Correction: the enslaved "press" not "the mainstream press"

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Of the 12k jobs other than government jobs how many were full time and who was the lucky person that snagged three part time jobs so he or she can pay the rent and ramen noodles

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Will the election, and possibly our country, be lost to the Marxists because Trump could not restrain himself and his animosity toward Liz Cheney? No matter what he literally meant in using the imagery of rifles pointed at the woman's face, his use of language reinforces why a large majority of suburban women are uncomfortable with him, including many who flat-out dislike him for his behavior.

After Tuesday, will the Mark Steins and Larry Kudlows and Greg Kellys and hoards of other Trump cheerleaders at Fox, Newsmax and OANN, the cowardly GOP politicians from Florida and elsewhere, and a big chunk of the GOP primary voting public, admit that their unabashed support for this self-centered populist, over much saner choices like DeSantis or Haley, cost the GOP an easily winnable election and, much worse, cost the future of America dearly.

I sure do hope the Lord God rescues us from this fate, because I'm pretty sure we won't be rescued by Donald Trump's mouth.

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Has anyone else noticed that the expectations of 'analysts' and experts rarely get close to reality?

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I wonder if the press isn't covering up how well Trump is doing because they know if the Democrats see actual numbers of how enthusiastic and how much his voters are turning out for him, the Democrats won't turn out at all, and it will become a Mondale-like election result. I would love that so much.

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I think when congress declares war, they should have to draft their sons and daughters immediately into service if they're between 18 and 40. I also think to even qualify for congress or the senate you should have to have served in the armed forces at least 2 years. Lastly, I love the idea that when the government declares war if they do then they THEMSELVES would have to also go. We've been a nation at war since our founding. Far too often those who start these wars never have to fight in them. That said, I wouldn't someone like Biden or Harris or AOC commanding our troops because they'd be slaughter with such incompetence leading them.

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Democrats Trump, Clinton and Biden were all draft dodgers, and are all Leftists.

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Do members of Congress own their adult children? As chattel?

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If these people had to sacrifice their own sons and daughters first, they wouldn't be so reckless or flippant with the lives of everyone else's

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John Kelly did.

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More dismaying than the slight drop in private-sector employment is the continuing Super Mario-like gobbling up of the workforce by government.

Trump's plans to reduce the momentum of bureaucracy and shrink its payrolls cannot start soon enough.

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REALLY??? He added 7 trillion to the debt.

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23 million unionized government employees along with 430 federal agencies. Way past due for a right sizing.

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Everyone should read on Redstate The feel Good Friday “ the Resurrection of WNC written by Jennifer Oliver O’Connell . It will bring tears to your heart. That is what this country is all about. Neighbors helping neighbors coming from everywhere. So much money poured in to the election when it could be used to help our fellow citizens, disgraceful.

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Humm…, a statement taken out of context and blown up for political advantage? Kind of like what you and others did with Joe’s garbage statement? As you know well, Erick, politics is about winning, not honesty. Is the pot calling kettle black? It is unfortunate for the Trump team their candidate extinguished the garbage narrative with yet another politically stupid statement. And let’s suppose Biden did intend to call Trump’s supporters “garbage.” He could have been much more critical by saying they are members of a cult that will vote to elevate a felonious, insurrectionist, sexual abuser to the office of POTUS — which would be true. “Garbage” is by far the more genteel description.

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Hi All, I believe if we stop responding to this far left troll he will get bored and leave. He gets off on our replies. Let’s stop feeding the beast. I am all for dissenting positions. But, the insults and over the top comments from SP ruins intelligent discourse.

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I’m sure I am waaaayyyyy more Conservative than you. Please cite where Trump is quoting Burke, Buckley, Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Henry Hazlitt and others. No, he talks about Arnold Palmer’s genitals, simulates oral sex with a microphone, and then people like you spin for him.

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I am not far left. Life long Republican. Funny how you Trumpers think anyone who sees Trump for who/what he is must be a leftist Dem.

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Here again, paying money just to troll and criticize. There's many social media sites that are completely free you could troll and fire your shots at the GOP from with zero cost. Considering this, the fact that you're willing to pay money just to be able to hate read/listen to Erick just so you can attack conservatives and Trump supports really shows how deep the rot in your soul goes. Anyone willing to pay money just to be able to be nasty and rude to people they don't agree with must be a trust miserable person. Also, this article is essentially about people like you, because your own mental gymnastics to believe Joe Biden didn't call us garbage is on a truly pathological level of self delusion and cognitive dissonance. There is no cult, we're not brainwashed idiots. We see how evil and destructive the Left is with all of their intersectional-secular-maxist-woke destroying every nation including our own, and we're voting for polices and an administration that will combat that. It's really that simple. The fact you think it has to be a cult only further highlights your biases and you myopic world view.

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So, did you vote for Trump in the primary?

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Is the Constitution important to you? (No.) Is the Rule of Law important to you? (Apparently not.) Are gun rights important to you - let’s discuss Garland v. Cargill. I’m not the “Leftist” here - that’s you - supporting a lifelong Democrat and Democrat donor.

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Yes, that's me, obviously... all of my support for the GOP and conservative policies (unlike you apparently) is all just a clever ruse. You caught me! You're so smart! Slow clap everyone, slow clap 👏 ...He said with zero sarcasm... Your outrage and anger changes nothing, does nothing, and your accusations and insults only make you sound like a bitter angry fool. You're just another never Trumper with TDS out your ears and ass, and since you can't take it out on him directly you want to snipe at everyone one of his supporters you can. You have my pity, nothing else, because that has to be as miserable of a way to live as any progressive could imagine.

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And now the polls are going overly bias for Harris to try and prop up her chances and give some hope to Dems so they vote.

Yet over 70% of the electorate has already voted. So shock treatment stuff like words isn’t going to have an impact at this point.

If it comes down to a few undecided people trump wins.

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If Harris sometimes wins this thing, I'll be waiting for the handout crowd when they come around saying they need help. My response will be you get what you pay for.

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I get so tired of the whole “chicken hawk” slur as if only veterans can favor a strong foreign policy that might involve militaries and fighting. I remember Rush Limbaugh was sometimes attacked as such when he supported W. Bush’s policies in the 2000’s.

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There isn’t a person out there that wishes this was over more than me. I don’t know how the leftist media doesn’t have vertigo from all of the spinning that they do. For everyone that has not voted YET, look at our economy (the debt), look at the crime, look at the open border, look in your pockets and then go vote.

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I’m a National Review Conservative: there are no Republicans to vote for, only two Democrats. I left the POTUS part of my Republican ballot blank.

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The border is my biggest reason to throw the current bums out. They have deliberately endangered the lives of countless Americans. And for what reason? Right now the criminals are picking us off one by one, but how long before there is a larger terrorist attack from some of the militants who were freely allowed to come in over the last few years?

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Education people going back?

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Think about this: 12,000 new jobs is only about 4 jobs for the county you live in!

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I listened to what Trump said. He said Cheney is “dumb:” this from a man who has said that the United States still uses “brand new Sherman tanks” and has something called a “military supreme.” And, lately, as when advocating for expanding Obamacare to pay for IVF, Trump is often incoherent. As for the “military industrial complex:” 1) When was the GOP taken over by Leftist hippies? 2) The US pays more in interest on the debt than it spends on Medicare or Defense. Again - the “dumb” person here is Donald The Draft Dodger.

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I will never understand why some of you pay to subscribe just to nay-say and troll people who actually support the GOP. If Trump is the candidate, love him or hate him, he is your GOP candidate. If you support the GOP policies and want that style of governance then that is who you have to support. If all you want to do is whin and criticize then there's plenty of free social media you could go troll vs paying to come here with your angst.

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You know, Justin, Erick does not like Trump either. If you want all Trump love all the time, there are plenty of other sites you can participate on.

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I did not vote for Trump in the primary. He was not my first choice. Like Erick, I'm not a fan of his character on a personal level. I did not support him in 2016, but after seeing how well he ran the country and put America first I voted for him in 2020. Unlike many, I can set my personal opinions aside, see the bigger picture, and do what's best for the nation and vote against the evil of the Left. That all said, I do not think Trump is evil or awful or detestable. He's not Hitler or the devil. 2 things can be true at the same time: I can openly and happily support Trump because of his policies, while also admitting I wouldn't want him teaching my son morality.

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I am just trying to find someone/anyone who will admit to voting for Trump in the primary. Those are his true supporters. I have no issue with those who will vote for him as the lesser of two evils (even though I will not), but those who voted for him in the primary are truly under the spell of a cult of personality.

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I'm not a forever-Trumper. I wanted DeSantis truth be told. I criticize and praise equally like Erick. Erick's perspective on Trump and this election mirrors mine for the most part

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So, what about the simulated oral sex with a microphone? We are supposed to ignore that, too? I thought Trump was a “very stable genius.” I’m VERY Conservative - way more Conservative than 99% of Trump supporters, and I refuse to vote for a Leftist like Trump.

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Yep. Mine too, except I could never vote Trump after 1/6. Was going to leave blank, but then his 20% tariff plan pushed me to Kamala, as it would destroy my business. Been voting Republican since I was 18. Sure wish the Trump base had not forced me out.

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