are coming soon, when we no longer fulfill the obligations which belong to us. Then the vacuum will be filled by someone worse than our imagination.

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Sorry to disagree with you Erick--but this is not Reagan's America anymore. We should NOT be "leading the free world." Lead them into what?...WOKEism? Climate Change hysteria? LGBTQ agenda's? Trans dystopia? White Guilt? Submission to Big Pharma? Those are the current priorities of the USA and much of the collective West. The majority of the globe is repulsed by what the West is pushing.

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I was fortunate enough to have a brief TDY at Hickam AFB in 1987. Seeing the bullet scars on the walls of Base HQ there brought the attack home to me, still in the Cold War.

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