This is the first time EVER that I’ve seen this break down. Had no idea. Thank you and this is why I read/listen to you

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Agree - emphatically - regarding Ukraine. I may go ahead and sign up for SS just so I can send the check to them - money well spent that I don't need

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Great work Erick. Thanks for making this case. This is some of your best work on the radio. It is interesting that many people on the so called right don't agree with this analysis. MTG specifically seems to think so little of America that she uses the straw man argument against Ukraine funding. America is a dynamic nation that can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can fix our border and make sure Ukraine is able to defend itself against this illegal invasion. Putin is abducting Ukrainian children, bombing Ukranian hospitals, and trying to wipe this nation off the map the same way Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map. Thanks again for this.

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He can’t make a case.He has DEMENTIA. We just put my 86 yo father in law in assisted living. He has Lewy Body Dementia. Joe Biden has dementia and we are participating in a mass delusional psychosis to continue to keep him in office. I never saw the day coming when an active mental patient would be the President. It is disgusting and infirm to continue down this path. Get this man out of office before he tries to set the House on fire, like daddy did. I’m

lying in bed chuckling to myself but this is no laughing matter and it is embarrassing. It is stunning and unhinged to keep

Pretending this is not the case. However, Joe Biden has elevated the talking points that an Alzheimer’s patient can do anything including run the free world. So I don’t want to hear another word about an elderly, incontinent person being incapable of driving, buying or selling or even running for office. Come on grandma, you can do it, with snuff and drool

Running down your chin and poop on the back of your clothing. Joe Biden does. He is the poster child for Alzheimer’s and a most compelling role model.

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Let’s pretend for a minute the money isn’t an issue. Nor corruption/embezzling our funding.

What’s the plan?

Is there an exit strategy?

Why draw arbitrary lines of how far we will support the war (in terms of the kinds of weapons that are supplied)?

I fail to understand how the lessons of Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, and others do not apply here.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023

There are two logical exits

1) Ukraine wins = Russia goes home (maybe because Putin dies)

2) Russia wins= they likely have a new Afghanistan (they did not learn)

The point here is to make this as painful and difficult as possible for Russia (note to China) to discourage this behavior.

This is a geopolitical war, Russia and China are playing chess. Russia has brought Africa into the game. I don't think it is coincidence that they are doing this with a Democrat in office, if not Biden specifically. Afghanistan was taken under Carter, Crimea was taken under Obama.

Elections matter, foreign policy matters.


- Korea: armistice don't work, we don't split off Eastern Ukraine as a concession.

- Vietnam: Ukraine as whole country is a Western ally. Vietnam was split coming out of WWII. If there is a lesson here it is don't send U.S. troops; we aren't. Vietnam was a proxy war. Russia is waging this war.

- Others? Maybe Kuwait and Desert Shield, that was a success.

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Biden CANNOT explain to the American public because he can’t comprehend what’s going on

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There are very good arguments against funding this war which site a history between Russia and Ukraine that is barely talked about in any media outlet, outside of some internet blogs. I won't try to go into that, but suffice it to say that Ukraine does not appear to just be the kid that the bully Russia is knocking around. And the US may have been complicit in helping this whole thing materialize.

In any case, let's say it's a totally justifiable conflict (war) for the US to be involved in. Considering the terrible state of our military readiness, in every facet, should we be shipping our weapons of war half way across the globe and leaving ourselves vulnerable? I believe I can make the case that every time a Dem gets in office, he strips the US military down to bare-bones in order to spend debt-ridden dollars on social programs. Whu, besides a corrupt worldview? Because there are always a lot more people that will vote for more social spending than there are voters in favor of being able to make war. While the whole military complex has become a very deep, dark hole that a buttload of money has disappeared into for decades, a lot of it wasted I'm sure, the fact remains that we have to be able to protect ourselves first and foremost, because if we sink into oblivion, the world (and the Ukranians) won't have anybody to fight THEIR battles for them either. I think it's time we start considering a little more seriously just what it means to be the world's military if we cannot even spend the money to train and equip our own MEN for war. And yeah, I meant that.

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Good post. I don't really have strong opinions on Ukraine funding, but am surprised I have not seen this case made before.

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Zelensky was installed by the CIA to get Oil above $120 a barrel and drive the climate BS.

Talk about an “endless” war, this is the textbook definition.

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Not saying you're wrong, but what evidence have you seen to support this?

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Thank you for this analysis. Russia must accept its post-USSR borders and retire its imperial ambitions, leaving Ukraine (& other former satellite states) alone. As long as Ukrainians will fight, we with other free nations should help them -- and we can do that along with all else we need to, including replenishing all matériel. Fuel their Air Force quickly.

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Great point Erick! Like you, I am absolutely in favor of full-throttled support of Ukraine (and Taiwan).

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My hair is on fire! Our country is being invaded and we continue to fret over Ukraine. Biden is now granting legal status to illegal sub-groups. I cannot worry about Ukraine's borders while ours is not protected. That is a constitutional obligation that many elected officials from all parties have failed to provide for America's citizens-- yet expect us to be okay with $$$ invested (again) in another country for their security. Nah.

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We are a 26 trillion dollar economy. with an annual military budget of over 800 billion. Do you think that we cannot fund this military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine and fix our border at the same time?

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I had no idea they had any plans to do so. I apologize for my rash comments...I was definitely being mean and giving them no credit. Maybe you could share the details of when this administration plans to "fix" our border.

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Good one on you, mate.

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Why fight the war to the last Ukrainian? Russia will not be stopped unless they are invaded. That will never happen. As Hitler and the General Staff found out, kill one Russian and five more take his place.

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Russia today is a corrupt nation of less than 150 million people with an economy less than the size of South Korea. It has massive wealth inequality with huge segments of their economy concentrated in the hands of a few people. The average Russian lives on the same amount of money as the average Chinese. Russia's economy is being kneecapped by the west. This isn't the Soviet Union during the Second World War. The USSR had a larger population than today. The amount of aid Stalin's Soviet State got from the US was staggering. They received 400,000 jeeps and trucks 14,000 airplanes, 8,000 tractors,13,000 tanks,1.5 million blankets,15 million pairs of boots,107,000 tons of cotton, and 4.5 Million tons of food on top of the common allied efforts fighting Germany from the US and the British . Ukraine is getting the aid of the west. This is not a comparison that stands up to even superficial scrutiny. Russia has been stopped already. It is a question now of how long it will take for them to be chased out. Losing the Black Sea Fleet, 300,000 soldiers dead, an absolutely wrecked economy (what Ruble doing?), ICC Indicted President, and export markets for their crap military gear drying up will be joined by more losses over time.

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Erick, I would like to know where this general audit came from. CNN was very capable of giving a real-time calculation of daily Covid cases and deaths, so maybe they (since they are the general mouth piece for the Biden administration) or the White House can put together a similar real-time calculation of our "giving" amounts, how and where it is spent, and then a daily balance. I would just be happy with a weekly balance sheet. I'm not holding my breath anything like this or even similar will come to fruition.

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Wont see anything in our lifetime.

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And anyone thinks the “president” is at all capable of delivering a thorough, organized, cogent, point-by-point, comprehensive presentation of these kinds of facts and data? Maybe an automaton made by Disney that looks like him and is pre-programmed with the information. But not the “live” in-person version.

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Can you say D E M E N T I A?

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It is sad that this is very true.

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Thank you Erick. I see you’ve stirred up the mob though. God bless the Ukrainian patriots.

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