My comments today are disjoint, so apologies.

I don’t like AOC. But that doesn't mean that all she has to say is bunk. She spoke of Christ as an oppressed Palestinian, but failed to condemn Hamas. But her bias does not make her primary message wrong….just not something I care to hear.

Then there are the Planned Abortion folks who spent our government tax dollars this weekend running ads all over the place about how bad I am for cherishing newborn life. I wore out the channel changer flipping to get away from their lies. So happy to be a Texan where we will hound the abortion money machine to the gates of hell. AG Paxton is using the courts to protect life, AND WINNING. The Primary for me is over. I will base my vote next year on this very issue.

Years ago, I knew a priest in Omaha Nebraska, who went on to become a Bishop. He was an associate and a slot as a pastor opened up. I asked him to apply, but he refused. He did not believe in politicking for a slot, unlike his fellow priests. Instead, he believed in praying for all souls and letting God lead him where he is needed. God has now elevated him to the role of Bishop. A lesson I have heard and taken to heart.

Bishop Hannifelt wrote today about grace as a gift, and how we are shy about accepting a gift we think we did not deserve or ask for. I need to learn to be more open to the graces from God, and just humbly say thank you.

To all of you who contribute on this channel, and who read this today, Merry Christmas and God’s Graces to you and your family in the new year.


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Then we have Bidenomics which is actually Spendonomics. Break the Bank and that will fix It.

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I see where Russia is barring a pro peace candidate from running for President and and I wonder when that will happen here ?

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I love these posts. Keep them coming. Merry Christmas, Erick.

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Another great reminder. Thanks, Erick, and Merry Christmas!

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People have become so divided because our political leaders have bombarded us with gloom and doom if their agenda’s are not carried forward and accepted. Our democracy will not survive, we are told. Trump will become a dictator. The earth will die. On and on it goes. Everything is couched as extremes. Extreme weather. Extreme right, extreme left. Slowly but surely people are being frightened into taking a fearful side. The process may be self fulfilling.

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I have banned all political talk when I gather with my daughter and her husband. We agree to disagree and not discuss it!

There are some though who cannot stand to stay silent on the subject, and I'm sorry for that.

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Another powerful commentary that cuts like a knife--and I like it.

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Dear Erick, thank you so much for writing this piece. I have a family member who was a conservative talk show host in the Little Rock, Arkansas market. I’m sure you know who he is. He resigned from his position when he refused to be immunized for COVID, and for that reason and just being conservative, 5 of his 6 children have disowned him. It is truly sad. He raised his children in the PCA church, so they all have strong roots, and yet they have rejected their faith in favor of liberal idealism. One even blames his lack of financial resources on Capitalism. Truly a sad scenario.

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Thank you Erick, very well said.

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Preach! And Amen. Merry Christmas!

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Absolutely beautiful ....

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I just love your posts. And your book recommendations. You and William have the best libraries!!! I keep learning new things with both your selections.

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I haven't allowed politics to divide me from anyone. Trump is a disgusting pig, he's not worthy of high office. My Christian faith does not require that I "unite" with anyone that thinks he's some Godlike savior. I'll just pray for their souls. And find better dinner companions.

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Is their anyone worthy of high office?

There were Kings in the Old Testament that weren’t worthy also.

We have people running for President who don’t represent Gods values but are popular. President Trump served God’s purposes even if it was only for 4 years. He’s very annoying but God knew that.Think about it. Our Embassy was moved by Trump all previous Presidents were afraid to move it.

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Divide people into arguing tribes. Done now as in biblical times

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Take that up with Trump. It's all he does.

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